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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. it wouldn't make sense to tell her any real info including her name if they are going to lie about her identity from the beginning.
  2. why do early pic say ichijo? will there be a macross version of this?
  3. hey it's looking great. will definitely give it a shot when you release it!
  4. he looks like a kid in a halloween costume. the shoulders could be a hard thing to do on the brown outfit, but a little texture/ lines/ stitching....something wouldn't hurt on the chest and as far as i recall, he never wore shorts.
  5. think of it as an art piece for your display. you can look at an ancient rock that's worth thousand to others but jack to you. For people that collect movie props, this really isn't much in comparison...that being said... it's very nice, great detail. would rather spend on other things personally.
  6. they charge when it's released
  7. wow didn't really know how much crazy backspace these take up. they could never where a giant jacket.
  8. in the last one, prime sang the spine song and flew into space to punch someone, apparently he didn't make it, lol. * oh and the dinobots walked off as did meg/galvatron with remaining cubeformers...well not sure if there were anymore cubeformers.
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