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Official Transformers Alternators and more thread.

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Okay its not like it should be hard to make the stunticons since they are a bunch of cars and one semi. Also, they don't even have to be the same cars as G1 since the G1 autobots aren't the same. Now would it be possible though getting the licences to make them into todays modern cars? Motormaster (leader, tractor-trailer/robot), Breakdown (Lamborghini Countach/robot), Dead End (Porshe/robot), Drag Strip (Formula-One race car/robot), and Wildrider (Ferrari/robot).

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I listed the YF-23 as one I figured would be easy to get, since the rights would currently be with Northrop/Grumman. (MDC has little claim to the YF-23, they pretty much only did the internals/systems, the exterior is Northrop's---though I do suspect the all-important-unique tail of the YF-23 may be McDonnell's influence)

Totally forgot about the A-10, heh heh. Fairchild-Dornier nowadays, and they're almost bankrupt. Harrier may be feasible, so long as it's a British one, try to get it via BAe's non-Airbus faction.

Anyways, my main point to this thread is that the G1 seekers are much smaller than 1/72. Almost all my model fighters are 1/72, and I know the seekers aren't that! ::goes and measures Thundercracker::

Well, he's not exactly to any scale. He's too short. But I'd say it's about 1/96 scale.

And, volume-wise, 1/72 would be 2.3 times as much as 1/96. So, if you went with 1/72 new F-15's, they'd still be twice the size of the original G1's. That's plenty, IMHO.

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i didnt realize that...but 1/64 would be even BIGGER!!!!! Yes I think my limit is 1/48 at this point. MOst big ass model kits are tiehr that or 1/32.

Hey David,...since Russia is like...well a cold war enemy who calmed down when communism diminshed over there...WOuld Hasbro be able to score a license form Sukhoi or MIg? I wouldnt mind seeing soem Flankers!(being that relationsarent exactly enough to call them allies I was thinking maybe hasbro could get away making an alternator flanker without paying licensing costs LOL)

not to mention Flankers are beautiful. David how bout the Mitsubishi licnsed Viper 0 (FsX F-2) and hiko Kyodotai eagles..are they easier to proquire since they are japanese?

IU think panavia tornado and EF2000 as well as F-16I or block 52 C would be AWESOME...its like that comination i think of dreadwing and someone else from g1 masterforce.

I am currently thinking up a design of g1etfire asa super tomcat PW400 testbed.

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Lockheed would have a fit if you tried to make an F-2 without their permission. If they wanted to, it'd probably be called the F-16G. (Assuming the kept E and F for the XL's)

And the Japanese F-15's are 100% MDC F-15's. Some were built in Japan by Mitsubishi, but that doesn't make a difference. Same as how some Hondas are built in Japan, and some in the US. The US-built ones are still Hondas, even if for so reason they wanted to change the name here.

Russian licensing---honestly don't know. I've never seen anything licensed/trademarked by them though. "Licensing to make a toy" is really a US company thing, and recent. Way back in like 1990, you could make all the model planes you wanted, from any manufacturer, and any airline.

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Mazda RX8 Alternator: Camshaft


Hasbro Q&A

Time to collect some bets..... B))B))B))

:huh: Why Camshaft? Is it just because the original omnibot was an RX-7? Seems a rather obscure character and name to pluck out of TF history. Just wondering...don't really care either way. If it looks nice, I'll pick up the BT version anyway.

The only news that does bother me: Tracks *will* be yellow! No sunstreaker then? :( I blame Chevrolet and their overzealous love of the color yellow on the corvette! <_<


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Why Camshaft? Is it just because the original omnibot was an RX-7? Seems a rather obscure character and name to pluck out of TF history. Just wondering...don't really care either way. If it looks nice, I'll pick up the BT version anyway.

Maybe I'm the only one to get it...but the name "Camshaft" for a RX-7 or RX-8 basied Transformer is downright funny :lol: ... it's sort of an inside joke as real rotory engines such as those that power both the RX-7 and RX-8 don't use camshafts :rolleyes:

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later confirmed by Tfw2005 as NOT being named camshaft.

anyway why would they start ussing lesser known autobots instead of the "main" characters...................but then again, why wouldnt they make the decepticons planes??

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Hmmm....I'd like to know who the credible sources are. At this time we have Hasbro's answer here.

Is this source another Hasbro employee disclaiming the above answer/link? And since I doubt that Hasbro Customer Support made up that name if he's not BT/ALT then he must be Energon but there's no one named Camshaft in Energon....yet. duh duh DUUUUUN!!!!

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io have no clue. The person who said camshaft was hte name was a hasbro person on the phone when someone called the information line or something. or whichever line is it you call when one of your toys breaks or something.

in ters of the source for him not being camshaft i imagine is ahigh level hasbro employee. TFW is never wrong when it comes to getting info from hasbro.

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jsut to throw my 2 cents in here....I've had the Alt Smokescreen for a while, but the Binaltech Smokescreen just showed up today...W :ph34r: W! The die cast, the paint, the piggies on the mirrors...I love this toy (and will never transform it). The Alt looks just as good in Robot mode, but the car mode isn't even in the same league.

For the other customizers/subaru fans: Tamiya makes a 1/24 2002 WRX model that is the EXACT same size as the BT/Alt. As soon as Silverstreak comes out, I'm gonna do a little bodywork, and convert it into my car...yay! I had always planned to do this, but never expected the hood/fenders to be such a perfect match...I may have to make 2 of em.

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It's official.

The name for the Mazda RX-8 TF Alternators is..............


Posted on Hasbro's website. Wouldn't it be a trip if the Binaltech version is named JAZZ?

Yeah, wasn't G1 Jazz actually called 'Meister' in the the Takara line? Interesting indeed, but I still don't give three shits to Sunday WHAT the names are on these toys. As long as the toys are great they can give them names like Assbot 6000 for all I care. ;)

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Yep, Jazz has always been Meister in Japan.

I am wondering though why they are using it for the American Alternator name? As a name for the Binaltech figure, I wouldn't have been suprised. But I almost expected "Autobot Jazz" instead. And yes, I realize that isn't the greatest name...but we are getting "Autobot Tracks" as the name for the corvette. So why the real reason for the name swap?

What think folks? Will it indeed be Jazz with another name that is used as a homage to hardcore TF fans? Or will it even resemble Jazz at all? ( I am just assuming that it just might based on the name and the suspiciously familiar head sculpt seen on Mazda's site) And assuming it does have Jazz's head sculpt, will it be the red that Mazda seems so fond of? Or could we get Jazz's old white color scheme? .....

*and yes, I know this is a mockup and not indicative of the final product...but

hey, I can't help hoping that the head sculpt does look a lot like this* :)

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Finally broke down and bought Sideswipe today at Wal-mart. The design's been growing on me slowly.

Anyway, in the Transformers Universe section they had Combaticons! Bad news was they are now all (all 5 of them) painted in some desert camo scheme and the name is Ruination instead of Bruticus. :huh: I was surprized to see combiners in that lot at all, but that just seemed wierd. I hope this hints that some constructicons may show up in that line at least though.

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Anyway, in the Transformers Universe section they had Combaticons!  Bad news was they are now all (all 5 of them) painted in some desert camo scheme and the name is Ruination instead of Bruticus. :huh: I was surprized to see combiners in that lot at all, but that just seemed wierd.  I hope this hints that some constructicons may show up in that line at least though.

Hasbro's re-released the Combaticons 3 times in the last 3 years, actually, including the new one. The first time as a part of Robots in Disguise, then in 'city-camo' last year, I believe.

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Anyway, in the Transformers Universe section they had Combaticons!  Bad news was they are now all (all 5 of them) painted in some desert camo scheme and the name is Ruination instead of Bruticus. :huh: I was surprized to see combiners in that lot at all, but that just seemed wierd.  I hope this hints that some constructicons may show up in that line at least though.

Hasbro's re-released the Combaticons 3 times in the last 3 years, actually, including the new one. The first time as a part of Robots in Disguise, then in 'city-camo' last year, I believe.

I did not know that. Even city-camo would have been better than this new desert tiger pattern.

Anyway, regarding Jazz, I hope the red RX is not him. It is bad enough they are making Tracks yellow. Jazz needs to be white. There's no reason not too. :( They could make the red one Camshaft no problem. They could make him Cliffjumper for all I care since there won't be any VW Bug versions this time (though bugs would have been so easy to make).

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Anyway, in the Transformers Universe section they had Combaticons!  Bad news was they are now all (all 5 of them) painted in some desert camo scheme and the name is Ruination instead of Bruticus. :huh: I was surprized to see combiners in that lot at all, but that just seemed wierd.  I hope this hints that some constructicons may show up in that line at least though.

Hasbro's re-released the Combaticons 3 times in the last 3 years, actually, including the new one. The first time as a part of Robots in Disguise, then in 'city-camo' last year, I believe.

I did not know that. Even city-camo would have been better than this new desert tiger pattern.

Anyway, regarding Jazz, I hope the red RX is not him. It is bad enough they are making Tracks yellow. Jazz needs to be white. There's no reason not too. :( They could make the red one Camshaft no problem. They could make him Cliffjumper for all I care since there won't be any VW Bug versions this time (though bugs would have been so easy to make).

Wasnt cliffjumper a porsche also? He definitely wasnt a VW.

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Sunstreaker should be yellow, not Tracks :angry:

As for Cliffjumper, wasn't he a VW bug too? Him (red) and Bumblebee (yellow).

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