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Everything posted by Vifam7

  1. From my experience in building the VF-1A fighter, the only parts that needed glue was for 1. attaching the wheels to the landing gear 2. attaching the missiles to the pylons 3. attaching the pylons to the wing 4. attaching those teeny tiny antennae on the forward fuselage Everything else was snap fit.
  2. Joe Sutter, "Father of the 747" passes away. http://www.seattletimes.com/business/boeing-aerospace/joe-sutter-led-the-incredibles-who-pioneered-boeings-747-jumbo-jet/ http://aviationweek.com/commercial-aviation/joe-sutter-father-747-dies-95
  3. My VF-1A kit came with a clear colored stand so chances are the VF-31s will as well.
  4. Canopy size comparison. A tad wider than the F-15 canopy. But not wider than the A-7 Corsair canopy The Gimix VF-1 canopy is a tad big but within the range of acceptability I think.
  5. The nose gear on the Gimix is a tad on the thick side. It also seems a bit too tall/long. However, the length is needed to give the model the proper horizontal stance. The nose gear on the F-Toys is nice and thin but way too short, giving the aircraft an awkward nose down stance. Later tonight, I'll compare the canopy size with that of a F-15.
  6. Finished building the Tomytec Gimix VF-1A. Took me about 3-hours to complete (1-hour each night). Like all of the prior Gimix aircraft releaes, this is a very impressive kit. Lots of fantastic detail. Most parts simply snap into place. Glue is needed to put on the wheels, missiles, pylons, and forward fuselage antennae. The forward fuselage antennae is microscopically small. Be very careful. They can easily get lost. My advice is to use superglue (cyanoacrylate) and quickly get them attached. First some pics of the VF-1 on the tarmac Now for the comparison to the F-Toys VF-1A. Granted, it's not a fair contest. One costs 500 yen, the other costs 3,000yen.
  7. The F-35 is starting to get its supporters in the press. Pilots prefer the F-35 according to report by retired USAF pilot (and former Thunderbirds commander): http://www.businessinsider.com/why-f-35-worth-every-penny-heritage-foundation-2016-8?r=UK&IR=T
  8. Search Tamiya Polish at Amazon Italy. This is the sanding cream. Then search Pledge Floor Care at Amazon Italy. Get the one that says "with Future Shine" on the bottle. This is the clear coating finish.
  9. That's not a pic of a Super Tucano. That's a Beechcraft AT-6. This is the Super Tucano that the US purchased for the Afghan Air Force
  10. Maybe they should make a Moe Moe Anime Girls Go. Might get otaku to go out and get some exercise.
  11. I have the Vf-1A kit. The canopy is not frosted.
  12. Having built the Bandai VF-1 kit, my recommendation for all Bandai Macross kits, when it comes to general colors, is to mask and paint as much as possible. It's actually a lot easier than you think. And easier than using the brittle Bandai decals. I would just use the decals for the markings (numbers, insignia, words, etc)
  13. If it's anything like previous Bandai decals, they will lay on bare plastic just fine. However, once the decal is on, I recommend dabbing on decal softener. The decal softener will help melt the decal onto the plastic. Then, when dry, spray on the top coat. Doing this will help prevent the decal from crumbling off.
  14. Note: the extra decals come only with the 2-mode sets. The VF-1S set comes with the Royal Maces and Starfighters tail decals The VF-1A set comes with VFA-195 Dambusters "Chippy Ho!" tail, a Fleet Air Arm 800 NAS tail (a SeaHarrier squadron!), and one other that I can't identify.
  15. Try using Tamiya polishing compound. It's sorta like sandpaper as a paste. This stuff is specifically made for polishing up canopies of model aircraft. It's an abrasive so it should remove the matt coat you sprayed on. Dab a bit on a Q-tip and rub away. Start with "coarse" paste then move to "fine" paste.
  16. I've always had issues with the location, gear covers, leg length, and/or wheel size <-my biggest complaint with most VFs. I try to change/mod what I can on Valk kits.
  17. I don't know who the Top Gear Chris Evans is, but he came across as someone who was over-acting and being overtly loud. Matt LeBlanc did good though. He has charisma and the right tone for what the British Top Gear should be like. I hope it gets better. In the meantime, I'm enjoying Top Gear America. This season's episodes are pretty good.
  18. Stinger missiles have argon gas stored in the "battery coolant unit". https://fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/docs/ch2.pdf
  19. According to the placard, this is going to be fully transformable. Though that doesn't mean perfect transformation. Also suggests, easy buildup and lots of articulation for playability. Personally, I'm excited. I wasn't interested in the whole Kan-Colle thing but Valkyries + cute girls? I'm on board.
  20. This is why I recommended using CA glue. It'll be easier and faster to get those fiddly bits glued on. Trust me, you'll want to use CA glue when you get to the missiles and pylons.
  21. Also, some MANPADS don't rely on an IR seeker. For example, the British Starstreak is laser guided.
  22. Not sure if that many rounds is actually needed in any one mission though... I mean, how often do A-10s come home with 30mm rounds empty, when used? If gun ammo was that important, how come the Marine Corps Harriers only carries 300 rounds of 25mm? And the Russian Su-25, only 250 rounds of the 30mm?
  23. A-10 or F-35? It depends on the situation. http://www.defensenews.com/story/defense/air-space/air-force/2016/05/05/f-35-a-10-air-force-fighter-jet/83961964/
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