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Everything posted by Radd

  1. I've noticed that in all the shots next to the Quarter, the Quarter is held up higher by its display stand. Looks like the two actually stand about bridge to bridge, and it's noticeably larger than the old Matchbox SDF-1.
  2. I've noticed that in all the shots next to the Quarter, the Quarter is held up higher by its display stand. Looks like the two actually stand about bridge to bridge, and it's noticeably larger than the old Matchbox SDF-1.
  3. I know a bunch of people stated they were holding out for the darker movie colours, and the photos of the Quarter made it look more pastel-coloured than it actually is, And yeah, I got the impression it sold poorly, but was wondering if there were any numbers to back that up. As for "robot layin down", I think people hold some pretty weird opinions about that, because even in attack mode the Macross, especially the DYRL version, looks more like a ship than a robot, which is why the difference in the two modes are practically nill. Show the lineart of the DYRL Macross in ship mode to anyone unfamiliar with Macross and just ask them what they see and they're going to say "spaceship" not robot. Now, about the SDF-2...both the tv style SDF-2 and the movie style Megaroad are vastly different from either SDF-1 version. Not to mention the tv style ARMD platforms are completely different between TV and movie styles. An SDF-2 or Megaroad would need to be entirely different molds, and neither would be transformable. To be clear, tho, I do agree that the Quarter was definitely designed with an emphasis on attack mode. Whether you're talking the toy or the line art or the CG, the Quarter looks made for "robot" form, with a ship mode kinda tossed in.
  4. By definition the VF-1 would be the "most innovative". I'd have said, "most innovative since the VF-1". Even then, plenty of room for personal judgement and opinion. How do you define innovation in fictional transforming aircraft? Technology? Performance boosting enhancements? Visual style? Transformation? The 19, 21/22, VB-6 and VA-3 all probably stray the most from the VF-1 and VF-4 design fundamentals, with the VB-6 being one of the few designs not based at all on older variable fighter designs going for taking an old destroid and making it variable instead. The Cutlass probably has the most unique transformation, followed by the VF-4. The VF-17 is the only design based on a stealth fighter. The VF-4 is the only design based on updating a pre-jet WWII fighter into something modern. Only the VF-14 is based on the very unique looking SR-71 Blackbird. The YF-21/VF-22 is the only battroid designed to look like a Q-Rau, but then do we consider the Variable Glaug as a VF? The 21 alone brought in the BDI system for controlling the fighter with thought alone. The 21 and 22 both have the flexible wings, unless I'm mistaken. Do we consider when they were produced within the Macross timeline, or when Kawamori sketched them out?
  5. I still remember the forum change. Man, has it really been that long? By the time I make it to a Macross Con they'll be wheeling me in and dropping me off with the rest of the old timers where we can reminisce about giant tuna heads and and waiting decades between Macross toy news while ragging on those "kids today" with their VF-19s, their Fire Bombers and their rock and/or roll music. With their hippin' and a hoppin', their bippin' and a boppin'. Don't know what the JAZZ is all about.
  6. Also, regarding the increase in prices, I think it's also fair to point out the increase in prices also corresponds with larger, more intricate and more detailed toys in addition to the other points people brought up. After all, do you really expect a 1/3000 scale SDF-1 to cost the same as a naked 1/60 VF-1? I doubt Yamato is looking at the sales of this toy as an excuse to ramp up prices on smaller, less detailed pieces. Especially not in this economic climate. However, for those who do want a tv style Macross, I hope they do look at it and see a market for ships. On the other side of the token, does anyone know how well Bandai's Quarter sold? I remember it really tanked in price right away which made me worried it sold poorly. Also, I haven't been around much lately but I don't recall Bandai releasing a movie colours version. I'm still hoping against all odds that we eventually see a New Macross class ship like Battle Frontier get the toy treatment.
  7. Got my shipping notice this morning, placing me in the ranks of those rapidly rocking back and forth in giddy anticipation, hitting F5 over and over again for days on end.
  8. I think you're oversimplifying what was going on here. Alto wasn't just, "Bwah, I'll kill her!" He honestly thought Ranka had betrayed humanity to the Vajra. He didn't have all the facts in addition to his own hurt emotions. He wasn't stating he'd kill Ranka because she'd left him for giant insects and "that other guy". He was stating he would kill her if he had to, for the sake of humanity. And it was tearing him up inside. And it wasn't just Alto! It wasn't just Alto, Luca and the entire Frontier fleet! It wasn't just characters in the show, remember? Remember how fans, even fans here on this very board, somehow missed the increasingly obvious? That the Vajra weren't the bad guys? Personally, I was floored back then, when the show wrapped up and people were lamenting how Ranka wasn't getting strung up for betraying humanity. Even after the credits rolled, so many people didn't actually understand what had happened. And the fans, real people, had even less of an excuse than Alto. Alto only had the information he had personally witnessed. We got to see multiple angles coming together over the course of the series, gradually revealing the larger picture in a way the characters in the show did not have the luxury of witnessing.
  9. I much prefer the DYRL style Macross, but a movie style Daedalus and Prometheus to go with it would be a nifty accessories pack I'd love to pick up.
  10. I'll be disappointed if it's anything but some variant of the VF-4, but the reality is I'm game for pretty much every VF design except the Macross II designs. I wouldn't begrudge the MII mecha fans their toys, but personally they're among my least favourite designs. I really do want a VF-17 at some point, a VA-3, a VF-5000, a VF-11 "Jamming Birds" version, a VF-0D, a VF-14...just that the VF-4 has always topped my list. I will get 3 VF-4 toys so I can display them in every mode.
  11. Got my AmiAmi payment request! After wrestling with PayPal I was able to send my payment off. Now just need to wait! I've been waiting for nearly 20 years for a DYRL style toy of the Macross like this. A week or two for shipping is nothing. All I need now is for Bandai to do up the Battle Frontier at least as well as they did the Quarter.
  12. http://kotaku.com/5629782/duke-nukem-forever-impressions-two-girls-one-duke
  13. Honestly, my favourite animated Transformers is the original movie. The old tv series does not hold up well with age, but the movie is still really great.
  14. Looks fantastic. Can't help but notice the turret is missing, tho. Still, looks way better than the old Yamato VB-6.
  15. "One of the few"? That's an odd thing to say considering the YF-19 is possibly the single most popular VF design besides the VF-1.
  16. Not that likely, unfortunately. It would be more likely if Yamato could just reuse most of the VF-19 and swap little things like the head but they can't.
  17. You're forgetting these are Bayformers. Chances are that those things sticking out the front break apart into dozens of tiny pieces of metal that form into a crumpled ball of foil that's supposed to be the robot's sternum. Or given the way the humour in these flicks has gone, its genitals.
  18. One of my favourite Valkyries, I absolutely love it. I have the Macross Plus version, and really, really want the VF-11C. Unfortunately, I'm currently between jobs (moving to NYC for an unpaid animation studio internship, unless I hook something better in the meantime) so toys got shoved to the lowest of my spending priorities when my freelance money became my primary income rather than my toy income. Get it, get it, get it. You won't be disappointed. I'm just hoping that we eventually get the VFX Ravens scheme.
  19. I think it's always smart to look ahead to the future, whether or not we're willing or able to go there quite yet. I do agree that, barring some incredible leaps in technology and a kick in the rear that forces us out there, it will come down to the money. Space is full of resources. The moment a corporation figures out that the cost/benefit ratio is in their favour, I expect we'll be out there. Of course, it won't be the "ruling elite" that get out there first, it will be those sent to get the resources they want. Getting there in the first place will require people to start looking ahead. As a species, we're still pretty bad about that. The economy, the problem down in the gulf, and many other issues are, when you get right down to it, the result of people not thinking ahead.
  20. If this does turn out to be some magical Rodimus/Hot Rod toy that looks good in car mode, I'll be sold.
  21. Yeah. I've been watching the Galaxy Express 999 tv series on Crunchyroll. The internet is a magical and wonderful thing. A shame the distribution companies didn't catch on to this earlier. The industry might not have collapsed so spectacularly.
  22. Rodimus looks great in bot mode, but he's just always had a terrible alt mode. A lot of the movie/post-movie G1 TFs did. I'm still hoping we someday see MP Soundwave. An MP version of G2 Megatron would be pretty sweet, too. Still my favoruite version of the character (even if the toys he got back then were terrible).
  23. I'd rather see new stuff. Also, the company I worked at cleaned house and got rid of all the higher paid people at my level, so I'm surviving on unemployment until I can find something new. Any toys I pick up have to be financed by getting a freelance project or surviving on ramen noodles for a month. I've got the FAST pack release of the YF-19, so I'm more likely to get a VF-19 or something entirely new rather than an improved version of something I already have. I'm facing the same issue with Bandai's VB-6. Unless it's substantially improved over Yamato's I just can't justify it. I've already got the 1/3000 Macross to budget for and a VF-4 toy is about the only thing I'd be willing to dip into savings for.
  24. The 1/2000 was much larger and web exclusive. Also priced well out of the range of any sane human being who is not independently wealthy. This smaller version was announced shortly after the limited release of the 1/2000 kit, at the same time I think they also announced a rerelease of the still extremely overpriced 1/2000 kit.
  25. It's been my impression for years now that "enemy mecha" tend to sell extremely poorly in Japan, so the focus is always on the "good guy" mecha. Millia's Q-Rau is about as close to that as you get with a Zentradi/Meltrandi mech.
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