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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. That wasn't even the weirdest one, Einherjar... Although it's getting there.
  2. Honestly, just to make a statement, I'm tempted to buy a bunch of tickets, even though I have no desire to see the movie.
  3. Well, he supervised the book...
  4. The only conflict to it that's been pointed out to me was from the Macross VO game for the PC, which apparently has the SDF-3 and SDF-4 in it, both of which are Megaroad-types. And yeah, a lot (but not all) of the flak has been from Robotech fans, even after I explain that this is MACROSS information, and has no bearing on Robotech at all.
  5. So, according to the first VF-1 Master File book, here's the SDF-3. Isn't she a beaut? I mentioned this on the SpeakerPodCast and at MW Con, but for some reason, if I say anything about it on Facebook, one or more people will come out and accuse me of trolling or just being mistaken or they simply don't want to believe it or SOMETHING, but it's right there on page 120 (as Sketchley's translation confirms), as the ship that the SVF-789 Daleskarak squadron (wing?) is assigned to: "SDF-3 (Formerly Britiai's ship)" I'm honestly not sure why this brings out hostility and disbelief in people, since it doesn't really have any bearing on continuity, but there ya go. After Space War I, Britai's ship was reclassified as the SDF-3. (And before anyone points out that the Master File books aren't necessarily part of the "official setting," I'd like to say that I showed the pic to Tenjin-san... so if it wasn't official before, it probably is now. )
  6. It'd be kinda like the Ewoks vs. the AT-ST. But grittier.
  7. Well, I wouldn't say he ragged on it, exactly... He said that the unusual design of the Turn-A probably hurt the merchandising of the show. And it's definitely true that the plastic model sales for Turn-A weren't great when the show came out.
  8. Interesting that that ad calls it a "popular Japanese animated series," whereas the ad for the video tape makes no mention of its origins at all. Just like some of the Robotech promotional material obscures where it comes from (and that it was three series stitched together) but other material highlights that fact.
  9. I'm 99.9% sure JB0 is being sarcastic, since he often is. Gerli, I'm not as confident about.
  11. So, every issue of Starlog Magazine was posted on the Internet Archive recently, and I searched through the issues from Summer of '84 for this ad... This was when I first heard of Macross, and the Takani art totally fascinated me... I ended up cutting it out and pasting it on one of my school notebooks. (But man... FORTY BUCKS FOR THREE EPISODES...? And people complain about Japanese blu-ray prices...?)
  12. George R. R. Martin to the rescue!! http://www.esquire.com/blogs/culture/george-r-r-martin-the-interview-movie
  13. Y'know, there's Christmas stories (two of 'em) for the original SDFM, and there's a Christmas story for Frontier (kinda), but I got to thinking... what about the rest of Macross? Don't those series deserve some Christmas cheer? So... my NEW BRILLIANT IDEA: A VERY MACROSS PLUS CHRISTMAS SPECIAL It's Christmas Eve, and Sharon Apple decides to try to dominate the world again, this time by sending the Ghost X-9 to shoot down Santa's sleigh and make all the world's children disappointed and despondent. So Isamu and Guld have to go out searching for Santa, while Myung evades hypnotized guards to get to Sharon and reprogram her to be nicer. At the end, Isamu and Guld find Santa, but all his reindeer have gone and time's running out to deliver the presents. So they harness the sleigh to the YF-19 and YF-21 and rocket all around the world. Myung successfully reprograms Sharon, and they sing a duet of "Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy." (Oh, and there will also be a gritty and hardcore scene where Sharon hypnotizes all of Santa's elves, and they take down a Destroid platoon.) So, do I have a winner here or WHAT? Feedback is welcome!
  14. As well as raising its profile from "dumb. unfunny comedy that'll have maybe one good week at the box office" to "major political cause."
  15. Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, The Room, and Invasion from Inner Earth have played in more movie theaters than The Interview will...
  16. The Fire bomBAR in Osaka has just celebrated its second anniversary! This is kind of amazing, honestly, since bars and clubs in that area tend to come and go lightning fast (when I went to the Fire bomBAR, there was an AKB48-themed bar right down the hall... I wonder if THAT's still there...) http://firebombar.sblo.jp/article/106596928.html
  17. It strikes me that whenever someone ASKS for a reboot (instead of complaining about how it means Hollywood has no fresh ideas, which is the usual reaction), it generally means, "I really like this movie or series, but I notice it has flaws. So let me add my own fanfic into it, and then it will be PERFECT."
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