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Roy's Blues

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Everything posted by Roy's Blues

  1. Umm no. Gunpod hook up in fighter needs to be modded. 1/60 3 times more articulated. NO FP EVER! in 1/72 No A stance. Paint chips and collapse if you mis-pose or mishandle.
  2. Shin: Why is the water suddenly warm?
  3. What's with this large indent? Gunpod storage or arm storage or gunclip storage?
  4. Mechamaniac is posting a gold book on Sale here.He posted a screen cap of the included filmstrip. That shot is begging for a caption contest. 1. "Shin was better pilot than you!" 2. "Hey NooB, go get us another round!" 3. "Whatta ya mean you're leaving UN Spacy to work as head of Yamato QC
  5. JUST WAIT. It will be reissued again as soon as some Yamato exec needs to pay a Visa bill
  6. The round ones have a tendancy to tip over. You have to mod them with those stick on felt pads to fix it.
  7. Since you are looking at the newer Valks that have not been released yet, I would stay away from Ebay. Try Lost and found toys. He's a member here and I order all my macross there.
  8. Roy's Blues

    VF-11B FP hands?

    There should be an extra little green hand in the packaging. The hand is shaped holding a trigger.
  9. The Yamato Display Stands are pricey, but solid, possible and wall mountable. Since the YF-19 1/60 came out with it's Battriod attachment, why hasn't Yamato come out with a upgrade kit so that other Valkyries can be posed as Battroids in flight? Garham any info on this? I have flexi-display stands and they serve this purpose. I think a 1/48 with FP would look excellent in Battroid mode on a Yamato display stand. I few small pieces of molded POM plastic would not be that expensive. /Box would be huge though.....
  10. Looks like there is going to be a new animated series in 2008. 26 x 30min eps and a 90 min special linky
  11. I will buy one. You could use cafepress.com.
  12. Can you sell these? Won't HG put the bigslap on it? I'm interested.
  13. Order from LOS http://www.laftoys.com/index.php?cPath=3_1...76dae5fab6c2ea6 Yellow removeable cap.
  14. I am actually looking forward to a release of this item. I'll equip my VF-0S with this armor to pose wth the SV-71 Ivanof. I'll have my VF-0A Shin to pose with the SV-71 Nora release. Then the wait for the VF-0D release might be bearable....
  15. Yamato Macross Plus 1/72 YF-19 2nd edition. I still have it, and the entire 1/72 Macross Plus series. It really kick started my toy collection and my wallet has been screaming ever since.
  16. Maybe he is trying to use his influence to get the paint scheme designer fired /i keed //do not want anyone fired ///caned maybe....
  17. Translation: The Beta Fighter you see at conventions is the only one we have made, and we are negotiating the release of the molds from terrorists.
  18. The gunpod is an easy fix Use this thread http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=21130
  19. It doesn't look like there is room for an intake cover. In the new design works art books that just came out, it does not look like there are any. /sorry no scanner
  20. Pass! They look like Power Ranger Megazords!
  21. I am currently still playing GOW 1 and GOW 2 is on the way to my house. I have not enjoyed a game this much since the Legacy of Kain series
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