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1 VF-1 2NV

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Everything posted by 1 VF-1 2NV

  1. Alright. Let the speculation begin. I personally think many Toysrus stores will be shuttered and resold. The land that these stores are sitting on are valuable depending its location. The babysrus won't be affected greatly since most are profitable. Does this mean we will see more buy 2 get 1 free sales or liquidating specials . Too bad, Toysrus is one of my favorite stores. Ah the memories as a kid .
  2. Wow. Another one. Keep em coming. You should do most if not all the macross characters . Isamu, Max, Basara , etc....
  3. Don't deny it. You're gonna bid on it right ?
  4. Anyone know that toys r us have a buy 2 get 1 free deal with in stock transformers. There's your chance to pick up the alts for $14 each. Too bad my store only had wind charger, silverstreak, and swindle. I have them already. I also stopped by Target and found grimlock, wind charger, ravage, and shockblast. I picked up all of them but found them in another aisle. Apparently someone or an employee were hiding them for themselves or someone else. Luckily for me I browsed the whole toy section. I found them behind some disney and barbie dolls. Idiots !
  5. Just under $400. I was right! Or did I jinx the guy....... Maybe YOU bought it ...
  6. You wanna trade for those 1/35 alphas, especially the blue one ??? BTW great vintage collection....no 1/48's !
  7. Yes. Her eyes are drilled in this version. and takatoys: I personally don't like to use the same color in eyes and hair, so I painted the hair in blue and eyes in green. Any chance you'll build and paint these 2 kits and offer them for sale here on the boards?
  8. Just saw an ebay auction that ended with a shipped price for$135 for the NG bookends ...of course, its a pre-order .
  9. you forget: vf-1s bookends...500 vf-1j be......200 alpha...1000 $175...meh $80..ok
  10. As they are book ends for the Alpha MPCs...I don't think MOSPEADAs would work. I love the Gamo/Pincer...but that thing costs nearly what 2 MPCs do. A bit much. I understand it's all about demand and cost of manufacture, so I don't begrudge them for selling it at that price, but I unfortunately won't be getting one. Come to think about it, Toynami is definitely going to make a 4th bookend...the mospeada (ride armor) one when or if they make the cyclones. I'll probably wait till the NG bookends drop in price. 1000 is a lot. Who knows, Toynami might pull a fast one like they did with the VF-1S bookends..producing only 500 and short changing some vendors like they did with twin moons !
  11. Wow , costs as much as the low viz ! $300
  12. Barely made it . I think I got the lowewst score so far...46 !
  13. My version of the minmay guard valk or should I say valks ...
  14. Keep those mpc alpha pics coming guys... . More...more...more
  15. Didn't that same buyer pay 300 + for a cyclone????
  16. No. It's just how much the winning bidder is willing to pay OR could it be with the NG bookends coming out, he may want a set up like mine ....
  17. Saw hound, meister, swindle at my local target....
  18. Huh? What's GBP? Confused! GBP... 1/55 on the left 1/60 on the right
  19. Looks like the GBP armor will offer no poseability like its little 1/60 brother . Too bad....
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