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Roy's Blues

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Everything posted by Roy's Blues

  1. Roy's Blues

    1/48 Gbp

    I think I'll buy another CF just for this. My low-vis 2.0 looks to sweet on it's own. Could one of our resident photoshop experts put a stealth 1J in the GBP 2.0?
  2. I know I'm probably going to get flamed for this, but are there any pics? Also, what are you using to back up your "collectible value" claim? Ebay? (I live in florida, and I moved to an mandatory hurricane evacuation zone, so insurance has been concern.)
  3. Yeah, everybody flood the market,. That way we'll all get 25.00 each for our minty yf-19's
  4. Well then.. Anybody want a Macross Plus collection? YF-19, YF-19A, YF-21, YF-21 FP, VF-11, VF-11 FP.
  5. The big question, as far as I am concerned is what about the YF-21
  6. Mine has that as well. I am cosidering getting some magnets and some crazy glue for quick fix
  7. I think they confirmed they would some months back. 409240[/snapback] really??? how lame... they need to start releasing them together.... fastpacks and valks.... so there's gonna be another $10 or so set for armor??? yeesh!!! 409243[/snapback] They are going to release it with the Beta/Tread.
  8. Do a completed item search on Ebay for each one of the individual bots. Also, search by group names ie constructicons predicons
  9. If anyone is just interested in the Stealth Valkyrie without the armor, Shoot me a PM. edit. Neova was trying to offer this service, but there were no takers. I thought I may try again. I am interested in the FP, related stickers and missiles. I will send you the Valk in it's box.
  10. I saw about an hour of it last night, and IMHO it was similar to Neil Gaiman's work. It was kind of a mix of American Gods and his Sandman works. What I saw of it I liked.
  11. I got my LV 2.0 today! Here's a pic of my ground crew. (scale's a little off.... )
  12. that being said, who really cares about which arm is which? the outcome isn't going to kill either of you is it. heres a dilema for you guys... people say they want a TV roy, that its different from the DYRL roy, but AFAIK, the only thing thats different are the color of the feet and intake covers, yet people want a set of "TV/1J arms" to complete it. now keeping that in mind, i can't remember one time in the macross TV series where the 1S roy had TV/1J style arms. go ponder that one! 406663[/snapback] I wanted a TV Roy 1S because instead of the regular off-white, IIRC it was a more of a gray. Perhaps it just needed a washing
  13. Roy's Blues

    1/48 Gbp

    It's supoosed to be released this month. I hope it releases soon because it's holding up the rest of my order!
  14. What kind of detailing? PM me if you want.
  15. Fly4victory - What's the Max VF-22 look like? Any pics or links? 405010[/snapback]
  16. Thanks! I needed a new desktop wallpaper at work. let's get back on topic. Caption this tranny
  17. For those of you that ordered the Low Vis 2.0 from Rob, the Samurai-monkey, he is getting his shipment on Saturday. Goodies on the way soon!
  18. I'm in the same situation. Neova is holding my Super Stealth, GBP 2.0 and black display stand until everything is released for a combined shipping discount. Maybe the wait is'nt worth a few bucks
  19. I was at my grandparents one summer and my parents had a garage sale. I had a box of costumized toys. The box had a large gakken blue alpha,gakken cyclone, and a Roy JM. There were also many G1 transformers, a few MASK vehicles, and some GI Joes. They sold the whole box for 15.00. Still a little ticked about it. /had a really nice Christmas that year
  20. The Max 1A was reissued. I purchased one from Neova back when they were offered again. The Low Vis 1A V.1 was a limited edition that is not supposed to be reissued. I'm sure most collectors would curse the yamato exec that authorized a re-release of the that edition with a leaky anus
  21. Good job! <------- Maybe his seat looked like this
  22. This must be a excerpt from a cannon fodder pilots flight manual! great post! LOL
  23. The best sight gag IMHO was one of the Nannys was a Skeksis from "The Dark Crystal"
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