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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. Well the important point here is, Galaxy's leaders were not AI, they were cybernetically augmented humans that has almost entirely stripped away their humanity. Most of Galaxy's citizens were like this (Sheryl was an exception), to the point where the corporate government has mindslaved all of them because of those implants and augmentations. As for AIs in general, the UNG/NUNG did put severe restrictions on AI after the Sharon Apple incident indeed... though Sharon herself was an illegally augmented AI to begin with using the Ghost's bio-neural chip. They put limiters on all Ghost drones hence forth.... though these limiters apparently could be removed as Luca does in the final battle against Galaxy, at least briefly. Galaxy did also have Ghost fighters but it is likely those AI were as much slaves to the leaders of the fleet as the people were.
  2. Definitely give light coverage and maybe speculations at first. Light enough that it might not even impede slow roll out of older info if possible I'd say.
  3. If wishes were stars... Anyway, does it matter the order if it is all there, or is this like a release timeline? Also is this in lieu of your previous work with Macross Mecha Manual (I do recognize it has not been updated as much but I figure March is busy).
  4. *hits stop watch* New record if we don't count times the thread was dead.
  5. Now to wait and see if we all fall for that discussion bait again, lol.
  6. So after seeing the banner at the top of the forums for this I looked into it. Until this year it was not economically feasible for me to go to this (not due to ticket price, but due to travel cost for a single day con mostly, I used to live in Florida), but now I live less than 3 hours away by car.... I'm giving serious thought to this now, wouldn't even have to take leave from work, lol.
  7. No worries bro. I think the statement about Plus vs 7 there is opinion rather than objective fact, but that's ok because everyone should have their own opinions (it'd be boring if we always agreed). Fwiw, I generally agree that Plus is more entertaining in totality than 7, though the vastly differing lengths does alter my rating criteria a lot. Neither here nor there though, so whatever. You're good, heh. More than likely Seto, while not referring to any specific people regardless of how many may have spoken up here recently on the topic, is referring to people with more pronounced viewpoints than yours when discussing the overall quality in terms of themes vs plot styles that we've ultimately been debating. I don't want to speak for him however so I'll leave my assumption at that. I think a lot of us would find the air show concept to be a fun basis for this story, if only for how unique it would be (for a show at least, since it's only been done in a light novel) and because it was what Kawamori wanted for Delta originally and I think creators should get to do their desired stories. However Kawamori is known to be rather flighty (hah) with his inspirations... he may be off that and on a new concept by now.
  8. I mean, we really are going around in circles with this discussion (pretty sure we were all talking about the same stuff 15 pages back). Mind you, I love the debate, I just find it amusing we keep coming back to this. Anyway, I think Seto is ultimately right in that what we will likely get is likely not going to jive with certain fans, which isn't necessarily good or bad as long as if profits and allows us to get more Macross in the future. Some fans may not be satisfied with that is the more we get isn't the type they want. In this summary of this talk I believe personally that constant and continual change is important and for the best, also in line with Seto's thoughts it seems. It is not impossible as public interest changes over time that we may one day see more Macross that is similar to the older stuff as well, that the currently disenfranchised fans will like more, but I don't think we are back there yet, if we ever will be even. I like to just accept it for what it is, and work to find things to enjoy in every entry despite the changes. As it is, I'm extremely flexible and because I love the core themes of Macross so much, I end up liking the things each show does to emphasize them uniquely, even 7 and Delta (even though the latter did have an objectively flawed second half due to writing).
  9. This is basically straight up true. If it's fans don't want to adapt to the changing times the franchise is changing with them it will leave us behind. The time for stories line SDFM was the 80s, Plus worked well in the 90s but so did 7 (more so really), but they all hold up if you go in knowing it's not the same. Everything had something to enjoy and I love finding the bits to enjoy still. Plus we'll always have VFs and great music.
  10. Well for many western fans yes that is a good hope. I mean, I'm good and kindled, and the Japanese audience seems to have a roaring fire still (some might say... Bomba..) but yeah, a show more of the fans here enjoy, especially on this forum, would be awesome.
  11. I prefer to follow the view of my man Bucakroo Banzai, "No matter where you go, there you are." Macross will always be somewhere, and Kawamori willing somewhere new and interesting every time, even if it doesn't always lead to the best result, it will lead somewhere.
  12. This is what really saddens me. Maybe it is a sign of me being in that right age bracket that utilized both forms of online social spaces. I am in the social networks but mostly as a matter of course and to keep up with people I know... but places like these forums, I grew up on this, I love this stuff. I know you are right that it's fading and has been, but I still would prefer it to stay. To be on the topic a bit, I actually like Delta fine, but with the caveat that the second half is definitely broken in many ways. No need to go into it really, we all have before. I look forward to getting to see the movie since it supposedly did the story something better. Most importantly, nothing about Delta has soured my love of Macross and I eagerly anticipate whatever comes next.
  13. That probably isn't the entire OST, which is quite larger than 38 minutes going by what I have in my library (it is a 3 disc set, though at least one disc is entirely DYRL). A lot of songs have repeating motifs in them but that just sounds like the classic Dogfight track to me. Edit: Guess I was wrong, but like said, a lot of recurring musical motifs, heh.
  14. Good to know, thanks. I don't care for the Draken attachments for the 31F, but I have to say, that is a pretty lame way to roll them out, selling an entire 31F with the clips only, and then the Draken's separately? You'd think they could sell the clips with the Drakens for people like me who have a 31F already. Again, I'm not actually interested in this, just speaking generally.
  15. I've been not following this thread since I got my 31A from CDJ about 2 months ago so I thought I'd look in and I'm amazed the NY release delay is still going on. I'm glad to see they are fulfilling the orders even if late but my condolences for those having to wait even still. More to my purpose, I don't suppose any word is out on 31A supers? I know Mirage supers just went out due to pictures being posted everywhere and I guess 31F with Lil Drakens is coming soon so I'm not sure how much might happen at once. I'm mostly curious cause I don't want it to be too soon. I can't afford them yet lol.
  16. The VF-171EX was a version of the VF-171 retrofitted to work with Ex-Gear (sort of a stop gap before Frontier NUNS could mass produce VF-25s for themselves in general). I am unsure if other VF-171s, including those in Delta, had Ex-Gear retrofits or not.
  17. Little show off pic of first display. Sadly I just moved and my 31F and YF-30 are in storage or I'd get a group pic together. Happy birthday (it's later this week) to me.
  18. Wow, Spanner got his shipment confirmation after me and got his delivery sooner, lol. Different country of course. I am hoping for mine today.
  19. Looks like my 31A from CDJ is stuck at customs over the weekend but I know it's in America at least so I'll see it this week. Monday if I'm lucky, but I'll hope for Tuesday just in case lol.
  20. Been a couple days since there was an update on package tracking for me. Either it hasn't left Japan or they just aren't bothering to update now. Hopefully it gets here soon.
  21. CDJ seems to be processing shipments for most now, though some people are getting their shipment confirmations later than others. I got it earlier than Spanner for example. Maybe that is because he is in Austrailia? Who knows, but at least it's going. There is one who got a cancellation from CDJ though, but seems to be in the minority thankfully (no offense to that guy, sorry bro).
  22. I'm really glad to see people are getting their CDJ shipping notices. I also got my shipment confirmation message today. I wish I knew why they were keeping me informed faster than others like Spanner, but at least they are moving for others too now. I don't know if I'll avoid any particular sellar in the future though... I figure get what to can from wherever.... but this is likely my last VF-31 purchase. I never intended to get a lot (I have a 31F, a 262, and now this 31A). I might be tempted by 31A super parts, don't care about armored personally. We'll see. I skipped on 31F supers due to price point so I don't know. Plus the 31 is beautiful without supers, and with it is mostly the battroid I like.
  23. I wish I had an explanation why things are looking more positive for me with CDJ than most others, but I have no idea. I really do hope other CDJ orderers get there stuff as well.
  24. I got a message from CDJ confirming my approval of the new shipping price and saying it would be in shipping process tomorrow and they'd send a shipment confirmation once that happened. I hope that other CDJ orders from people here also get shipped as well.. Seems there is evidence there might be some scarcity.
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