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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. I have to say... Exodus sounds like a show I might watch... As for Cross Ange, one of my friends pointed this out... Check out the gravestone on the far right... RIP, Dgmkm Xgjkkk... I think we can all agree that she died too young, before any of us learned how to pronounce her name...
  2. Ah, OK... I thought you meant that the male characters in Shirobako itself were less developed than the female characters (this, I can see, could be a recurring problem in a show this meta...). Anyway, taking your question/comment at face value, I think the point of all that is not really that director is trying to give the characters on "Exodus!" as much depth as possible, but just that he's indecisive AND perfectionist, and has a tendency to sabotage his own projects. He's also, I think, meant to be shown as an exception rather than the rule (his last show had ended in failure, hasn't directed a show a years, etc.).
  3. Dude, he said it... I'm just relaying the message...
  4. EW's speculation about each image almost sounds like something from the Onion. (The X-Wing's pilot's name is Poe! That's like Edgar Allen Poe! Maybe he'll be on the fence between good and evil!" No, EW, he'll likely be a REALLY minor character with maybe a line or two.)
  5. Again, according to Kawamori, it's as canon as anything else.
  6. I don't think I understand your question... Can you elaborate?
  7. It was, unfortunately. The notion that Arnie was playing the good guy was common knowledge, even to someone like me, who didn't follow the press on it much. I think that day has passed. We already have a good Terminator movie or two, and we should be grateful for that. No need to get greedy.
  8. I don't think it's deconstructing it to say that the plot of Alien is "monster kills spaceship crew one-by-one as they try to fight back."
  9. Gakken85 is absolutely right, I think, in the idea that T1 and Alien, at least, are horror movies. T1 has more of a blending of action-movie in it, but Alien certainly has the same template as a slasher flick, except it's adults on a spaceship instead of teenagers at a camp (or wherever) and an alien instead of a deranged murderer. Of course, those changes give Alien a wholly different tone and set of concerns than your typical '80s slasher, but the basic plot is there.
  10. OK, so a "real" Terminator fan is you and anyone who agrees with you. Gotcha. Given that, I guess you're right... the only people looking forward to this new movie are the "real fans."
  11. I never saw Avatar, and Terminator does a lot of very different things than Ellison's Outer Limits story did. And yeah, Cameron's done a lot of crap (I LOATHE Titanic), but the two Terminator movies aren't among them. In fact, come to think of it, T1 and 2, Aliens, and Titanicv are the only Cameron movies I've seen, so I'm not sure why you're accusing me of being a fanboy...?
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