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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. yes, pull out the nose...wiggle it if you have to, but the worst that can happen is if the nose comes out completely , which is fine because that's a feature... just slide it back in along the rails.
  2. Noticed some people don't have this mold yet. Even though the prices have gone up, get it! You won't care about screws or what color they are. This is still the best vf-1 mold out there. I love all 9 or 10 of my vf-ones'. Would have bought more if I could.
  3. he should have filled the holes tho and some sanding on the seem lines for that much money
  4. wow, thought the right photo was a pic of gal until seeing the shoulder joint. great paint work and hair.
  5. I want to watch it but affraid I'm going to miss the theater run due to scheduling. Will rent it most likely but before it goes to Netflix.
  6. to be fair then, Get over it. You can't compare star wars to anything especially GB which has been irrelevant to everyone outside of the age of 30-40 years old. it was dead and nothing was happening with it. No one should have cared this much about GB. just like robocop, total recall, conan, the thing. ...i had a really long response, but this isn't the place, i'm not your teacher...you can read about the history of women yourself.
  7. as for director's cut, can the execs leave the filmmakers alone? I'm hear 2 or 3 version of the suicide squad. FFS.
  8. saw it. Alot of fun. Almost got scared the movie wasn't going to stop for a short break for some reflection. There are scenes in the trailer that are not present. Definately would love to see those. Didn't see any cast problems. They were all great imo. I can see the critism plot wise but if you were looking for a spy thriller or enlightenment ha wrong movie. Its no better or worse than age of ultron imo.
  9. Got mine. Not going to have a chance to thoroughly go through them but quick observations... Note that superman's body is softer plyable plastic. This results in some loosness but not floppy loose. I hate the wrist joints they use but it's doable. The wire runs along the bottom and not the sides. The overall sculpt is great. Really possable but feels delicate. Not as tight as a figma or shf. Took batman to work with me so Will update when I get a chance So Batman has harder plastic. joints are tighter. wires runs along the side of the cape. Couldn't be at the bottom because the ends are frayed. Superman shoulders have a wider range of movement in comparison for some reason. If I had to nitpick on bats, maybe his neck could be a bit thinned down. Also the paint on his mouth area, is a little muddy. Definitely feels more solid because of the plastic and tighter joints. I'm beginning to feel like mafex figures are really great for posing and displaying and not really of an "action figure" to be rough with.
  10. After.I have a feeling this will track better with fans and Mr. Sunday's review seemed positive also...how could you not want to see Margot dressed like that?
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