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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. My last movie was conjuring 2. But eh if you're going to take RT seriously then all the indie movies should be raking up the cash. Little prince? Little men??? I got a alot to catch up on but not missing this one on Friday.
  2. not sure, btts says august, and technically it's august now. mine are in the air from hlj. hopefully they don't fall apart like c3p0.
  3. nothing against white stripes, but again, don't like the music choice...not sold on cyborg...never really sold on cyborg. Flash looks cool (i don't watch flash tv show) so no conflicts there. Mamoa is water Drogo so OK! i do like Ben's last line in the trailer.
  4. Hmm not sure I dig this version. the torso looks short and thick in comparison to the legs. Maybe it's the thickness throwing me off or my idealized memory of the cartoon could be very wrong lol.
  5. that's great to hear! i didn't grab her, gotta spend on other things, but watching the reviews, she looks top notch. great thing about figma (possibly goes for shf as well) is that they don't reuse generic body parts. they're all custom to each figure so far as i've seen...but like the introduction to any collection...watch out for that quicksand lol
  6. A7 can you put up kevin's smith review too, and others that can articulate fair reasoning for and against? ....but not Grace,,can't stand her. The amount of retarded comments in anything about this movie is brain cell melting.
  7. I do Hlj or ami. If it has exclusive accessories from good smile you might want to order from them but pay full price
  8. did not see this on the radar even on goodsmile. elsa *edit. nvm, it's up on GS now.
  9. the model looks sturdier than i thought...unlike the vf-25 kits. Might pick up more kits for delta then.
  10. haven't seen it yet, but Schnepp, who has been vocal about how much he didn't like bvs, has turned around with the 3 hour cut. spoiler review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSI2w1Q_PXk
  11. I smashed my vaders helmet down causing it to form a slight button on the tip of the peg. Now it sits lower and doesn't spin around. Can't say same results would be for everyone else of course. You could clip the peg a little bit and add some future to thicken it up as an alternative. I think the size of the head is in proportion to the thinness of the body imo but it could use a little more bulk overall...just a little. The height is great to fit in with the black series. It's the only mafex I have until the bvs figures start rolling out. Waiting to see how suicide squad turns out also before preordering those.
  12. Fine, I'll start it. Here are some upcoming mafex figures All can be found here: http://news.toyark.com/subline/mafex Didn't post pics of the older Batman or Spiderman because I think those were before they revamped themselves with better sculpts. Star wars 2001 IRON MAN DC UNIVERSE
  13. The reporter for collider that went on the set visit gets pretty detailed on the scenes he saw. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaCRpO3uK-8 *edit As he's describing everything, I cannot wait for this movie!!
  14. I don't know guys, Cheryl and Blanca look like new characters.
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