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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. that was the original plan. either the studio said "more aliens now!" or he didn't like the idea of Blomkamp making an alien movie and wanted to cock block him out of it, even moreso after the reviews for prometheus.
  2. lol is john c riley playing dr. steve brule? "for your health"
  3. that's the weird thing with bbts. it's not like someone from bbts is sitting at every customs station ready to put on a plug. it still has to go through customs. any reports of the many 3P megatrons out there coming in?
  4. finally watched it.. it was cheesy fun...i think kids should like it.. maybe ran a little too long, but ya..eh, exactly what i expected
  5. 2 hours later. still up
  6. Go get http://hlj.com/product/bann08749
  7. Negotiator

    Hi-Metal R

    Is there not enough room in these for working landing gears? Just curious
  8. hope someone's awake that wants this and TIP, if you are serious about getting this, lose some sleep, check here, there, everywhere, as much as possible. This is the 4th time it's come back and will be gone again soon enough.
  9. megatron at bbts. lol for $230, they better not glue that orange tip on
  10. good trailer, good posters. i agree her theme song did not seamlessly blend into the trailer. could have used some finesse, but chances are it was squeezed in after the main cut.
  11. passes on it a 3rd time. if only hayate didn't suck.
  12. walking dead trolls it's fans with troll editing. it used to be suspenseful and have some mystery. i don't know what to classify this show as, but not interested in watching until the end of this arch. then see how it will rinse and repeat.
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