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over inflated story or not

i dislike big spiders hiding in the shadows.

i've let tarantuals and stuff walk on my hand before, but wild ones give me the heebie-jeebies.

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Ok, I'm freaked out enough by tarantulas, that was just damn... Mental note if my boss ever sends me to the gulf on a Cas-Rep take several large cans of raid and a shot gun.

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Heres a link to the goliath tarantula. Scroll down and you will see a picture of it filling  dinner plate  :blink:


Their bite is pretty mild.

But still, I'm glad I don't live in Brazil. :blink::unsure:

Vostok 7

Imagine waking up in the morning and finding one of those nested between your legs :blink:

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Before Arachnophibia I feared NOTHING, I guess I still don't but I always smash spiders whenever I see them, they just give me shivers when I see them...

Once I found the skull of a deer on my Parents property when I was around 6 or 7... I took it home and put it in a pot to boil it to sterilize it because I wanted to keep the skull. As soon as I dropped it into the boiling water Wolf spiders (similar to tarantulas) came flying out of the eye sockets. My Mother was less than happy with me that day, I think she screamed for 80 seconds.

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Wolf spiders are similar to Taratulas? :rolleyes:

Just because a spider is big doesn't mean it's a tarantula.

Vostok 7

Big and hairy spiders... What more similarity do you need...

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Is this gonna be a stand-up fight sir, or another bug hunt?

I'm with AgentONE on this issue. I'm not really afraid of spiders, but I will always take the time to crush their tiny live with my boot. Exaggerated stories aside, I think that thing would be reason enough to carry a shotgun. I'd like to see any spider live through a blast of 00 buckshot, even that photoshopped monstrosity.

And abombz's spider stories always make me shudder. :blink:

The only good bug is a dead bug.

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Potato bugs make me squemish, but these and Abombz's Brazilian monstrosities are just sick.

But it isn't photoshopped. As Max said, if you look at the sleeve beside the spider and the guy bending down to look at it, they're not as big as the look next to the legs. I'd say they're about the size of normal man's palm. They're still huge though.

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Before Arachnophibia I feared NOTHING, I guess I still don't but I always smash spiders whenever I see them, they just give me shivers when I see them...

Once I found the skull of a deer on my Parents property when I was around 6 or 7... I took it home and put it in a pot to boil it to sterilize it because I wanted to keep the skull.  As soon as I dropped it into the boiling water Wolf spiders (similar to tarantulas) came flying out of the eye sockets.  My Mother was less than happy with me that day, I think she screamed for 80 seconds.

same here, that movie freaked me the f-out. i grew up in brooklyn with mice, rats and cockaroaches so i never even saw a spider til i was like 10 years old(we moved to the sticks).

i got bit by a wolf spider when i was younger...boy did that suck. i threw on my dads shoes(which were outside) to get the mail all of the sudden OUCH! WTF! homeboy bit my foot and took off like the wind. it hurt like a mofo for a while and started to swell...not too bad though, more of like i had one giant hive screaming in pain. :blink::blink::blink:

from then on i never felt the same way about spiders. i always thought they were cool...you know cause of spiderman and stuff. :p but since then i STOMP them to death. i actually had a family of wolf spiders living in the attic and eventually made their way into my bedroom....dude i had 20 palmed sized spiders running around my room at one point. we called the exterminator but i didn't sleep for weeks after that. til today i'll have an ocassional nightmare about that crap. :(

these spiders need to be wiped off the face of the earth....imagine if those f-ers jumped at your eye!.....i'd be screaming like little bee-otch. :lol:

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Heres a link to the goliath tarantula. Scroll down and you will see a picture of it filling  dinner plate  :blink:


Their bite is pretty mild.

But still, I'm glad I don't live in Brazil. :blink::unsure:

Vostok 7

You think thats bad? The common Brazilian domestic spider is one of them top 5 most poisonous spiders in the world. ^_^;

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You think thats bad? The common Brazilian domestic spider is one of them top 5 most poisonous spiders in the world. ^_^;

Lovely. We get Black Widows around here at times but they're not that common. :blink:

The worst ones we get that are somewhat common are hobo spiders. Mom got a bite on her foot from one like a year ago and there's still a spot. :blink:

Where we used to live the only spiders we got were those teeny jumping spiders. I always liked them, they're kinda cool. But now in our new house we get these huge leggy ones. Not sure what they are exactly, but they get to about the size of a 50 cent piece or a little bigger.

Vostok 7

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So what I caught was the real deal or what? I had mine for about 3 to 4 weeks it grew pretty big too. I maybe should've kept it and see how big it grew. :p:D:lol:

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So what I caught was the real deal or what? I had mine for about 3 to 4 weeks it grew pretty big too. I maybe should've kept it and see how big it grew. :p:D:lol:

I don't think the crabs are consdered arachnids... :p

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Seems like a lot of fuss over a few spiders, I've never had a problem with arachinids, flies and stuff are annoying and unhygenic but spiders are kind of cute and as far as I'm aware no kind of spider regularly preys on human beings.

If you're looking for a really unpleasant and dangerous animal try homo sapiens, thats the only creature that really scares me.

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So what I caught was the real deal or what? I had mine for about 3 to 4 weeks it grew pretty big too. I maybe should've kept it and see how big it grew.  :p  :D  :lol:

I don't think the crabs are consdered arachnids... :p

HAHAHA funny man. Anyway, I guess nobody knows if these camel spiders can be found in CA or anywhere in the states? There's gotta be an explanation of what I caught.

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Juicy links please. ;)

Guh! No way! I'm already queasy after finding that one picture. Just google "Necrotic Arachnidism" and you'll find all kinds of nasty, disgusting stuff. Scary, scary stuff to be honest. I saw a program about it once. Apparently, in some rare cases people will have an acute alergic reaction to the venom and wind up with their flesh necrotizing over a large percentage of their body. :puke:

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I'm not terrified of spiders but I really don't like them... especially when they're so darned big.

I'm glad I live in Canada... the weather's so cold here that all spiders we get are tiny and usually only show up in the summer.

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Whenever you guys see some freaky or alarmist story, especially if it's circulated by email, try to find a unique text string and use it to search google. Very often, you'll get a link to an urban legend page.

About spiders. I don't like the ones that come in the house and run around, but even with those I sometimes catch them in a jar and toss them outside instead of just squishing them. I'm more likely to kill the tiny ones that crawl around since those are probably the ones that bite me when I'm sleeping.

If spiders are willing to stay in their webs outside, I leave them alone, even on my balcony. I'm happy to have them around, eating flies, mosquitos, and other pests.

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I'm not terrified of spiders but I really don't like them... especially when they're so darned big.

Heh. We used to get some big-uns in the bushes around my house, back when I lived in Surrey BC. Every now and then we'd "cull" them, and make them fight in our giant coffee can arena. Then we'd put the lid on and give the winner a good shake.

But even in those days we didn't go near the ones that were bigger than a twoonie. :blink:

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Here are some facts about the camel spider/wind scorpion...

Da Straight Dope

Arachnid Necrosis however is some serious crap. Roll yer old newpapers and go here.  :ph34r:

Where's the barfing smilie when you need it :o

Vostok 7

Yeah!!! Ooooohhhh! It's grossing me out!!!

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its not the bite that freaks me out about spiders, there is just something about them..

the eyes, all the legs, their dark nature. its just so alien, i cant imagine anything creeper than finding a real big one in my shoe, and finding it with my foot, its just so damn creepy!

vostok: i am more "affraid" of small spiders than big ones aswell, mostly its the little ones that will kill you.

its the big ones that creep me out and instill a general feeling of dread though.

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vostok: i am more "affraid" of small spiders than big ones aswell, mostly its the little ones that will kill you.

its the big ones that creep me out and instill a general feeling of dread though.

Well, yeah I understand that.

Vostok 7

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Here are some facts about the camel spider/wind scorpion...

Da Straight Dope

Arachnid Necrosis however is some serious crap. Roll yer old newpapers and go here.  :ph34r:

Where's the barfing smilie when you need it :o

Vostok 7

No freakin' kidding!! Here ya go.....



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Here are some facts about the camel spider/wind scorpion...

Da Straight Dope

Arachnid Necrosis however is some serious crap. Roll yer old newpapers and go here. :ph34r:

thats the nastiest! :blink:

that guys legs was off the meat hook...literally....ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

good thing i live in the city...there really isn't many if any spiders in manhattan.

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