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I picked up the Droids DVD, seeing it going for 10 bucks at Walmart. I loved this show back in the day, even though I was well aware it was pure cheese. I loved the drawing style, the voice acting, and especially the music.

You can imagine my dismay upon popping the DVD into my computer and immeadiately seeing that they cut out the opening title sequence entirely. Furthermore, to my absolute horror, it appears that the entire soundtrack has been removed and replaced with a horribly generic, wretched sounding replacement.

Now, you don't need to remind me that the original music was an absolute cheese-fest, but it was quirky and fun, and I have fond memories of it. This trash it's been replaced with is much worse sounding, incredibly subdued for the tone of the cartoon, and lacks any and all trace of personality.

I will never understand why anyone would go through extra trouble, cost, and effort to make a product worse.

Unless you absolutely must own all things Star Wars, I highly reccomend avoiding this DVD at all costs.

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I will never understand why anyone would go through extra trouble, cost, and effort to make a product worse.

Isn't that standard Lucas Procedure these days? :lol::lol::lol:

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Hmmmmmmm did Lucas even have tie ins with Droids? I don't remember.........but damn yeah I remember that show....I use to have some tapes but nope.....allllllllll gone, more ethan likely gone for good.

I can't remember to much of the show......just minor things like the characters drawn out, the droids themselves, a bit of the opening animation and music.....nothing too major.

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Ahhh...this brings back fond memories...yes, here they come...

"Hey, look, Tour of Duty is on DVD now! Man, I LOVED that show as a kid and I haven't seen it since! Awesome!!!"

5 seconds later

"What the F***?! Where is the "Paint it Black" intro song?? What is this garbage they replaced it with? Oh well, it's just the intro song..."

5 minutes later

"Holy F-ing Hell, where are all the classic rock songs and what is this 80's inspired synth-rock nightmare?? The tone of the music doesn't even fit the scenes!!!! Jesus, they're killing people and the music sounds like they're strolling down to the old fishin' hole!!! AAAAAARRRRRGHHHH!!!!"

Ahhh....memories.... <_<

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I will never understand why anyone would go through extra trouble, cost, and effort to make a product worse.

Isn't that standard Lucas Procedure these days?

That seems to be the standard operating procedure for nearly any TV release these days. Remember not long ago when somebody here was complaining that his Alf DVDs were cut? And the aforementioned Tour of Duty? Add Ren & Stimpy to that list too.

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Ahhh...this brings back fond memories...yes, here they come...

"Hey, look, Tour of Duty is on DVD now! Man, I LOVED that show as a kid and I haven't seen it since! Awesome!!!"

5 seconds later

"What the F***?! Where is the "Paint it Black" intro song?? What is this garbage they replaced it with? Oh well, it's just the intro song..."

5 minutes later

"Holy F-ing Hell, where are all the classic rock songs and what is this 80's inspired synth-rock nightmare?? The tone of the music doesn't even fit the scenes!!!! Jesus, they're killing people and the music sounds like they're strolling down to the old fishin' hole!!! AAAAAARRRRRGHHHH!!!!"

Ahhh....memories.... <_<

i'm so glad you posted that cause i sure did ask one of my friends to pick this up as a christmas gift for me. phew, that was a close one.

did they really fubar the music in the show like that? was it just the intro? or all the through every single episode?

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"These are not the droids you are looking for".

Ha, been wanting to put that in a post for ages now :p


Too funny...

By the way, I saw the original Land of the Lost the other day at WalMart. I loved that series as a kid and was thinking about picking it up but stories like this have me a bit worried. Anyone know if they butchered that job too?


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It'd be nice, go back to Walmart throw them the DVD, "What the hell?! Your wonderfully low low prices have gone and raped my child hood yet again!"

: / I was kind of looking forward on getting the ToD set for my mom at Xmas, now I'm not so sure.

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Remember not long ago when somebody here was complaining that his Alf DVDs were cut? And the aforementioned Tour of Duty? Add Ren & Stimpy to that list too.

What was removed/changed on the Ren & Stimpy DVDs? I thought they restored the censored footage.


Disappointing too. I was looking forward to seeing those episodes again.

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Remember not long ago when somebody here was complaining that his Alf DVDs were cut? And the aforementioned Tour of Duty? Add Ren & Stimpy to that list too.

What was removed/changed on the Ren & Stimpy DVDs? I thought they restored the censored footage.


Disappointing too. I was looking forward to seeing those episodes again.

Looks like I won't be able to ditch the VHS copies I've taped off Nick years ago after all. :(

I love the commentaries and extras on the DVD though. It's not John K's fault that Nick was such an awful archiver.

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Yep, Tour of Duty had it's original music removed and replaced by studio-schlock that I bet even the musicians who recorded it are embarrased of.

Here's a question, if they replaced the music on the Ewoks cartoon, would anyone notice? :p

As I mentioned in the Tour of Duty thread, the Rolling Stones' "Fade to Black" did not become the theme song until after season 1, so the music used on the DVD's I believe is correct.

As for if Fade to Black will be used in the subsequent season 2 and 3 DVD's (if made) remains to be seen.

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Seeing as this topic just went hopelessly off track from Droids I might as well state this last piece about Tour of Duty.

Paint it Black may or may not have "originally" been the "original" theme song for the first season when it "originally" aired on television in 1987, my memory is also somewhat clouded on that... but I can tell you this much: in 1988 they released several episodes from the first season on VHS tape, two epps per tape three tapes total in the US. Seeing as how I was disappointed with the lack of licensed music on the DVD release and I got tired of people trying to tell me that "that was the way the show was then, man" at work I hunted down and bought all three original 1988 released VHS tapes from eBay, from Amazon and one other source. . Now it can be argued that these tapes were mixed and run off using the "season two" introduction but there is no evidence to support that or evidence to go against it. The song Paint it Back IS is opening theme on all three tapes, all of which show first season episodes. All three also have full period music in them including songs by CCR, the Stones, the Doors and others and not the heinous muzak that clutters up the DVD releases. I can also say that when the show entered syndication in the early '90s it retained the "Paint it Black" intro music for all the episodes which then had the cut down syndication intros. The first true appearance of the new muzak and double beginning/ending synth themes was when I last saw it on television on TNT and the History Channel back in about 1999. I have seen several places say that was done due to the loss of the original muscial licenses which carried over to the DVD releases.

Out of all of that the only truths that can be gleened are at some point the show gained "Paint it Black" as it's theme song. That song in the intro was so ingrained in everyone's minds that when the DVDs came out almost everyone who had seen the show previously remarked on how the opening theme was different. I remember watching the show from the first episode in 1987 and I was a little thrown off when PiB was not the opening music the next time I saw the show on TNT. So was it the original original theme that ran for the first season when it originally ran on TV and then it changed to PiB for the second season and the first syndication run only to be "changed back" to it's original form? My educated guess as well as almost everyone else I talk to says no... but with no actual factual proof to go either way without someone who originally worked for the show back when it was first cut comming out of the woodwork and positively saying yes or no there is no way to be 100% dead nuts sure.

In the end though everyone remembers Paint it Black and not the crappy synthesyser riff intro from :back in the day" and that many memories cannot be that wrong.

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My mom just has a real big crush on Tarence Knox's......she's got alot of movies that got him in it, ESPICALLY those that were aired of the Life Time channel.....I told her I was thinking on getting her Tour of Duty on DVD till I heard about the edits and she said, "Why? I got all 3 seasons on Tape...." But that's not the point!!!! ><

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