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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. Get Smart was a Spy spoof. Small Wonder counts as worst show in any and EVERY category. I'd even rate it worst mecha show...
  2. I have to cancel my earlier vote and agree, I never knew this stupid show lasted four seasons, now I have to go lobotomize myself.
  3. Great show, I was thinking it would be just another silly, over the top, show till it takes a complete left turn (and then goes on to make a couple more) [EDIT] - AND it managed to stay silly while being serious too. Even the English cast did a great job with it.
  4. strangely enough a search on the Buck Rogers TV show brought this up near the top of the links... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCsUe_z1-H4
  5. Worst ever would be the second season of Buck Rogers, with the notable exception of Wilma Dearing's new uniform - which made the show watchable. Spock (er Hawk) was a dreadful character. Voyager was the worst ST show - the preachiness factor in that show went through the roof.
  6. I bet you missed the Stargate too! SciFi did a mention of this as well - it appears that Arnold (as Dutch from Predator) was in "The Phantom Menace"...
  7. Space Mutiny gave us an episode of MST3K, and a mighty fine addition it made. "Everyone! Look alive!"
  8. Only good thing about that show is that it proves that the Brits make bad TV shows too... I never heard of it before even though it was supposedly syndicated in the US.
  9. No - "The Island" was a remake of "Parts - The Clonus Horror" (so says the lawsuit and avid MST3K viewers). And Parts does deserve a mention on the list - even though it had a decent idea the actual movie itself fell flat (excellent MST3K source material though) I don't remember "Space Police", your not refering to "Space Rangers" (or maybe it is a US/elsewhere title change). Space Rangers truly was dreadful in every possible way.
  10. No - but that brings to mind the TV series "Quark", which would belong on this list if it were a movie rather then a TV show.
  11. They were not planning on using the footage as a Macross continuation, they were planning on a different show.
  12. Perhaps, but I grew out of it... (*sorry, I couldn't help myself*)
  13. Bottom line, it is an OVA. If perceived quality had anything to do with it then nothing would qualify. Also - your loathing of the show in question does not detract from it being an OVA, indeed - since it is not a theatrical movie and was never on TV (as far as I can tell), the only definition that fits is OVA, or a synonymous english term. Sources: (note that many/all of these state that OAVs generaly have higher budgets or quality it is not a rule) http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/lexicon.php?id=35 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Original_video_animation http://www.wordiq.com/definition/OVA And since the horse is dead, buried, dug up, creamated, ashes spread out to sea, sucked up with the oil in Gulf, and reburied in a landfill, my part in this is done...
  14. OK - I've just heard the DUMEST (so Dumb it forgot the B) movie idea ever. (This even beats out the remake of Piranha) I'm at work so I can't watch the clips, will have to remember to do so when I get home.
  15. yes - it's not what Marvel and DC call it, but that is what things released directly for home use is. Shadow Chronicles is actually an interesting case though - they tried to get it to theaters first (and in some small way did) but it was not a wide release. So one COULD argue that Shadow Chronicles is a theatrical movie which they then released on DVD (I would not do that personally). Which shows the whole distinction between OVA, Theatrical, and TV is nebulous at best. (Didn't just happen to Shadow Chronicles, the original Battlestar Galactica was first released as a movie in Canada for instance)
  16. Just started watching Eureka Seven. First episode was interesting. Still have to get back to watching FMA:Brotherhood (first couple episodes were so close to FMA that I have not gotten round to more yet - but I know they diverge later on)
  17. I never knew that watching an OVA gives one the ability to declare what is or is not an OVA. I've been watching them since the mid eighties - must make me an expert as well, so I declare the Robotech stuff to be OVAs.
  18. Unlike some movies, that had a picture of a Dragon and a bunch of helicopters on the movie poster, THIS one actually did have helicopters fighting dragons (and not just one - even if is just a rehashed CGI model of the same one)
  19. How did I miss this earlier? Anyway, they play the thing for laughs - think of the Three Bears from the Bugs Bunny cartoons and you have how the three bears in this behaved. It also has the great line "OK, let'd do the Avon lady routine - I'll knock on the door and you cover me with the Uzi". NOTE - I was in my late teens / early twenties when I saw this...
  20. Seconded. Just saw "The Forbidden Kingdom" last night, and although it is a US (or western) movie, I liked it a lot. I'm pretty sure I mentioned that "Kung Fu Hustle" is one of the funiest movies I've ever seen - but it is worth mentioning again.
  21. The Star Blazers website has a bit more info. It appears there was an English subtitled showing of the movie at a Canadian film festival (legal and all from the sound of it too). http://www.starblazers.com/html.php?page_id=484&PHPSESSID=ee79669da464014e6560fd08aea5927e
  22. They don't normally list movies unless they plan on renting them though and have reason to believe they can get them in stock sometime. They don't even list series DVDs till they are available, even if they already are renting earlier episodes. As an example - they don't have the Yamato WWII movie on their system even though there is an English subtitled version available.
  23. Netflix has the movie listed in their system, no release date yet - but I don't think they list movies unless someone is planning to release a US version (most likely subbed but that is good with me)
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