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Everything posted by DarrinG

  1. Having dabbled in my own projects - I can only guess at how MONSTROUSLY difficult this will be to pull off well, or even to see through to the end with out giving up. A fully variable scratch-built Legioss? Good luck. I will be UBER impressed if you manage to complete it . . .
  2. I still like my Betas too - if they just sit there and I do not touch them . . .
  3. I can only add that the Bandai SPEC Dragonar and Layzner figs are INCREDIBLE. And those titles are very niche are they not? And they continue to support each of these series with new releases. RUN don't walk and get one of these. The Falguen is supreme, as an example. Die-cast endo-skeleton, all the right materials, high-grade plastics, TIGHT joints, lots of accessories and amazing packaging. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Bandai-Chogokin-Spec-XS-11-XFMA-09-Draguna-Falguen-JP-/220578973870?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item335b8808ae I've bought - and THEN SOLD - almost all Megahouse, CMs and other off brands because they do not measure up. Shotty materials, design and they simply fall apart. WAVE does seems to be great most of the time, but when I see Bandai I don't wonder whether it will be a good product or not . . .
  4. I'm kind of liking fat-zilla so far, but will have to see it on screen for final opinion. I DID see the first bay-formers movie, and that was the last one I'll ever see. The designs literally looked like garbage . . .
  5. And my wife wonders why I want to keep the window shade closed in the room where I keep my Ingram Unit 2. It might be worth one of our kids tuitions some day . . .
  6. Seriously. Thing is a floppy mess waist down. Maybe there is a lock or something I am missing when you reconfigure the waist area around for soldier mode. And the hips extending in and out ? Or fix for that ?
  7. Patlabor Yamato - MARKET WATCH A new Ingram 1 just sold for - 82- Tha- Tha- THOUSAND Yen . . . Those crazy eBay prices seem almost normal now. They will have to double to be crazy again . . . https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-n130057437
  8. M&M already please. And the Phalanx and Spartan. Make Phalanx and Spartan come with a 2 part chain display base - need both destroids to get both pieces of the base to click together -- this will encourage more purchases. Base works great with existing valks as well . . .
  9. Has the displeasure of handling a Toynami Beta again last night. Had been a while since I had taken one of mine out and tried to do anything with it. Other than the chest, shoulders and arms -- this product is a fail. MUST- HAVES: • Locking mechanism for hips so they do not slide ( out, and in-and-out! ) constantly to their extended position • Hip joints themselves are too floppy - so the combo of the floppy and the sliding (jokes inserted here) is horrible - just terrible - worst part of this toy • Simple knee twist please - so that a proper a-stance can be achieved. Is that so hard? A twisting joint?? • Feet / toes need a twisting joint as well, so when a-stance is achieved they can be turned to touch the ground better • The whole waist area SUCKS - its totally loose and needs a LOCKING pin or click to hold it in place in soldier mode - then unlock to change to bomber - second worst thing about it • The cockpit joint BLOWS - does not stay up at all in bomber mode - I took the cockpit off last night to discover what Toynami thought would be a good hinge for that - : ( nice engineering there • Chest cover that STORES RIGHT BEHIND the HUGE cockpit GAP in bomber mode - this would have locked the cockpit firmly in place in bomber, then when switching to soldier that piece goes over those big ugly fried egg eyes AND this is all with a Beta that has been opened, transformed a few times and displayed - ZERO actual play or wear The arms are pretty awesome though -- sheesh -- wish this could have been carried through the whole piece . . .
  10. Here are some pics I took while testing to see if the Votoms Fyana figure would work for a custom pilot. The bright sunlight shows a lot of the detail . . .
  11. A metal finish Minerva has a bidder at 37,000! zoiks . . . https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-k176427561
  12. Someone paid 60,000 yen for a used 1/24 Yammie Ingram 1?? That is double the normal rate. And there are 2 'new' ones up for auction now . . . https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-m119417012
  13. I think it would have been cool for Arcadia right out of the gate - ( instead of the anniversary 1J ) - -- To have released a set of slightly weathered / battle damaged CF 1As with fast packs. TV version gets same box only with sticker to cut costs. Brown CFs with fast packs? Already a been a bit foddered up? How cool is that? Would have made quite a stir IMO. That's still my number 1 wish for them - do something I am excited about . . .
  14. What is the difference between the Metal Composite Ka and the MC Origin figure? ---- never mind - found this video review:
  15. I purchased a few RDs, but for the character they had the guts to do, not because I like the quality of the line. Had 3 L-Gaim figs and panel lined and detailed them up extensively, but just sold the lot in auction. Got an OK price. I had never panel lined a toy before, but I was so disappointed with the cheap look and feel that I forced myself to. Even after I was not that thrilled. The sculpts and extras were outstanding, but the joints, plastics (materials) and floppiness made them feel sub-par. Mark II was a limp mess new out of the box, and could hardly stand or hold his gun up. The chicks did not dig that. But again - I got them because who is going to come out with a better Bat-Shu or G-Roon fig these days? No one. That is the beauty of the RDs - they are cheap enough to make they can take chances and do niche characters. Let the L-Gaims go because they did not endear themselves to my perm collection. Bandai SPEC figs use MUCH better plastics and have the metal endo-skeleton that is just supreme. They feel like collectors pieces. RDs feel more like actual toys, but not tough ones -- that you play with for a year til they're a mess. Still have Dunbine and Billbine. They are pretty cool but wish they had been SPECs instead . . .
  16. I read that whole scribing article and am very interested - thanks for posting that link. In other questions - Is there photo out there anywhere that shows the 1/100 MG Marasai beside the conversion kit -- to show the difference? From the pics I've seen I much prefer the conversion kit look, but that might just be the photos . . .
  17. The ball joint / styrene / melting thing is awesome to behold. Great tutorial. You forgot I had your address - expect a box soon . . .
  18. On the curves? And then matching it exactly on the opposite side?? Seems like The O and many others needs 'ka' or super detailed re-release that looks something like this . . .
  19. How is this guy creating all this mechanical detail - if the panel lines were not sculpted in there ??
  20. By the way - in the size chart above - how is Kamjin supposed to fit in the Glaug? If he has the interior room shown in the anime, he could only be as tall as his knee in that illustration . . .
  21. SALE SALE SALE !! http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=40940 Looks like I will be moving soon and I want to send these custom figures out to good homes ASAP ------- THANKS locidm for posting the great reviews! The Regult Pilot has his lid a little low in some of the pics, but other than that, all the photos came out great. Guess he wanted a unique look to set himself apart from all the other clones : o 9 Figs are gone or spoken for - hope to ship the rest in the next 2 weeks . . .
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