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Everything posted by Radd

  1. Kotaku seems to be guessing that the 3D will work like this game: Where you tilts the device and the camera can sense how you're tilting it. I'm thinking it might work more similar to this Wii head tracking demo: Instead of using a sensor worn on your head, it could just use the camera in the handheld to see where your head is relative to the screen. So moving your head would change the perspective on the screen. Much more immersive.
  2. It's as if millions of gaming geeks all squealed with girlish glee and suddenly fainted.
  3. Oh my God, Infinite Space is amazing. It's like Legend of Galactic Heroes meets Captain Herlock in videogame form! If you have any plans to do things other than playing this game, I recommend not getting it.
  4. I think you're misremembering. Isamu took out a couple satellites, yes, but not because of an strategic importance. He used them to create debris he could fall into the gravity well alongside. The net could target a single falling piece of debris, but with hundreds of such pieces, it inceased the chance that the 19 would not get taken out.
  5. Argh. I so want one, but I'm also trying hard to save money. Hope Yamato milks this mold a bit more. Seriously want to see the Armoured version, and another repaint with the VF-X Ravens scheme.
  6. I'm glad I checked this thread before ordering MP Grimlock from HLJ the other day. Is there any word on his US release date, or s it still just "2010"?
  7. Random question, how many characters can a ship name be? Could you name a ship, say; Resistance Builds Character Supreme Laser Deluxe Surprise Love Gaiden The Simplest Solution Fiscal Irresponsibility An App For That No More Mister Nice Guy or Thanks for the Bruises and You Can Keep the Stool Samples Inquiring minds would like to know.
  8. Argh. Got mine at HLJ (been out of the loop, didn't know about AmiAmi's wonder prices then). Still, hard for me to be too upset given how awesome the toy is. I'm hoping the sale prices are because a movie version is immanent and not because it's selling poorly. Would be a crime if that were the case. Such a fantastic toy. Would love to see some New Macross class ships, and a couple SDF-1 (both versions) toys come out.
  9. I really hope this sells well. I'd love to see a VF-X Ravens VF-11 in the future.
  10. I would think that Battle Frontier would depend, partially, on the status of Bandai's hold on the Macross 7 license. Since it's such a similar design to Battle 7. Personally, I'd love the whole set of New Macross class ships. From Battle 7 to Galaxy. Make them similar in overall size to the Quarter and I'd be in mecha heaven. Strike that, I'd be in mecha heaven if we also got a similarly sized SDF-1 Macross to top it all off. (DYRL version if you please, but I'd love to see both versions get made.) Also, I'm pretty certain how well the Quarter sells would be a huge determining factor. I hope it sells well, it certainly deserves to considering how freaking awesome it is.
  11. Not everyone agrees with that assessment. Like I said above, I think it has one of the better battroid designs. Hands down better than the YF-19, the VF-25, or the VF-17. I don't see how it can be called jumbled or go-bottish. Fan-made kitbashes notwithstanding it's got a pretty clean, if bulky, battroid design. Of course, there's a saying about opinions. Not to mention the fighter mode is a popular favourite even if opinions on the battroid go the whole range. I've never thought licensing was that simple. There's a LOT of VFs in the VF-X games. Yamato has not had license to make all of them. It seems to me that what VFs are attached to a license is determined by where that Valkyrie makes its first appearance. The VF-17 appears in the VF-X games, but you need the Macross 7 license to do a VF-17 toy. The VF-4 appears in VF-X, but I suspect you need the Flashback 2012 license to do a toy based on it. I wouldn't be surprised if variants (VF-22, VF-11C, VF-171) are more complex than that, probably requiring several licenses (where the original design first appears, and the subsequent variant) or some wheeling and dealing with license holders.
  12. That seems to be the popular opinion. I've never really understood it. I've always found that the VF-4 has one of the most awesome battroid designs. It's a great contrast. The fighter is sleek and beautiful, the battroid is massive and powerful looking. I sure hope we get one, the sooner the better. Of course, ideally, I'd love to see Yamato release every single VF design, even the ones I'm not personally too keen on. Those are few and far between, tho. The VF-4 is at the top of my wish list. I don't know that it's been confirmed, but I've heard a lot of rumblings about a Yamato VF-17 on the forum lately. Will be great if it's coming. The VF-17 would be second on my list out of the choices in the quoted poll.
  13. I don't see why they couldn't do both. It's not like fans of either have gotten all that much. A $2500 Yamato bank breaker only a tiny handful could possibly afford, and a tiny yet expensive Wave model.
  14. After getting my hands on Bandai's DX Quarter, I'd be perfectly happy with them announcing a DX SDF-1. Would be great to get a whole set. TV and movie versions. Battle 7, 13, Frontier, and Galaxy. I'd get them all. Except possibly the tv version SDF-1. Never liked it nearly as much as the movie version. I'm still up for a smaller Yamato SDF-1, if they release one in the $200-500 range. Tho, if it costs $500 it better put my DX Quarter to shame. That's a tall order.
  15. Great Jiminy Jupiter's Radioactive Roving Rocket Squadrons! I just got mine today! This thing is utterly fantastic! It's freaking HUGE! Sure, standing upright it's slightly shorter than the Matchbox/Takutoku SDF-1 Macross, but the cannon and flight deck add a lot more mass to this toy. Utterly phenomenal! Detail is great! Dear Lord I so want someone, anyone, to make a DYRL style Macross this quality.I'm still a bit depressed about the Yamato SDF-1 costing a ridiculous amount of money, but if they released one this size, for a comparable amount of money I'd be in mecha heaven. It's not perfect. Like everyone already knows, it cannot hold it's shape in cruiser mode on its own. I'd be a lot more upset about that if I liked the cruiser mode all that much, but I'm pretty much keeping this guy in attack mode. Also, the giant radar behind the bridge is a solid, molded piece. The radar bit cannot be rotated at all, it's stuck in the "stored" position. Again, I'd be much more annoyed if I planned on keeping the Quarter in carrier mode for any length of time. Unexpected awesomeness! It can actually hold up both the Macross cannon and the flight deck! I wonder how long that will last? Hopefully a good long time, it looks awesome in the classic Macross pose. Bloody brilliant! I'm so insanely happy with this thing. It's marvelous! When are we getting Battle Frontier?
  16. Broke down and ordered one this morning. I figure if a movie version comes out and I like it enough to get it, too, then I can display one in ship mode, and the other in attack mode. Besides, with the Yamato DYRL Macross priced well beyond what I'm willing to pay I still need a Macross to add to my collection.
  17. I've been out of the loop for...oh, I think about a year or so, maybe only half a year...is this really that really super exciting Macross toy from Yamato we were all expecting to be around $500? That makes me so sad. I had $500 put aside just for this thing. Over 2k just isn't reasonable. Did someone mention that it's not even perfect transformation? I'm a big fan of the DYRL style version, but the paint scheme here looks unfinished, even in the more detailed magazine scan photos. So, no perfect transformation (if I read that right) and unfinished paint scheme? I'd probably have reconsidered at $500 (Oh, who am I kidding, I'd have gotten it at that price, then complained a lot as I displayed it right in the centre of my collection, transforming it back and forth several times daily for a week, BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!). So is that it? Are there any plans for a smaller version? Man, that's just depressing. I was really looking forward to this.
  18. I so want one of these....on the other hand I also want to get a better look at the movie version and see if there's any substantial improvements that a toy version might have. Argh. Decisions, decisions.
  19. As if there was any doubt, my vote goes for the VF-4 Lightning III. I love that design so much, in all three modes. Both fighter and battroid are in my top favourite VF designs. I'd pick up every variant they put out, too. Actually, I'd love to see some non-canon VF-4 designs. Otherwise I'll pick up three of Hikaru's from Flashback for display in all 3 modes.
  20. I'd love to get these, but between finances, space, and the fact that I already have both the YF-21 and Gamlin's VF-22, these are pretty low on my priority list. If money and space weren't an issue, tho, I'd definitely nab these up. They look great!
  21. Fantastic catch there, never noticed it before. Of course, the Manga release was pretty poor video quality and that's all I've ever had.
  22. I'm with taksraven. The story's been told, it ended. They flew off into the sunset. We still see characters popping up now and then as the world goes on, and we get a slew of new and interesting characters since the fate of the universe isn't always resting on the same set of shoulders time and again. Still, I'd love a new series that has the VF-4 as it's main mecha. It's still my favourite variable fighter.
  23. I love all the different interpretations of this interview. Especially all of the panicked, "OMG HE MUST BNE SMOKING SOMETHING!!!", "this is why I hate Kawamori", "so only <insert random Macross> is real?!" posts. Considering how many people you have influencing any given Macross production, it's a pretty realistic and down to earth take on things.
  24. I'm not a huge Gundam fan, but out of the UC and AU, the UC always looked much better to me and that trailer looked gorgeous. Looking forward to getting a better view of the animation quality. Struck me as very 80's looking. From the Mikimoto style characters to the 80's style cel shading on everything. Two things I adore.
  25. I do remember that HG was using DYRL designs ages ago. A VF-1S Strike appears on the CD art of the Robotech Perfect Soundtrack. I also recall hearing that HG had told Antarctic Press to stop using DYRL designs in their Robotech comics due to legal concerns. So, maybe it is that they licensed those merchandising rights later on?
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