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Roy's Blues

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Everything posted by Roy's Blues

  1. Another Roy vote, for obvious reasons. Get a set of stealth FP to put on it. They look much better IMHO.
  2. You may want to add SAMPLE or a Watermark to the YF-19 decals on your site, so someone does not steal the designs
  3. Mine arrived yesterday. Very happy with it. It's a little bigger than a 1/48.
  4. You must resist! Do not buy any toycrapi products. At least until they say one way or another about the beta.
  5. I am interested in a 1/48 Minmay Guard Paris act. When will these be available?
  6. Yoshial induced mod. Looks like crap IMHO. The neck does not sit flush
  7. Please forgive my Yoshinal stupidity, but where is NW?
  8. I checked mine. No stress marks whatsoever. I am sorry this is happening to those of you with this issue.
  9. Roy's Blues

    VF-0A 1/60

    Here you go Linky I sure someone will yell at you about the search function, but not me!
  10. Perhaps Yamato could included a hidden sliding lock.
  11. The head looks kind of squashed down to me. Is it the angle or a mistransformation?
  12. Can someone translate the text, please?
  13. I don't see any place to attach boosters...
  14. Roy's Blues

    1/60 YF19 rant

    sure. shipping is 150.00
  15. I took Takatoys Idea and modified it. Instead of using a paint can lid, I used a DVD+R 25 stack lid. It's clear. Please forgive the pic quality, but I've been hitting the yoshinol this evening. No glue was used for this mod. I driled the hole a little smaller than the peg for a tight fit. I also cut it as close as possible, for an exact fit. Somebody get NightmareB4macross to make a some for everyone.
  16. Roy's Blues

    1/60 YF19 rant

    True enough, but this has been Yamato's SOP since the original 1/72 YF-19. Stuff gets by QC. They may fix for the next release, if there is one. (VF-OS for example) They are the only game in town. Plus, it's not like everything Yamato makes is complete crap. I will still pre-order 1/48 release valks. As far as there new releases go, I may start waiting for the second edition. The only way to get them to change thier SOP to affect the bottom line. If enough of us buy second releases with fixes, some exce. may notice the trend a change something. /*looks up /guess this is a rant thread edit sp
  17. I am hoping it is good, but this is one I am not sure if hollywood could do well. It depends on the cast. Angelina Jolie for the Major would work for me Spielberg is the only director I can think of that portrays the future well enough to suit me.
  18. Maybe Supernova? I liked the trailer, but I have always been a sucker for disaster movies
  19. I finally got around to moding the gundam hands that do not disturb sold. They still need to be painted. The hands also fit in the arm when transforming.
  20. Well, anyone else here going to use this for a ringtone?
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