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Everything posted by d3v

  1. Now color me annoyed, for some reason my download of THORA's Blu-ray version of episode 7 has stopped at 21.5% with zero seeders!
  2. There's also the fact that it's been barely 50 years since humanity was almost wiped out and separation from the UN and "independence" is the furthest thing from people's minds - especially when a happy byproduct of the war was humanity for the first time truly coming under one banner. There's also the federalist nature of the NUNG where each fleet is practically it's own nation (and in fact, by 2059, that seems to be the case). Indeed, the NUNG at this point in Macross time probably acts more like the EU in relation to independent European countries.
  3. .MKV which probably means you can't watch them on your console.
  4. Isamu vs. Guld is hard to top. However, I do agree with Mr. March on Alto (+ Michel & Klan) vs. Brera (round 1). The whole move+counter-move dynamic of it is fun to watch and Alto catching the arguably superior Brera off guard shows you why Michel had to put the simulator on its highest difficulty during training. Speaking of which, in the poll, you've gotta be specific on which Alto vs. Brera dogfight you're talking about since they did fight twice.
  5. If your computer can take it, get the BD releases from THORA which I believe are using Shinsen's subtitles.
  6. With the number of hardpoints for the gunpod that the VF-25 seems to have, I'm not even surprised that he could put it there.
  7. I think what RedWolf means here is that at the genetic level, humans and zentraedi are for all intents and purposes, the same species.
  8. Haruhi vs. Ranka - Ultimate Overrated Cosplay Idol Battle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug4na-g4h-Q Warning: sheer and utter randomness - may make you losse brains cells.
  9. Does anyone then have the torrents already? Can the eps. be downloaded or is the tracker down as well?
  10. Also, they might have more money now thanks to sponsors and merchandising.
  11. I'm thinking that they have different models for transformation and for action (different movement skeletons). The one for action can probably get bits of it "shot off" while the one for transforming can't.
  12. I'm not sure about her english, but I'm pretty sure she can speak Filipino. Actually, if she does visit her family here regularly, the she probably does also speak english. That would unfortunately leave Gubaba* broke. *the poster not the character from Macross7
  13. I'm pretty sure Megumi sang all of that too. Actually, after looking around, I'm pretty sure that "Ai" is simply the result of a few people mistranslating the credits.
  14. Unfortunately, Satellite and Studio Nue still don't have the budget of a studio like Sunrise.
  15. Who is Ai Nakajima? And Ranka's VA is Megumi Nakajima.
  16. I haven't watched 7 in awhile, but weren't the Varauta mecha able to take a bit more of a beating than the UN Spacy valks (or at least that's how it seemed in the hands of Gigile and/or Gavil)?
  17. I've been thinking, it could possibly be an upgraded variant of the VF-14 developed by reverse engineering the Varauta fighters and then tuned for a more specific role as compared to the more multi-role VF-171.
  18. Actually, I'll have to agree with Nexx on Sheryl. She's an interesting take on the "defrosting ice queen" (or more classic tsundere as compared to the more modern "slap slap kiss" type) where her she's "thawed" pretty early on showing a pretty complex and well rounded character. That, and the way she handled adversity after episode 14, where while she was down in the dumps, it was still mostly through her own effort and determination (albeit with support of friends) that she got back up on her feet - that moment in "Diamond Crevasse" where she stands up and sings in the shelter in a time of despair was a very powerful moment as well a more grounded take on the power of song (to give hope in times of despair).
  19. Yes, that "station" does look suspiciously like a Fulbtzs-Berrentz. It wouldn't surprise me if it was converted to a space station by the NUNS.
  20. W00t! Downloading this weekend. On that note, it's nice to have something to look forward to downloading again, just like back when the series was on air a month ago.
  21. Nah, it's supposedly because you can keep it in the pantry longer than non-canned bread. And the money they make (at least for the original Pan Desuyo) goes to a bunch of disabled people.
  22. It's actually a small loaf stuffed into a can and sold in vending machines. http://www.core77.com/blog/object_culture/...titude_7550.asp I wonder if their patterned after old military C rations? QFD!* *Quoted for DECULTURE! [EDIT] Found more info on canned bread from out old friend wikipedia!
  23. Actually, Iw as thinking that if we used the size a Nupetietz-Verginitz as reference, we can probably come up with a good guess.
  24. I really, really wish Ozma wore those shades in the series.
  25. You never know, they could have simply found a new use for the VF-9 and VF-14 to keep them in service longer.
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