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Everything posted by Urashiman

  1. oh wow ... I didn't know what to expect when I clicked the thread, but I certainly did not expect this haha
  2. Haha cool - I have the battle ship in my basement as well.
  3. 4 now. The SU-47, the VF-1 the Horten Ho 229 and the Soyuz :S
  4. Haha great! In Soviet Russia, model kit builds you! Another kit finished today. My kid was eyeing this stone age kit. So we build it: The mold must be from the 70s or something. It had horrible quality. My kid wasn‘t happy with the build and complained. Anyway… clamps. After around an hour it was at this stage. Even with sanding it didn’t look too good. It probably would have needed much more love, I guess. have a look at the instructions Here the result without paint. Then I blasted. Primer and then revell white 04, thinned with mr. Color levelling thinner. I have found that when you mix revell enamel colors with the levelling thinner, they dry much quicker ~ 20-30min till you can touch it and leave no fingerprints. I used the chinese not strings attached airbrush again. Then I masked and added more color. Then some more paint with normal paint brush and done. Total time invested: ~2.5h no need for decals, the kit has none provided. Hahahaha
  5. Okay, time for some workbench stuff again. I went to the hobby shop with the kid, and he found something that I had actually build in the mid 90s, but it was destroyed in the annual „strap ugly kits to fireworks to make space for new kits“ family ritual. My kid absolutely wanted this thing. I was reluctant to get it but hey. The kid demands, the kid receives. A Revell 1/72 Horton Go 229 I am pretty sure the updated the mold, because I found way better quality on this kit than I actually remember from building this thing the first time. The clamps were of good use again. I used the Chinese battery driven air brush again. It‘s so fast to color things with it. Then canopy masking and primer. Prior to priming this, the kid wanted it to have the classic red 13 camo pattern, but he liked the light grey of the primer so much, that he declared the plane to be finished. Build time: ~2hours. Man, third kit already done this year! I‘m on fire! Hahhaha I have to finish my other kits and the VF-9 project some day. The kid is currently eating time.
  6. Dude ... you get no rest. But some day you'll run out of bad luck. Let's see how that Airwolf will look in the end!
  7. You know what would be a "quick buck" for hasegawa? Releasing a QF-2200D-A as a single issue kit. They'd have to change the mold though. Space for the gear and the gear as well as the autonomous head unit.
  8. @Thom Yeah, I got some hot dogs haha. The build was really quick and dirty. I didn't even have to look into the instructions because I have build so many Hase VF-1s already haha. @arbit of course! Also - really nice Guld, he looks like the real deal.
  9. This morning the kid told me, that the plane should be black, like on the box. So that is what I did. masked the canopy and made it black. But that is not all. The kid demanded more, and as he always plays with my old VF-1 Valks, I thought it would be a good idea to build one for him. so that is what we did. Everyone… buy clamps! And it was a good opportunity to test the Chinese beauty airbrush thing. surprisingly, it did the job. Took a while for me to adapt to the single action. I am used to double action for 25 years now. But it worked out well! one of the macross m3 milia pilots I printed added as pilot. The kid chose the colors. coloring time and build up. and done. total build time: ~5.5hours. I finished two kits in 2 days on one weekend. Haven’t done that in a while. the kid doesn’t want me to add any of the decals, so we are fine with the colors he wanted. The Chinese air brush seems okay so far. Lets see how long it lasts. this was mostly a vanilla build, no putty and only little sanding. The Hasegawa VF-1 mold really seems to be degrading much. The ejection holes have mold ridges as well as a lot of the pieces. Stuff you see on older kits most of the time. Remembering my first Hasegawa VF-1 in 2002, that was a more „seamless“ experience. And the other one from 2010 was degraded already. This one (build today) has the 40th sticker. The degradation is crazy. I think, with some love, the Hasegawa VF-1s can be nice, but I‘d recommend the Plamax one now, which has a way better build experience now, and modern tooling. I still have one VF-1, one VF-1 super/strike and one VT-1 in the basement to build. Next time I will invest more time to make a decent build and will craft some extra parts via CAD and 3D printing.
  10. @MechTech hahahahahha yeah. workbench stuff. Kid wanted to build something and decided for this: Trumpeter Su-47 1/144. I got this years ago for 1,57€. fun little kit. Build up in less than an hour. The kit will not be painted. My kid doesn’t care hahaha
  11. hahaha ... It was blowing my mind when I learned that years ago
  12. I felt a little daring and decided to purchase that 17.54€ airbrush thingy from temu. It is only 17.54€, so if it is not good, it won’t hurt. I purchased something advertised as a chargeable no wires attached air brush for modelling purposes. What I got was this: beauty airbrush system. Maybe because it is beautiful? Uhmm… no at least it is black. it has three cups, small, mid and large and it is a low quality single action airbrush. As soon as this is switched on, it blasts. it has three modes. Off, low power and full power. Full power almost „blasts“ at 2bars. Low power is around 1bar. it‘ll probably be good for really thin color. I will give it a try later, but I won’t get my hopes up. Hahaha
  13. Was thinking the same here ... we need a Yang Neumann for the back. @arbit you got a new task
  14. @derex3592 & @Rock ah great! thanks a lot - gonna get the uschi stuff Got the trinity 1 + 2 bundle for 19.99€
  15. I need these stencils too ... I have been searching the internet but no luck. Where do you have them from?
  16. @MechTech your stuff could only be more scale, if those little shells were actual life ammo hahahaha
  17. Always feels weird to see it written down as "gray" and not "grey" haha
  18. Ah - only saw this now. Boolean works a lot better in Blender than it does in 3DS. When I use boolean in 3DS it usually kills my meshes in some way or another, so I have to be super careful when going that route. And look at that print! Nice one - I bet the walls are a bit too thin. I had that with my VF-9 and had to redo the wall thickness on my meshes.
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