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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. My experience with Bondo & co auto fillers is that they get hard as a rock and are a pain to blend to the plastic. Mori Mori & Tamiya had the best consistency, and you could still polish them super smooth. The true test is when you have to re-engrave all the panel lines you recklessly puttied over. The softer puttys will crumble at the edges. Also, polyester putty has a limited shelf life; at one point hardening takes forever or doesn't happen at all. @Urashiman 3D printing surely is tedious business...😳
  2. Ah, a guilty pleasure movie of mine. Also features this guy Willem here: The real gem of the movie is hidden in the end credits, the track "Deeper And Deeper" by my then favourite 80s-SF-Rock bands The Fixx
  3. For the thin gaps I use Vallejo Plastic Putty, which is water based, so excess material can be removed immediately. But it's onyl useful for those cases, since you can't sand it. The larger areas are white Tamiya putty. Is Tamiya polyester putty universally banned? I ran out of my last batch, and it's unavailable everywhere.
  4. @Urashiman The level of detail is amazing! _ I think I'm in the final round of putty & sanding work on the fuselage. And it's starting to look like an Invader
  5. Revell's N1 Starfighter from "The Mandalorian" hits the stores. In 1/24, it's about 45 cm long. https://www.revell.de/en/products/licences/star-wars/star-wars-the-mandalorian/the-mandalorian-n1-starfighter.html
  6. HMA Garage is working on more expensive stuff
  7. Looking forward to see how this turns out! Great details, but the panel lines seem a bit strong, so maybe you refrain from doing a wash here.
  8. @Thom I wouldn't have worried about those intakes since you really need a flashlight to spot the seams on a finished kit. But since you got the replacements, it will look better just in case. @derex3592 The pilots look cool, and I can't wait to see the B-1 being build. _ After all the brain surgery on the WZ-10, it finally feels good to have someting for the inner lumberjack modeler. The Hobby Boss Intruder is by no means a bad kit, but since I almost exclusively do gear up builds, some trouble is to be expected.
  9. Mando constantly getting into trouble (even zapped by Jawas) and questioning his ways was part of the charm of the episodes I watched. Supersoldiers are so one-dimensional.
  10. Next IMS is a Schpeltor variant. Can't really tell the difference tbh.
  11. Don't forget Midnight Mass, I think it's on Netflix. Oh and Gerald's Game, after Stephen King's novel, is pretty good, too.
  12. @all Thanks for the flowers, always happy to keep you entertained! Big props to Trumpeter for this awesome kit and it's level of details (like the PE wipers). In the end, I just added some bits of wire. Back with my Intruder soon.
  13. Thank you @wm cheng! It's the new 1/48 kit from Trumpeter, my eyes are too old for 1/72.
  14. It's done. No outdoor shooting, but some nice soft light from overcast sky. Some more in my Flickr album
  15. You might want to wait until next year for the new Trumpeter kit: https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/11030655
  16. There was a styrene kit of the Firefox in 2019, but it was 1/144; kinda underwhelming. https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10644835 In other eastern news, I finished the WZ-10 and wanted to take it outside for a proper shooting, but the wind was too dangerous... So here's another preliminary pic:
  17. I doubt that it's economically reasonable to print a kit that you can just buy from a store.
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