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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Those are some fly boys you want on your wing! And yeah, even though I haven't finished my Battlestar Pegasus, I'm cracking out another kit! In 1922, the Washington Naval Treaty was signed to put a cap on the number of dreadnought-type warships being fielded by the most powerful governments. Battleships and battlecruisers from the major powers were scrapped, while a few were altered during construction, turning them into carriers. For the US it was the Lexington class, Lexington and Saratoga, and for the Japanese it was the Amagi class, Amagi and Akagi. Amagi never made it to completion, having been damaged during and earthquake, so only one of the four that started out as the Amagi class was finished, the aircraft carrier Akagi. I've had it in mind to build the Akagi in all three phases of her 'life,' the intended battlecruiser version, and both carrier phases, the double deck version and the final, full deck carrier that served as the flagship during the attack on Pearl Harbor. Thankfully, Fujimi actually made a model of the IJN Amagi, the 'what-if' battlecruiser, and so that is where I am starting, building this as the Akagi as she was originally intended. Thom
  2. That is a real beaut you have there! Wonder what that gunpod would look on the spine, firing straight between the canards..?
  3. Welcome, with a nice comeback to modelling! I like it! Real nice on the weathering, and there is just something about a big 'ol locomotive.
  4. Dom's car drops from a plane onto another car racing down a highway, crushing it and, I'm sure, still manages to outrace everything on the street. Nuff said,
  5. Supergirl is a big draw for me, but I would really hope that Keaton (if he wanted to) could spin this out into a further movie or two, if they are not smart to already have trapped him for Bold/Brave.
  6. This does look really good, but so far, still just going for Batman and Supergirl!
  7. The arms of the Pegasus are glued into place, but there are some gaps to fill, seeing how they have been moved from their original positions. I have plenty of scrap plastic to fill those! But before then, I needed to get the parts for the arm faces done up. Moebius left them flat rather than making some cover pieces, but Paragraphix has a good set, though quite flat. The Shapeways alternative looks better, but that is too price, esp as I'll need two sets. So beefed up the PE with plastic backing, some misc parts to make it a little more 3D and then the resin magic started. The first pull is pretty good. There are a couple of air bubbles to contend with, but that should be easy. Now I need to cast a second set, and maybe a third if I need it, who knows?! Thom
  8. Love that movie! The 'making of' is pretty good too. Some nice shading going on the Dallas.
  9. Same about Keaton, even more than the Flash. As you say, he is entertaining, but the off screen b.s. is awfully distracting. In fact, with Keaton coming back for this one, not using him for Bold and the Brave would be a badly missed opportunity!!
  10. Looks great! And agreeing with that VE-1, nice job.
  11. It wasn't as good as the first BP, but it wasn't that bad either. Not the worst movie I've seen and it was entertaining, if yes, a bit convoluted. Worse Cinema Sin? Killing off Lake Bell! She should never have been hired for a bit part like that!😠
  12. @bzwacks Jeez, that's impressive! Welcome into the light, and bring all your builds!😁
  13. Getting closer and closer @Urashiman. Once it's fared in, that canopy is going to look good. @derex3592 They say having fun with modelling is the best part. It's looking good, and those battle damage decals over the one around the base of the dome was a good move.
  14. Yes, in Robotech they killed off the entire bridge crew except for 'Lisa.' Not recalling the scene perfectly, 'Lisa' tells 'Rick' about the others shoving her into an escape pod. I don't remember if there had been other pods or if they were damaged, and I may be mixing up the actual scene and a novelization that I read a couple decades ago. But that's the gist. I was 12 and was very saddened by that. But, thirty years later I come here and find that it was ALL A LIE!!! @derex3592 The wonky decals notwithstanding, your build is looking really good.
  15. The work on the feet and the seams on the legs have turned out very good!
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