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1 VF-1 2NV

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Everything posted by 1 VF-1 2NV

  1. Well the Yamato 1/48 VF-1A is the best bang for the buck. MW member Nevoa is offering the Max here for $125 shipped. For the same price, TISINC on evil-bay has the Hikaru VF-1A. 1/60...Nah 1/48...Yeah
  2. Yup. I look at it alot. It doesn't help that it's in the living room right next to the entertainment center . I get more Ooo's and Awww's then blank stares when I have my friends and family over.
  3. Today's display.... anyone care to see what the differences are???
  4. It seems that every so often, maybe twice a week, I will rearrange, remove, or add what I have collected to my display case. One day my wife will ask where all the toys have gone then another day she'll ask if I bought more toys. I'm satisfied what I have displayed one day then unsatisfied the other. Is it me or does anyone else have this odd behavior?
  5. hopefully not maybe we will get real lucky and after that they will release the rest of the VF's and maybe a few Destroids. yea i know but a man can dream cant he. Don't forget the Macross or SDF-1 !
  6. Just got my monster 2 days ago. Transformed it a couple minutes ago and did a once over. I did not see any stress marks or qc issues that other members have reported.
  7. I've been holding out on these alphas until mostly everyone agrees the next alpha has all the bugs out. So hurry up and put up a review someone on the green one. Someone must already have one in their hands.
  8. Updates G-man with your large valk collection?
  9. No wonder it's selling for $39.99. I wont go there.
  10. Be patient and look for the hik 1s on ebay !
  11. Sold for $275 shipped. You bastard ! Sheesh I had a hard time unloading these last year for $55 shipped here on the boards. TIme for evil bay before their prices go up in February !
  12. I can wait. I don't want to spend $140 on a GC and RE4 only. Besides GC are for kids !
  13. Really??? I didn't know that. When does that contract end? I was planning to get the GC to plsy RE 4, but I might hold off. Anyway, anyone play RE Outbreak & RE Dead Aim? How are those games?
  14. Anybody play this game yet? I've completed RE2 and RE3 on Playstation. It sucked when RE wouldn't continue on the PS platform. On a side note, I stopped by my local Toys R Us, and picked up PS2 RE Code: Veronica for $6 + tax. Initially, I thought it was at least $20 since it was a greatest hits title, but lo and behold my surprise when the total came up. Even the old lady behind the cash register couldn't believe it. She even had to look at where I got it from . BTW, it wasn't used, but new and sealed .
  15. Is it just me seeing an optical illusion???, or does that Valk's ass on the boxart look weird?? I dunno know about the ass but, on the actual toy, it looks like they gave the skull one a VF-1J head with some VF-1S type lasers. Just a craptacularly executed toy production from an american company trying to make a japanese toy. The real crime is the price someone just paid for it. Hey, Is this your auction Gabe?? MPC Roy
  16. VF-1S Valk Could have gotten a Yamato 1/48 Roy with that kind of $$$ ! Sheesh, what is this person thinking?
  17. Yeah. How hard would it be to stitch and sew a plush valk?
  18. Damn! and DOUBLE DAMN Hey Sith...where did you get all those Monsters. BTW, wicked pics!
  19. I figired I'd post this here since no one ever goes to the WANTED section: Anyone willing to sell their TAKARA 20th Anniversary Masterpiece Optimus Prime/Convoy.....PM me !
  20. Damn. For that kind of $$$ I can get a real live "plush". Is it really worth it. I mean, come on, it's a stuffed toy. Vf-1S Valk Teddy !
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