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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. Just saw the first episode here in the states, short and sweet review - I like it. As for the new Dr. acting like the old, what do people expect? About 20 times during the episode he says that the regen is not quite done yet...
  2. Especially when the damage in Wrath of Khan was done with a clay version of the ship. (they didn't have the budget to do anything else, so they modelled the sections of the ship that get hit in clay, then they just scrap off the clay to show the damage). The end result was excellent so I'm not complaining. (see the DVD commentary and documentary stuff for a description of what they did - it also has the great clip by the director saying that getting a good performance out of Shatner consisted of having him say his lines so many times Shatner got bored and stopped overacting...)
  3. This movie was the proof of Dark Helmet's line "Evil will always triumph over good becuase good is stupid" The prequals made the Jedi look like a bunch of stupid jerks. I find it hard to believe that it took less then 20 years for the galaxy to start wanting them back...
  4. Cliched characters, new age mumbo jumbo plot, just not for me. CG Animation was top notch though. It also suffers from one of the worst tension killers a film can commit - making it obvious that the afterlife is a great place to be - if so then everyone should shoot themselves and get this crummy life over with. You may need to quantify this as to who overrates it, I would think that 99% of the US population has no idea it even exists. Since I can't really remember ANYTHING about the film even though I've seen it I would have to agree that it is overrated though.
  5. Most historical films do have this. If they say the following. Based on a true story - There might have been real people with the same names as some of the characters. Don't count on it though. Inspired by real events - This movie is a total fantasy No claim at all - pure fiction. (then there is one more thing that write for films that actually try to be accurate, but I can't remember it right now)
  6. While I like both of these movies, they are also a great indication of why Verhoeven should never be allowed to direct a Robotech movie (maybe he could do the Southern Cross portion but never the Macross portion)
  7. I'd have to go with Zoe as well. Surprisingly enough, I think Sarah Jane looks better now then she did during Dr. Who. (maybe it was just those seventies fashions...) (Natiest would have to be Joe Grant and the picture of her with a Dalek...)
  8. Parts of it, like the death of Book, don't have the same impact without having seen the series (it's like Roy's death in DYRL, just not quite the same without having seen SDFM first). I also count Serenity as one of the best scifi of all time. The Matrix - Overated. I liked it, but I could easily tell that the movie makers just dashed a bunch of mumbo jumbo together - and didn't really have anything to say. First Sequal - overated, like someone else said, this film can't be reviled enough. Second Sequal - Parts of this I liked, OK - all I really liked was watching the Mechs fighting...
  9. There was another one, it wasn't very good, but it was bad in a very good way. Two kids end up in a fallout shelter in the (fifties)? with nothing but food and dective comics. They come back out in the eighties (looking to be 20ish...) after a nuclear war. They are dressed and act like comic book dcks (detectives) while everyone else is dressed up in eighties style post apocalypse clothing... For some reason I don't remember the rest of the movie. Another bad movie with a scifi portion was "Deadtime Stories", it was a horror movie about a guy telling his niece and nephew bedtime stories so he could go watch TV, one of the stories was Goldilocks and the three bears, but in this case the three bears were bank robbers (think of the three bears from Bugs bunny fame - but they are people instead of bears) and Goldilocks had telekinetic powers. Neither of those movies is for kids.
  10. I'm not a kung fu or samurai watcher these days, but I LOVED (I mean I thought it was GREAT!!!!) Kung Fu Hustle. In my younger days I watched and enjoyed the Sho kusagu (I just butchered his name) Ninja movies "Enter the Ninja", etc... One scene in one of the movies a big heavset guy walked in with Nunchunks, my friend said "I wonder if he knows how to use them", right after that the guy starts doing something stupid with them "Well that answers that question". I forget which one of those movies had the two Ninjas getting ready to fight across the Tennis court - but that was a hoot too. Finally, I saw the latest version of Zatoichi (spelling again) and I liked it, enough so that I'm going to rent the original Zatoichi movies.
  11. Were you planning on seeing it even if he didn't direct it? Personally I plan on going to see it if it ever gets made (well, not if Mr. Boll directs...). I'm not saying I expect it to be done or not, just that I will go see it if it does. But hey, I thought Shadow Chronicles was decent (not great, just decent).
  12. that's great, I haven't seen someone do that since "The Sword and the Sorcerer" (it would qualify for worst fantasy film of all time)
  13. Although it certainly was terrible, I did like watching it. Unlike another dragon based movie it at least delivered what it promised (Dragon's fighting against modern weapons), unlike another recent dragon movie that did not. "Reign of Fire", had that picture with a Dragon getting ready to fight with a bunch of Apache Helicopters, somehow that scene didn't make it into the movie though.
  14. It was one of my favorite MST3K episodes, I can say that much. And it had my favorite riff ever(*), "Lets look lively everyone!" - and it wasn't even a line from the MST3K crew. (can't say why it's great - that gives it away) (*) - Second favorite, my favorite is from a vampire movie, the must have scene at the end where they are killing the vampire in a boarded up building, hero hits a support off the building revealing sunlit - and the vampire instantly bursts into flames - to which crow says the following line deadpan "Gee - some people burn awefully easy in the sun" But back to Space Mutiny - it was an absolute disaster of a movie without the MST3K treatment.
  15. on the new trailers, did I see a union jack on the Daleks? (the trailer for the UK has a close shot of a Dalek, and I thought I saw the flag on it, it's pretty small and could just be a red and white smudge though) EDIT - never mind - the trailer above CLEARLY shows that it was a Union Jack...
  16. Mark me down as another hater. The show had promise, but when I spend half of each episode KNOWING that every character is a stupid moron (even the ones that are supposed to be smart), well that puts a damper on things. Case in point, those people have NO idea about securing nuclear weaponry... On a different note, I just finished watching Planetes, and it was worth every minute of my life spent watching it. It was good enough that I ended up watching the last 4 episodes last night instead of waiting till tonight, I had to see what would happen next.
  17. But *I* did say they remove stuff that was there, attention, pay some! (the nuance bit) I'll agree that it is much more likely to get an atrocious dub then it is an atrocious sub.
  18. By that logic, in order to truly appreaciate ANYTHING you have to be a native speaker of the language and culture it was created in, dub, sub, voice over translation - NONE of these can bring out the origal intended experience. A good dub is MUCH harder then a good sub, but the latest Akira and Nausica prove that it can be done (note, NOT the older version of either). A sub can be just as bad as a dub as well. It is well known that a dub has to match the lips (more of less) of the character speaking - what is not as well appreaciated is that a sub must often leave out a lot of nuance in order to make it readable in the time available for it to be on screen (just watch an english DVD with the subtitles on and see how much of what the characters say does not make it into the subtitles)
  19. Yes, people are far too stringy, Dog on the other hand smokes up very nicely. "A modest Proposal" anyone?
  20. Of course your forgetting the next bit - where she said if they were NOT blanks she would have shot her father instead. I'm willing to believe it was the truth too.
  21. I just finished watching it, I got the feeling it didn't really go anywhere, could just be me though. Lafiel's english VA doesn't seem to know how to put any emotion in her voice. That said, I do have the follow up series in my NetFlix queue - but it has to wait behind Planetes and FMA.
  22. Stating the blatantly obvious does not make one a prophet. (insert smiley here...) Surprising would have been for something to get released.
  23. That's great! I'm watching the first series now, and if the followup is even better then I'm in for a treat. Code geass on the other hand, sent the disk back to netflix without even watching all the episodes.
  24. When "Misa" was not trying to sound bossy she was fine, when she was trying to sound bossy it sounded more like chalk scrapping across a chalckboard to me (and she has to sound bossy most of the time). The VA that played her had a pleasing enough voice when doing the commentary on DVD, she just seems to have tried too hard. I much preferred the subtitled dialog versus the dubbed dialog too. (even more so then normal in this case)
  25. You don't need to have any proof of that to get a cease and desist - you need proof of damages in order to get restitution. What UEG should do is claim there project is a parody, then there is nothing that HG can do to stop them. (well, sue them into oblivion is viable).
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