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Guld, Myung, and Isamu's past.


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In Macross Plus, at the end when Guld finally regains his memory. Is that scene trying to say that he raped Myung and thought that Isamu did it due to his blackout or is it simply saying that he assulted her and attacked her and thought that Isamu did due to his blackout? Either way could work and cause him to hate Isamu.

Reason I'm asking is if it had been rape it would have been hinted at more wouldn't it? Also if that had been the case then Myung would never had slept with Guld when she did if he really had done that, even if he had forgotten. At least that's what I figured or would have hoped.

The summary on http://www.mahq.net/animation/macross/plus/macp4.htm says it was rape but does anyone really know? Was this ever asked at a Macross panel at one of the cons?

Just one of those things that has been bothering.

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That always perplexed me also!

In the OVA all you /see/ Guld doing is ripping her shirt, and Myung crying. And that doesnt seem like such a big thing to get worked up over, so there absolutely must have been more.

Me and my friends were always wondering about it. Did Guld just slap her around? Or did he actually rape her? The OVA presents it in such a way that you really dont know what happened.


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Another thing is that Isamu isn't knocked out just knocked down and pushed to the side. If I remember correctly. So if things had gone any further I'm sure he would have stopped it. Best guess is that he say himself in the mirror blacked out a bit and when he came to saw her crying with maybe Isamu over her trying to help and thought he did it. Not really sure on Isamu's state at the time, I don't have the show on hand with me here at college so I can't really check. I have Macross 7, II, and DYRL but not Plus with me for some reason.

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I don't think she was raped, first of all Guld was raging when that happened so him assaulting her all of a sudden freaked Myung out. Now, I think any chick would be crying after nearly being raped. Here's an idea for both of you, try and rip the shirt off of one of your lady friends and see if she'll cry. :p

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hmmm...I always thought he was just pissed and over-reacted (recall, he's on meds for a reason) to see Isamu with Myung together? I mean after all, it was suppost to be a love-triangle. That's why when Guld regained his memory, both Isamu and Guld just laughed it off....and Myung was never afraid to be with Guld in M+.

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Guld just ripped her shirt & freaked out, end of story!

They Myung & Isamu broke up because Isamu couldn't handle making his best friend jealous & being involved in that whole conflict. Myung went introvert & focused on business instead of her singing, and Guld completely oblivious due to high levels of denial, blamed Isamu for taking advantage of Myung, even though the reality was that they were dating.

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That's pretty much what I thought but still wanted to make sure. The other thread pretty much pust my mind at ease. Some very good arguements. I'm fully satisfied that I was right in my thinking on the subject before. Nothing happen.

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Please, for the love of God, lock this thread before I'm compelled to post! :)

Too late!

157 replies in the original debate of this topic. Please let that be enough. :blink:


Oh. . . ham sandwich.

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I'll give my two cents here since my review was part of the inspiration for this topic. As we all now, it's not explicitly shown that Guld raped Myung. However, given the context of the situation and the way they all act about it, what else could it be? Understandably, it'd be a problem if Guld ran in, knocked Isamu aside, and tore Myung's shirt off. But would that alone cause the rift between them and have them lead such screwed up lives? Would they talk about the event in such serious terms if it were ONLY that?

Let's look at how they are in the present:

-Guld is devoted only to his work and has to take drugs to suppress his Zentradi fighting instinct.

-Isamu is a reckless fool always pushing himself to the limit as if he has a death wish.

-Mying is an emotional cripple, and in becoming Sharon's emotional core, she in essence wants to commit emotional suicide because she can't stand her life.

Now, would all of this result from a knocked aside Isamu and a torn shirt? There's also some other evidence that points to rape. During Part 4 when Guld has the realization that he was responsible and not Isamu, he has a quick flashback and sees himself in the mirror hunched over Myung after he ripped her shirt off. Would he just do that and leave? In the same flashback we see him punch Isamu in the face and knock him against a couch. It's very likely that Isamu was unconscious, giving Guld the opportunity to rape Myung. If, however, he didn't, then these three people are way too melodramatic about what happened. Just my thoughts.

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Just read everyones post from the last time we talked about it.

There is enough information to believe whatever you want.

Read everyone post and decide for yourself and learn how we all talked this subject to death.

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