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Everything posted by Valk009

  1. Ha, see what "limited edition", the limit is what Yamato says, they are following BaDai's suit, nothing is limited, even the "limited edition"! On the topic of the VF-4G head sculpt, awesome work and interested!
  2. I was lucky enough to able to place an order on HLJ second run (right place and right time), not to mention use my 10% disocunt coupon Now, just have to wait for it to be shipped out!
  3. I still have a few kits left from my 1/60 Thunder Hummer kit for the same scale Yamato made VF-1 version 2.0 valkyrie. Pic shows a completed kit done by one of our talented members here on the forum!
  4. Okay, here is a pic of the parts layout, pretty straight forward build, nothing too tricky!
  5. Well, the last few digits "2400" tell us the initial retail price of this kit when it was release, namely Yen 2400 (about US$30). In today's market/economy/demand/rarity of the kit, you might be able to get back the initial release price, hope this helps!
  6. Hi everyone, I noticed that some sent out kits are still held back or supposedly when tracked on-line with the post office. I spoke with a post office official and was told that some mail sent to the US are either on hold or back logged due to the recent "Sandy" disaster in the East Coast. Please be patient and the kit will show up soon!
  7. First batch ready to ship out this weekend, apologies for the long delay but finally got everything (well almost, just waiting for the decals) done. Tomake it easy on me and not having to reply each individual, I will just change the status on the threads ordering list from "PAID" to "SHIPPED" with the relevant tracking number.
  8. Valk009

    Kit's Power

    Kit's Power are as far as I know only offering recast items, some with minor mods. They actually do not even recast there own kits as my casting friend was approached by them to recast some of their stuff but apparently they pushed the prices so far down that it is not possible for my friend make money. The last I heard all their kits are now made in China using Chinese resin.
  9. Hi Hikuro, no problem, kit is not yet ready for shipping anyways as I have been more occupied with my day job lately, though I will still try and get it ready for shipping by mid this month!
  10. I think the recast kit cost me $300! Re-scribing some panel lines, adding some new bits here and there or even making a new wing out of styrene strips is easy but adding 6mm to an irregular piece over 15cms long and couple cms wide is not only a pain but mission impossible, better off making a new one or buy another kit and test luck again!
  11. Yep, still have quotas for few kits! Latest update: Have a handful of kits pulled from the mold but still need to make the vacuum formed canopy (will provide two for each kit, just in case you mess one up!) and waterslide decals.
  12. I still have an original kit lying around, honestly one of the greatest resin kit ever made, superior detail and thinking that is was released 15 years ago and all hand sculpted! Nowadays, if you look closely to some of the newer resin kits, there might be plenty of details but it could or most likely is made by 3D rapid prototyping machines and then recasted! Ahh, yeah, I totally forgot, I started work on a Ultimate Strike recast kit, wanted to convert it to a Elintseeker but as with most projects...work, no time and not to mention quality issue of the kit (I still remember one leg is like 6mm shorter than the other!), I gave up halfway.
  13. Thanks guys for all the thumbs up, this means I cannot fail now and have to keep up the good work! My success does not only lie with me but also my friend and his workshop with all the equipment, so I will extend all these praises to him!
  14. Interesting, I think the normal plain VF-1S Strike version lacks this little sucker!
  15. Neat build! Btw, did the kit come with the pilot or was it your own sculpt/sourced elsewhere? I have the normal VF-1S Strike version, as opposed to the VF-1X Digital kit (same just without the launch base) and I think mine does not come with the pilot.
  16. Latest updates! Finished placing all the parts on sprues and ready to make the new silicone mold this coming weekend, once done I should be ready to slowly pull kits out and commence on the payment! Do not want to accept payment as of yet as you never know with any possible delays, have to juggle time work/family/casting etc.
  17. Production of the kit got the green lights! Once the new mold is complete I will PM each interested member for further instructions.
  18. The kit's overall dimension and most parts assembly was based off an original Musasiya made VF-4 kit! It was then modified by first panel lining nearly all parts, a completely new nosecone sculpt, new pilot, new landing gears etc. Will be heading over to the caster tomorrow to see how busy his schedule is, if the minimum quota of 10 interested parties is reached and my casting friend is free, work on the new mold can commence!
  19. Only a handful of kits left, so if anyone is still interested, shoot me a PM for further details! - talon1138 x2 SENT RB 160 114 334 HK - Vifam7 x1 SENT RB 160 114 192 HK - Dobber x1 SENT RB 160 114 263 HK - thegunny x1 SENT RB 160 114 250 HK - coronadlux x2 SENT RB 160 114 351 HK - Ahab x1 SENT RB 160 114 232 HK - sierra ii7 x2 SENT - scratchawan_learner x1 SENT RB 160 114 201 HK - Space_Monkey x1 SENT RB 160 114 229 HK - Zubique x1 SENT EA 144 188 470 HK - sidewinder81777 x1 SENT RB 160 114 229 HK - Busted VF-1A x1 SENT RB 160 114 246 HK - Hikuro x1 to x2 - Spitfire_BR x1 - Cesar Enrique x1
  20. Awesome kit, if Yamato will ever get around in producing it! It will be a real pain to build it, virtually no mistakes allowed when bending those brass parts, any re-bending will either snap it in two or create uneven surface. Another downside, it will look shiny only for a short time, a little oxidation and it will turn dull and agian almost impossible to clean! Even after all these issues, I still want one
  21. Awesome stuff but I just cannot imagine any type of shipping will allow the whole diorama to arrive without any damages! Anyways, still cool to have somthing around the house to admire!
  22. Any chance to also make it in 1/60 for Yamato's latest lineup of VF-1 valks?
  23. I think the 1/48 did not fair too well and any upcoming kits are put on hold!
  24. Well, honestly, judging from past Yamato history and business tactics, I doubt they will release a VF-5000G. To justify the cost of R&D and potential sales volume, not to mention re-using the mold for other valkyrie variants, the VF-5000G just does not get all the ticks in the boxes! I would really like to see a VF-4 toy but that I guess will also be a dream! As with enemy mechas, nearly all animation, the enemy mechas never sell well. Even the hottest mecha animation Gundam, a Gundam always out sells the counterpart enemy version by at least two to one!
  25. Held back on the first round of the BanDai DX Macross F toys but these new designs look too good to pass by! So, with the new design, BanDai will have to release all new Fast Packs, Armor Packs etc, a real money spinner!
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