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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. The first ten minutes of episode one are about an animation production club (and, yeah it looks like it's going to be a show about moe amateur animators). Then it jumps forward to (most of) them actually working in anime production. The cast seems impossibly huge at first, but it gains focus pretty quickly, and it really gives an only-slightly romanticized account of what people who work in anime (on all levels, from directors to in-betweeners to voice actors) go through to bring out a series. Plus, a lot of the characters are based on real people, and there's at least one that'll make you smile.
  2. So no one else is watching Shirobako...? IT'S REALLY GOOD!!
  3. Again, that's basically what happened in that Frontier gag manga. Ozma goes out and sings to bunch of Zentradi attackers, but they're old and deaf, so he gets killed. FInally, Alto goes out and dances kabuki, and that gets 'em.
  4. And then the Protodeviln destroy the galaxy, completely unchallenged. Great story.
  5. Why not? Failing that, I wonder what "Honey" Suzuki and Alice Holiday are up to in 2067?
  6. Shirobako is totally the greatest thing I've seen in a while... fun characters, fun story, lots of little easter eggs, and even most of an episode "filmed" in the area where I used to work. And it's got a "Kitano Circus."
  7. I'd say Macross the Complete. It's three discs, and the DYRL soundtrack is on disc two. But what makes it worth is that the third disc has all the OTHER music that was used in the movie but previously unreleased.
  8. Aren't things like FAST packs and armor packs just interchangeable parts and modules?
  9. Hasegawa makes some pretty great model kits for it.
  10. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-07-08/silent-mobius-qd-paranormal-police-sequel-manga-to-launch
  11. That sound you hear is Tochiro tearing out his hair and shouting, "WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT THE NEW SILENT MOBIUS MANGA!?!"
  12. Remember that Macross Frontier revitalized the Macross name, and made all sorts of things possible, from Yoko Kanno concerts, to Macross magazines and manga, to blu-ray sets, and so on. So you should hope that it WILL be more of the same stuff!
  13. Yeah! Robotech!! KCOP 13, 4:00 Amirite, yo!??
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