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Everything posted by d3v

  1. Don't get me wrong, by wingwoman I'm not implying anything between Alto and Klan other than her helping him get it with Ranka and Sheryl.
  2. /highfive Agreed, although I believe he really doesn't need much help in that department. Although he does seem to be in need of a wingman seeing as his previous one has gone to the great bar in the sky where all bros go, unless that is, Klan has decided to step up and become his wingwoman.
  3. I've been looking for those eps. on BD for quite some time now. Question though, why is it they're jsut on mIRC and not on torrent like episodes 1-18?
  4. IT looks like he tried to stuff the D's trademark twin visors into the head of an A. It looks so bad that it actually feels off model at times (although there's one panel where it looks surprisingly like the classic one). And trust me, Gubaba has seen alot (intergalactic space rodents get around you know).
  5. Hey, I get warm fuzzy feelings from my childhood whenever I see her in her 80'stastic clothes. The hair however, she was this close to being a be-muleted, butch lesbian (not the type I like, that and I've got a bit of a hair fetish).
  6. The clothing was 80'slicious, I approved!
  7. Makes me glad I went back to the board. I'm having so much fun with this that I forgot why I went back in the first place. That said, we need moar fanarts ASAP! (Preferrable of the Alto x Sheryl x Ranka yuri threeway variety).
  8. I always figured that he was doing it because he was secretly a fan of yuri which by the way, would also explain why he didn't make a choice between Sheryl and Ranka in the end - by having them both, he's able to experience both being an oné-sama (to Ranka) while having an oné-sama of his own (Sheryl). Off course, for this alone I can conclude that Alto is very manly, I mean come one, what other guy can claim to be this close to being in a lesbian three-way.
  9. What about the exact same scene but with Alto in a new dress?
  10. As a famed admiral would say: "it's a trap!"
  11. I honestly don't know whether to be intrigued, amused or disgusted. Anyway, any chance of the new trailer being posted on youtube or nicovideo anytime soon?
  12. I blame the hairdresser, the dude must've had the hots for Hibiki and did her hair that way out of spite.
  13. Agreed, if there's any classic anime movie that deserves a BluRay release, it's DYRL. IMO, it's a high water mark not just for Macross, but for anime and dare I say it, theatrical animation in general.
  14. Anything involving Leon tends to be creepy. However, I have one question, was he wearing his hawaiian shirt while singing it?
  15. I don't visit for a few months and look at what I miss. @Gubaba Thanks for you're hard work on the subject. I admit, alot of what you had disproved, I had previously considered as fact and would probably have continued believing them if not for your hard work.
  16. So that's how they retired, they opened up a chain of malls and supermarkets and enjoy the profits in some tropical beach planet near the galactic center surrounded by pretty girls in bikinis.
  17. I find that I enjoy Macross 7 when you take away all preconceived notions of what Macross "should be" and simply follow Hodgson's Law. Seriously, the only thing bad about the series is the length (which probably compromised alot of things) but once you get past that (refer to my sig), it's quite entertaining, especially in the last few episodes. Besides, if you really think about it, original SDFM was actually trying to parody/deconstruct/troll the mecha anime tropes of the time and wasn't really trying to be "serious sci-fi". Or the fact that he's trying to do it again with SHIN MAZINGER! It's technically the handlebars for a motorcycle.
  18. He may be a trap princess, but dammit, he's our trap princess!!!
  19. A larger cockpit to fit Klan. I approve. Not if you have the proper conversion formula (X naked Misa's = Y Misa's with top hat and high heels).
  20. I believe that explains how she survives getting her Q-Rea badly damage twice in the show - shock absobers!
  21. Gloval probably also functions as commander of the "strike group" (SDF + docked ARMDs). If we try to compare it to modern CSG operations, Misa and Roy function as, or are analogous to the CO and CAG of the SDF-1 - presumably co-equal under Gloval's command.
  22. I believe Gubaba is now in the hospital and is in need of a blood transfusion.
  23. Funniest thing about that pic is that Alto doesn't seem out of place (it looks like he simply lost his top).
  24. Dammit! I've been away from this site too long. Look at all the awesomeness I've missed!
  25. Blasphemy, it's impossible to love anyone more than Basara! ORE NO UTA WO KIKE!!! Saza hajimaruze SATURDAY NIGHT Choshi ha dodai LET'S STAND UP BEAT wo kanjirukai!
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