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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Some great builds on the page! I laid down paint. Tomorrow I'll put it together and do decals. Then clear gloss and a wash and then flat. Hope to be done in a couple o days!
  2. Love that sequence. I'm of two minds about not knowing what they are saying. On one hand, I don't know what they're saying... On the other, not much spoilage! Definitely be getting some screen caps for my desktop, specially of Kodai's ship. Anyone know what the name of it is? And I'm thinking that Okita's promise to Starsha didn't survive long after his last breath... Something I think all the old crew of the Yamato do not approve of...
  3. I have too many kits going right now. So let's start another!! Bandai's 1/1000 Kirishima. The only things glued at the moment are some bulges and fins. Everything else is press-fit until after paint.
  4. It's a scratchbuild. Do Do has one in perpetual progress on his site. http://www.geocities.jp/dourakuoyadi/newpage500kubo-1.htm And I'm definitely going to do something similar after I squeeze my wallet until it bleeds!
  5. She'll always be a battleship to me. Dang, Bandai is going to be getting a lot of money from me this year!
  6. Something tells me doorways don't stand a chance... I pity the poor doorways. She looks awesome - and is that Hulk in armor?!
  7. You know they framed that just to tease us! Those Andies look awesome and I dearly hope we'll be getting a Borodino!
  8. Small size or no, you did some great work on that. As for the kit, I think it's pretty good. The fiddly bits with the engine access panel would make it a little flimsy, but glue it all together and it's right good.
  9. Intriguing. I would like to see this done!
  10. A lot of these newer kits just fall together, especially the Earth ships, and they are colored already so you can skip paint if you want. I'd say buy a kit and just throw one together to see how it goes.
  11. That's looking so freaking cool! I can't understand what they're saying, but I love it and I want to see it and I want it now! I froze on the image of the combined fleet, and it looks awesome! I just hope they modernized those Earth ships with better guns and armor, otherwise they're just kindling! And I guess we won't be seeing any Borodino class battleships, which is a bummer. But we get four Andromedas which de-bumming!
  12. Some lovely looking Yamatos! The petals on that /500 are awesome and the paint on Squadron Leaders looks fantastically worn!
  13. That Yamato looks great. I love all the lights and sounds you stuffed into it. And nice idea for a thread too. Allow me to contribute! First up is my 1/1000 Yamato, built just about a year ago. She's slightly modified, with the crown of the bow lowered and the roll-up doors on the aux bays replaced so the corrugation goes all the way up to the top of the bulge. The next is my first Yamato series build, the older Yuunagi class cruiser, EDF Interceptor. It was modified with a new 'scoop,' scratchbuilt guns and the exhaust nozzle from a 1/48 SR-71. It's a perfect fit! An exhaust from a Batmobile and a pen tip are added to that. I also made aux engines for the underside and a new command tower made from misc Gundam parts. I believe the scale is 1/700, but it looks close enough to /1000 that I'm considering rebuilding her with that scale in mind. And last but not least, my fleet flagship, the Nike. An older 1/700 Andromeda model, she was heavily modified with a lengthened hull, scratchbuilt 'scoops' for a deeper profile, a new engine section and new side pieces to replace the ovals that are normally there. The bridge was also modified with a new command deck with a panoramic roof and trenches were built for AA guns running along the sides. The turrets were lengthened and given brass barrels and the aux engine bells were replaced with video cable connectors. I was happy to find out that the new Andromeda model will probably be similar in size to the older Bandai kit, so she won't be getting a rebuild! Hope you like 'em!
  14. Such great work on that Yamato. Awesome with all the lights and sounds!
  15. I wouldn't think so. But then again, most of Enterprise was pretty good. The Xindi arc was pretty stupid, but before and after... worth a look if you want a little more 'history.' One of the best was probably 'A Mirror, Darkly.' A sequal to 'The Tholian Web' and a prequel to 'Mirror, Mirror.'
  16. Awesome work on the Yamatoa and that RC boat looks fantastic. Slow progress on my table, but moving along regardless.
  17. It was in the Rebirth movie. I sure hope those things aren't fighter launch tubes. That'd be weird. This is the type of carrier I hope to see!
  18. Holy Frak, I totally missed that! Love the way they are sitting in the ways, just ready to slide down into the water. Awesome! And yes, some interesting superstructures going on there. Seeing that makes me hope there are extra parts in the boxes for different ships. And that they are not blown up in their slips...
  19. Thanks for the link. Great work on that. And for just a second, I thought this was a screen-grab!
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