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Everything posted by Radd

  1. No announced price, but it will likely be around $200. I would be shocked if Nintendo launched a handheld for much more than that. The GBA, GBA SP, DS, and DS Lite all launched at $150. The DSi launched at $130. The DSi XL at $190.
  2. Just in case anyone is taking comments like these seriously, this reasoning leads us to believe the 1/48 with GBP armour cost about $800 usd. I know I didn't pay that much for mine.
  3. That sounds like what I've been hearing. That if you buy a PC copy of a Steam game, you get the Mac version free, and the other way around too.
  4. I'm disappointed the mass production appears to be down-sized, but if we get it at a reasonable price I'll get over it. I'm hoping that it's at least as tall as the Quarter, bridge to bridge. I would be perfectly fine with that. If it's only that big, it better be comparable in price, tho. I was ready and willing to spend $500 when it was huge, not so much if it's only as large as the Quarter. Less so if it winds up smaller than that, even.
  5. I'm still not interested if it's $2k. If it's a reasonable price I'll be pre-ordering and clearing out a special spot on my display shelves. I've been wanting a good quality movie version SDF-1 toy for ages.
  6. I don't believe there is a basis to this statement. Just because 3D is used in bad movies, doesn't mean it can't be used in good movies. It doesn't take away anything.
  7. I'm fine with 3D. It's an added element to the visuals. As technology improves, it really could become more and more like the jump from black and white to colour. Avatar was the closest I've seen to that. I'm hoping we'll soon see *good* movies that manage the effect as well as that. In the 50's 3D was a fad because it was a chintzy effect used primarily for extremely cheesy movies. These days, the effect is getting a lot better. Avatar was a huge success, if some good movies come along that really make good use of the technology I think it will be here to stay. On the other hand, if we get a glut of cheesy movies and quick cash-ins that fail to make good use of the technology, I think people will get tired of it and stop shelling out for it at the theatre. Ebert is also the guy that says videogames can't be art. His opinions don't mean much.
  8. I still want Re-Armed re-made for the DS. Or if the rumours about the 3DS having substantially better graphics than the DS are true I'd be patient enough to wait for that. I still bust out the GBA SP to play my GBA port of the original Bionic Commando now and then.
  9. I dunno. Mortal Kombat was fun. MK2 was alright. It was pretty much MK3 onwards that sucked. They completely lost the Hong Kong cinema vibe that I enjoyed with the first game, and while other fighters were evolving their gameplay, the MK franchise kinda just went stale.
  10. Since this has been made the new videogames thread I'm going to plug Infinite Space again. For some reason this game seems to be slipping under the radar despite possibly being the best game to hit the DS. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsJxsspHkm8 Definite shades of Captain Herlock and Legend of the Galactic Heroes. Huge epic story (I hit the "opening credits" at about hour 28). Ship customizing is brilliant, and the battle system is fantastic. Well, the space battle system. The melee battles I could take or leave. I was surprised to see no one else on the forum talking about it.
  11. I don't remember any of this being in Ms. Pac-Man. Is it a remake?
  12. Well, according to all the American game review sites, Infinite Space is a poor-mediocre game. Then again, I'm thinking this is a case where the gaming media is just hitting a new low in poor journalism. Especially considering every single review I've read has been riddled with factual errors about the game, which made up the vast majority of the reviewers' complaints. (Do they even play the games anymore? Or did Sega just not pay them enough to get a good score?) Actually, given that it's not actually a bad game in the slightest (there's just absolutely zero journalistic integrity left in the gaming media) I'd give that my top slot for an Underrated Videogames thread. Hmm, for this thread...Final Fantasy IX comes to mind. It was not a bad game, it was great in a lot of ways, but it's pretty clear that Square shoved it out the door before it was finished. Most of the character plotlines are abandoned halfway through the game and the end of the game is a confused jumble, with an entirely non-sequitur finaly boss and plenty of loose ends. The Fallout 3 expansions. I love every single one, despite the flaws. Fallout 3 was great, so it takes very little to pull me back in to play more. Lookout Point was the only expansion I'd consider "good" tho. The others basically shoehorned Fallout 3 into being a first person shooter. And let's face it, it's a great game as an action RPG, but as a straight up shooter it's fairly mediocre.
  13. Guillermo Del Toro is supposedly going to be doing "At the Mountains of Madness". Rumour has it Ron Perlman will be in it, too. Tho, I also heard the whole project got pushed back due to Tel Toro's involvement in "The Hobbit".
  14. On the two Final Fantasy movies: Spirits Within was crap. Still, I would say it's underrated to a degree. It was crap with a great, Final Fantasy plot at it's core. Meteor from a dead planet, bringing ghosts from that planet's dead people, animals, etcetera? That's pretty awesome stuff. Like, 1 part FF, 1 part Lovecraft. Too bad it was buried under a godawful screenplay, absolute crap voice acting (everyone sounded like they were reading lines off a page, with no context). The CG modeling quality was brilliant, but the actual designs were extremely uninspired. The soundtrack score was just awful. Nothing redeeming about it. The L'Arc~en~ciel track was good, tho. The other end credits song was entirely forgettable. I'd love to see someone take the core plot of Spirits Within and do something good with it. It was a terrible movie, but there's a gem of an idea buried under all that crap. Advent Children was a shameless cash-in, one that took a big huge crap over the FF VII game. So they took the story from one of Square's most popular FF games, and rewrote the ending entirely so that they could make sequels. Tear out all that "closure" and "good storytelling" so they can make a few bucks. Of course, most FF VII fans seem to love being crapped on like that. Among that crowd I'd say the movie is overrated. To most everyone else, the movie was a pretty, yet ultimately pointless train wreck of bad storytelling which was quickly forgotten.
  15. I almost never hear people talking about Fifth Element. A movie can't be overrated if people aren't even talking about it to begin with. It can be underrated, but I don't think that's the case. I loved it up to the end, and then was really disappointed with the last 10-15 minutes where it seemed like they ran out of time and so tacked on an ending. On the whole the movie is worth seeing, but not a cinematic landmark or anything. And that's about where it seems to fall on the radar.
  16. You can't actually gauge size at all from this pic. The Ghost and the 171 are not floating next to each other. The Ghost is in the distance behind the VF-171, approaching it. It could be 5 miles long for all you can gather from this picture.
  17. I don't read too much into animation, unless the animation is exceptionally well done.
  18. I really thought Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow was underrated. It's simple 30's style pulp adventure fluff, but it does that really exceptionally well. I was able to enjoy the movie despite Jude Law, and I really don't like Jude Law. I agree that Avatar is way overrated. It was a thoroughly mediocre movie, with some great special effects. I'm glad I saw it once, in 3D. Best 3D effects I've ever seen in a film. Will probably never go out of my way to see it again, especially without said 3D effects.
  19. I enjoy my Yamato VB-6, warts and all, but I love what I'm seeing so far from the Bandai version. I was disappointed with the DX VF-25, but I absolutely love the Quarter, what I've seen of the VF-27 looks good, and this looks great! I hope it doesn't disappoint when it's released.
  20. It looks like a great mold! It's just that it doesn't look finished. The lack of paint is obvious, it looks like a half finished model kit. And not one of those pre-painted Bandai snap-together kits, either. And for that, the price tag hardly seems worth it. I don't hate the toy, I hate that they never actually finished it, and just released an incomplete product instead, at a steep premium price to boot. If it were an actual, finished product, fully detailed and painted as much as any other Yamato release, I'd have pre-ordered it. I had $500 set aside specifically for this toy since shortly after it was announced.
  21. The Quarter was definitely made with battle mode in mind. Not a fan of the ship form. I've always thought people were exaggerating when they complained that the Macross looked the same in both modes, just laying down in ship mode, but it's definitely true of the Quarter. Once again, tho, it's a cryin' shame that the Yamato Macross got shafted. Looking at the pictures, you can tell this is not a finished product. It's like they decided to pull the plug on the project, packaged up the few pieces they had done, and shipped them at a premium to ravenous fans. The actual toy looks great. Just needs paint, and to be about $1500 dollars less expensive.
  22. Avatar didn't seem to have that problem. That was pretty much the one thing that impressed me about that movie. Even so, that doesn't apply at all to the method of 3D the 3DS is likely going to use. Head tracking and tilt sensing methods wouldn't have any of the visual blurryness issues that come with 3D tricks that rely on special glasses and whatnot. It fools the eye by changing the on-screen perspective based on the position you look at the screen from, or the angle you hold the device at. It's a really great, and horribly underused trick. Like the head tracking demo above showed, it's limited in usefulness for a home console (the image only looking correct to the person whose head is being tracked), but for a portable like the 3DS it would be a perfect fit.
  23. Honestly, I'm surprised more people aren't gushing over Infinite Space here. It's easily one of the best games I've played on the DS.
  24. If the only thing about the 3DS was the 3D effect then that would make it the DSi with a new box. (See the speculation on the 3D effect above.) However, word is that it will have much better graphics than the DS. The screens will be bigger, with a negligible gap between them. An accelerometre. Some random Iwata comments suggest it may also have a constant online connection, like the Kindle, for buying downloadable games and possibly online multiplayer. And apparently it will make you a thousand times more attractive to the opposite sex. How much of that is true we'll probably see at E3. If the 3DS does head tracking, like I suspect it will, that will be huge. Even if not used for some gimmicky gameplay element, the effect alone just potentially adds so much to the visuals.
  25. Also, is it wrong that the first thought that popped into my head at the 3DS news was, "I CAN'T WAIT FOR AN INFINITE SPACE SEQUEL ON THIS!"?
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