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Everything posted by Akilae

  1. Let's whet those appetites a tad, shall we? :-p
  2. Well, my news sources (slashdot, office gossip, etc..) say that it wasn't really the railroad company's fault, but a glitch in Trend-Micro's virus definition files that caused the whole system to lock up. Dunno how true that is though...
  3. Begun, the flame wars have You know, in a few more posts we'll really be arguing about "Imperial" vs. "Imperator", or "Interdictor" vs. "Dominator", or TIE "Avenger" vs. "TIE Advanced". As long as we all understand what each other are talking about....
  4. I dunno... all my references (Star Wars technical manual), X-Wing, TIE Fighter, X-Wing: Alliance, and countless Star Wars sites tell me that it's just a Corellian Corvette, with "blockade runner" tagged on cause it was exceptionally good at it. I remember rather heated discussions on usenet over "Imperial-class Star Destroyer" and "Imperator-class Star Destroyer"... Anyhow, let's just say I like my Corvettes, and you like your blockade runners =)
  5. I always thought it was a Corvette class of Corellian manufacture. "Blockade Runner" a nickname cause that's what it did at the beginning of Ep. IV.
  6. any chance of seeing stuff for the gunship designs in the movie?
  7. I dunno... not red enough, and the overall costume is too textured. Guess I was expecting a more classical Superman suit
  8. Personally I find Warsteiner and Kostritzer more to my liking. Saporro and Asahi aren't too bad. In pinch I'll drink Corona. Smoothest beer I ever had would be Harbin Beer though, pity I haven't found anywhere outside of Harbin that actually carries it
  9. yeah, that... also being able to find some more esoteric games like Ring of Red. What I REALLY miss is the ability to trade in or buy used PC games... got my copy of Baldur's Gate II at half price within the first two weeks of launch, cause it was missing the box.
  10. whoa, there's a LOGH forum? gotta start hanging out there when they get it back up.
  11. I *REALLY* wanna see how official subs are gonna translate that phrase, lol... almost anybody remotely familiar with Japanese culture and language knows what "iku" means when shouted out in a setting like THAT... this anime is really wrought full of sexual innuendos... threesomes too So far it's looking up to be pretty interesting though.. then again, I also thought Candidate for Goddess was cool, so I'll wait and see.
  12. damn, looks so much better than my McFarlane POS...
  13. Akilae

    Chromed JM?

    but... it's so... shiny
  14. Akilae

    Chromed JM?

    Anybody seen these before? Offered for roughly 30 bucks for a supposedly "limited" edition JM, while a vintage Max listed right below it is going for over 100... hmm...
  15. I remember catching glimpse of a Corellian corvette in the trailer... is it actually the Tantive IV? That would rock... What bitrate is the OST in? Got some other things running now, so need some more info before I make the mad dash to nab it before all the seeders disappear. My two cents on John Williams: John Williams represents how OSTs were done during his time (along with the likes of Jerry Goldsmith, etc..). Listen to a couple of more recent (post early-90s material) and a lot of film soundtracks tend to be a bit more on the subdued side and take a more supporting role to the plot, unless we're talking about Hans Zimmer and his Media Ventures style all-out synth blasting, lol. The problem with John Williams OSTs is that unless it meshes REALLY WELL with the film's plot and characters, it's gonna take on a life of its own and sometimes actually seems to fight for attention. Duel of the Fates is memorable because it played primarily in the first film during Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon's duel with Darth Maul, setting a very good tempo and pace. The rest of the score... eh... nice, bombastic, but nothing the listener can tie in with anything in the film. Anyhow, I'll shut my trap about the ROTS score until I actually see the film Oh yeah, to those that loved the Star Wars theme, get a copy of Meco's rendition
  16. the trailer actually looks pretty good... too bad it doesn't actually open up. The dude is selling Ultra Magnus + trailer for $750?? wow...
  17. Further OT: Google for "Media Player Classic", everything the classic Windows Media Player was and more!
  18. like I said, not mine... actually, if you go to the first page of this thread, you'll see a cell shaded rendering by Wolf13. If they ever get the old boards up and running, that's where all the good stuff is.
  19. I think Ben Browder outta do a pretty good job... the man looks good touching that Stargate, lol, although at times I think he's very close to becoming typecast as "that Farscape guy", just like how Scott Bakula was never really taken seriously after Quantum Leap ended.
  20. heh, my Deunan couldn't even hold her gun up... ended up storing her back in the DVD box and making more space for my Saint Seiya figures.
  21. Well, I only got the Japanese Deunan DVD box, and as far as I can tell, it's the exact same toy...
  22. Most of this stuff IS very obvious to the average Chinese viewer who has actually read said works, and is made even funnier by the extremes taken. For most Western viewers it just flies right over their heads... For example, my American friend who went along with us to watch Kung Fu Hustle couldn't get why everybody was giggling when the landlord and landlady introduced themselves. According to Chinese wuxia stories, they're each supposed to be the epitome of manliness and feminine beauty, respectively. Oh well, as long as Stephen Chow managed to get everybody laughing, it's all good
  23. It's all about the bling these days... maybe too much bling. I dig the flaming wheels though. Wonder how they're gonna do his flaming skull...
  24. Everything from neck up seems pretty spot on though... wonder if they'll ever release an Athena for Saint Cloth Myth... no, wait, they can't, I'm already gonna be broke as it is collecting the 12 gold saints
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