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  1. Hey all, This is me offering a third possible re-release of my 1/48 crab line of models for your consideration: the Blueberry Crab (Inbit Gamo doppleganger) As with previous offerings, I would need a 10-order minimum (payable up-front) to kick the project off. If you're interested, let your typing fingers fly! Basic kit price per crab: $205 CAD (about $165 US) -Price per kit shipped (US/Canada): $240 CAD -Price for 2 kits shipped (US/Canada): $461 CAD -Price per kit shipped (international): $263 CAD
  2. I dont thk anyone posted abt this yet though its mentioned in jenuis's blog as a 90cm SDF-1 statue... http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=9672
  3. carlosap


    "I have seen this weapon before. The Humans cannot possibly understand its destructive power." - Regess to Ariel. 20170716_143411.mp4
  4. Black aces vf-1 diecast macross tomcats recently were customised calibre wings F-14s. And they displayed weathered tomcats in their FB page recently. I wonder if they are gonna release weathered F-14s in macross livery. They added a date 20th july together with the annoucement post on fb. So perhaps there will be more details on wat will be released then. Hold on to your wallet folks its gonna b a bumpy ride!
  5. Just leaving this out there. Was modeled by Norman: https://www.myminifactory.com/object/zentradi-ship-33002 it prints nice, but the model has a lot of disconnected surfaces. it measures 33 inches long by 3ish wide
  6. Just working on some of my favorite things of macross, mospeada and southerncross. here is a video of the gallant and how it assembles:
  7. Let me share this work in progress; This is a homemade kit for making a GU11 on the cheap side. The long pipe is a 4" AbS stock in any hardware store.
  8. I'm baaaaack! And this time I plan to reissue the King Crab (Gosu doppleganger) kit, with your help. This is the biggest and most elaborate of all the Inbit kits in my line, a true King Crab! Just as with the original, it will have a translucent eye and canopy part as well as a detailed cockpit ready to accept aftermarket pilot figues (not included this time). Just like the Pinky, the kit is free-pose. Price would be $300 CAD (about $233 US)+ shipping with up-front payment required and I'd need a minimum of 10 orders to get the ball rolling on the project. Shipping prices are as follows: -$26 CAD per kit shipped in Canada or the US -$48 CAD per kit shipped internationally. Any takers?
  9. Hi everyone, long time no see! I was wondering, since there's a minor revival of MOSPEADA with the upcoming Legioss toy, if anyone would be interested in acquiring some of my Space Crab kits? My thoughts would be to re-issue the Pinky Space Crab [Gurab] to start with. I would basically need 10 orders minimum to get the project going. Update: Exo has graciously offered a 1/48 scale figure to compliment the Pinky kit, so each Crab will come with one. THREE CHEERS FOR EXO!!! Price would be $134 CAD (about $99 US)+ shipping with up-front payment required. Shipping prices are as follows: -$23 CAD for up to 2 kits shipped in Canada or the US -$45 CAD for up to 2 kits shipped internationally. Any takers?
  10. As a recent fan of the awesome Anime Classic,The Super Dimension Fortress Macross. I am aware that Sony Pictures Entertainment owns the movie rights to Robotech movie, as well as home video/digital distribution/internet streaming for the Robotech series. It also means that Sony Pictures Entertainment has the rights to re-release The Super Dimension Fortress Macross, Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross, and Genesis Climber MOSPEADA. Because if Sony Pictures Entertainment did release the Ultimate The Super Dimension Fortress Macross Blu-Ray set, it would include the following: Master footage transfer based on the Japanese Blu-Ray release of The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: https://www.amazon.c...e/dp/B006QRCBG2 All DVD/Blu-Ray extras from the previous DVD releases such as AnimEigo/ADV, as well as Japanese DVD/Blu-Ray extras, along with new extras. Has the original Japanese audio from the Japanese Blu-Ray release complete with subtitles based on the ADV DVD release. (The AnimeEigo subtitles had a few errors corrected on the ADV releases.) Has the 2006 ADV English dub complete with a new redub featuring most of the actors reprising their roles from Robotech except for Hikaru Ichijyo being voiced by Vic Mignogna and Lynn Minmay by Mari Iijima. (note: both Vic Mignogna and Mari Iijima live in Los Angeles, where Sony Pictures Entertainment is located.) Would you buy the Ultimate Blu-Ray set if it got made alongside other additions, let me know?
  11. http://hlj.com/product/KZC10002 http://www.collectiondx.com/news_item/81016/kitz_concept_super_deformed_robotech_vf1s_roy_fokker Saw the HLJ link on my Facebook page, and brief researching turned up the CollectionDX link. It's branded as a Robotech toy, but all the same. I dunno if it already has a dedicated topic, but in case it doesn't, I figured I'd share for those who are interested. MSRP of 8800 JPY.
  12. From the album: Otakon 2016

    Yellow Dancer, Lynn Minmei & the Muses. Post "Women Of Robotech" panel photo suite picture from Otakon 2016.

    © Jaeson Koszarsky

  13. From the album: Otakon 2016

    Yellow Dancer, Lynn Minmei & the Muses. Post "Women Of Robotech" panel photo suite picture from Otakon 2016.

    © Jaeson Koszarsky

  14. Our "Women Of Robotech" panel is tentatively scheduled to kick off Otakon 2016 at 9AM on Friday the 12th. The current schedule posted is just a preview schedule and subject to change. Keep an eye out for updates. This year, we are opening with a Japanese version of the 1970s Wonder Woman TV theme sung by the Tirolian Muses. We'll explore how animation changed over the years, Robotech's importance in the 80s, and focus on the roles the women portrayed in each chapter of the series. www.Otakon.com
  15. Hi Macross fans on the Macross World forums. I am doing a post on the censored/edited content of The Super Dimension Fortress Macross when it was adapted into the Macross Saga of Robotech. The post is inspired by the popular Anime uncensored websites such as Dragon Ball Z Uncensored, Sailor Moon Uncensored, and Yu-Gi-Oh! Uncensored, and Anime News Network The Edit List as we all know the first half of Robotech based on Super Dimension Fortress Macross was butchered by Harmony Gold with many changes. Including changes to tie in with the later unrelated TV series that it uses. Note that this project is WIP at the moment, but will update it if fans can help me out on this. And the comparisons are using the Japanese subtitle/ADV dub version with the original 1985 broadcast version of Robotech as the bases. It is worth mentioning that the Harmony Gold VHS Volume 1: Booby Trap/2004 Remaster version of the episodes from Harmony Gold do exist, but they are not as badly censored as the1985 broadcast version of Robotech. Lets begin! General changes Dialog with cursing/other questionable stuff changed Violence edited Sexual/Nudity edited Certain Beer/smoking usage in scenes edited? Copyrighted material edited? Roy Focker named pronounced as Roy Folker to avoid it sounding like an F word. Episode 1 edits/changes/surprise non edits Surprise not being edited scenes? Intro prolog violence uncut!Captain Global/Gloval pipe is uncut!When Hikaru/Rick Hunter crashes, the person near by in one scene is not edited?Edited scense! 1. Murder changed to killer to be less threatening the word and enemy plains # reduced in Robotech version. When Hikaru/Rick Hunter and Roy Focker are talking to each other in the early half of the episode. 2.The scene with the cola machine bot with Lynn Minmay and Yoshio who wants cola is different where Yoshio wants to go pee, but in the Robotech version, he still wants more cola. 3.Lynn Minmay walking away scene with skirt cut out as it could be scene as inappropriate by some. 4.Violent explosion is edited by cropping the scene. 5. crap word changed to Hikaru English name Rick Hunter said by Roy Focker 6. Dame it changed to I can not take control of it said by Hikaru/Rick Hunter. Feedback would be welcome, and more episodes coming soon?
  16. vlenhoff

    Old vf1s

    From the album: Lenhoff's mental macross images & collection gallery

    Original drawing. Drawn by hand, an d painted in Photoshop. Roy stands his ground in macross island, as the first contact was made with the aliens. Clipped in the right arm, Roy's valkyrie bleeds slowly.

    © My interpretation of it, not for profit.

  17. There is a sketchup file floating around for the MAC MK II monster. I've been working on it to make it 3D printable for a while. Then about a month or so ago, grimmindustries on thingiverse put out an articulated version. http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1461419 (note the other monster pictures in wip 2-21-16 was from Macross VOXP) I had printed out a prototype of the original file for the torso in ABS on my Raise3d N2 printer. many print issues, the door ended up breaking off. I was working on fixing it up. grimm put out his version and I tried rescaling it down but it wasn't reliable enough to get the scale correct. the parts didn't fit together right. I discovered though I could import the STL files back into sketchup and rescale it in there. Layed out the parts and printed them off. Far cheaper then shapeways. Ended up having to super glue it together because the parts were still too loose and I had to use a dremal tool on a number of the joint sockets to make them fit. Made an 80mm base for it. I laid out a battle force of the various factions I have stuff for to take some pictures. Did a Monster verse BT as well to show the scale of it to BT mechs Close up of it before I painted it. and painted. It still has many issues which have to do with how my printer is printing it, I'm working on enhancing the torso section by splitting it in two. The joint parts in his model don't fit in their sockets completely. Not sure if it is an issue with my printer or his model. I am going to add details below the loading door and add in the front access door in the front. Here is how I split the original in two to fix it,
  18. I am currently in the market for a Robotech box set. There are so many floating around and I cant make a decision. The ones I have glanced over are The Protoculture Collection, The 20 disk Complete Set, The Legacy collection, The A&E collection out of which seems the best but cant be sure. Can anyone make a solid recommendation?
  19. I'm plannning to publish VERITECH MASTER-FILE source book privately my own account as like Aviation Book Series "Aero Detail " ! My own Fanmade VF masterfile sourcebook ( VF, not " Variable Fighter " but " VERITECH Fighter " , and Japanese Kanji character imprint said the same vocabulary "可変戦闘機" )  yui1107's DeviantArt gallery TAF-01-SCF is F-206 Falcon II http://worldofjaymz.wikia.com/wiki/F-206_Falcon_II Atmospheric Medium Weight VERITECH Fighter VF-7 sylpheed ( ASC code : TAF-02-SCF ) Light Weight & Low cost Fighter VF-8 Logan ASC code : TASC-01-SCF (English) The coverart of VERITECH Fighter / Helicopter MASTER FILE  VFH-10 Auroran , VFH-12 Super Auroran ASC code : TASC-02-SCF a.k.a : AGACS / Super AGACS Published by : Yui Entertainment Inc. 日本語 超時空騎団サザンクロス ロボテックに登場する 可変戦闘機攻撃ヘリコプター「VFH-10 オーロラン」、「VFH-12 スーパーオーロラン」の VFマスターファイルがもし実現したらとの想定で制作した自費出版の表紙。 部 隊内識別記号 TASC・01-SCF 宇宙機甲隊略号TASC,Tactical Armored Space Corps, 直訳は「戦術宇宙機甲・飛行航宙軍団」が第13話以降、激化する戦局に対応して使用した可変戦闘機。全長全高12 m 強、戦闘機形態でのローター除く胴体長 9 m と本作品の可変戦闘機としては最も大型の部類に入る。
  20. Emmm hope nothing contraversial about this post,on subject matter or its position in the toys section, which i found while trawling for more TN photos or vids... http://finesseproducts.bigcartel.com/category/skateboards
  21. Steiner21

    Robot Tech

    From the album: Robotech Kit Collection

    What's left of my Mecha Kit collection...
  22. Hi guys! As promised, I am putting forth the final pitch to gauge interest in a 1/48 Mospeada Legioss soldier mode (hereinafter referred to as Buster: Henshin Robo) resin model to accompany the Crabb army which I made a little while ago. I would also make all three head variations: Blue, Green and Red to allow for more versatility in the collection. Kit would be free-pose type (build it in the desired pose only) although certain joints will allow for minimal re-posing. Decals and markings: I will do the artwork, which I will then offer as open-source so that you can download and print as you see fit. This is going to be quite a bit more of an undertaking than most of my previous models, simply by virtue of its geometric complexity so you'd be looking at a $292 Canadian price-point (about $222 US) plus shipping. I would need a minimum of 30 orders to get the ball rolling so ask yourselves: is Buster right for YOU?
  23. I am a VFX artist and Director and I want to make a Macross Fan Film for the fans, Do I need Permission to do so? I have the ability to make it look like the Fan Made Power Rangers Movie that got pulled down on youtube. How can I get Permission and who do I Talk to?
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