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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. Well they allow me to make changes to the shipping address before it ships, so changing it to where I'm going is not a problem (I'm currently going someone that already has people there so it is not like I have no destination address yet). My question was more about should I go ahead and do that even if I don't know when this will actually ship in March. It'd be easier to get it and pack it if it shipped before I left but that might not happen. It sounds like I should probably just do it.
  2. Well the problem there is I am moving due to being in between jobs at the moment... and I am moving to a different state as well.
  3. I know the 31S fever is going about now but has anyone heard if there is a specific date in March for when the 31A will be releasing/shipping? My CDJapan order still just says March 2018. I wonder cause I'll be changing addresses in mid-March and am thinking it might be wise to put the later address in just to be safe.
  4. You mean Cat-people didn't do it for you?! Lol, while Macross is no stranger to other sub-protoculture races that one took a little more effort for me to deal with somehow. Even the Ragnans being basically Merfolk didn't really bug me as much somehow.
  5. And there was a great "Wasted a perfectly good plot" trope hidden inside of the obvious "Wasted a perfectly good character" trope with Mirage. I'm beating a dead horse now about it but I'm really upset! lol. Just a story watching her come to terms with not being an automatic ace despite her name and then working her way up to competency despite that and earning the title by her own merit instead of by genetics would have been so amazing and fresh for this show that is largely built around natural pilots.
  6. I think most are interested in watching the first and last episode.. where all the pew pew splodey action is. I never really thought it over so much but yeah, Zero is not well written. I didn't understand what the point was first time I saw it. Later I did but it took a few tries and Seto has the best summary of the theme, which is war begets more war and love and peace is the answer. In that sense it is ironic that most people enjoy Zero for the action in it. I mean we all enjoy Macross in part for that action but every single story has always led to the same point that the fighting is not what wins the day (and it isn't necessarily the music either, the music is just the most accessible vehicle to spreading the message of peace, love, and communication). Still it somehow seems more ironic that Zero is considered well liked for the action compared to any of the other stories since it went even harder on that message. That's a textbook example of what happens when your writing is such a convoluted mess. And since I'm there, I'm going to say as well, a story or plot being complex and convoluted doesn't make it smart or clever and certainly doesn't mean more thought was put into it. If anything it means less thought was put into it or it'd actually make some sense. I'm not touching the gender roles debate... I really don't think that belongs here, but it is definitely not even a thing in any Macross series. If anything what is being perceived as a "feminization" of male characters in the show is really just how Japanese males are more predominately these days compared to.. say.. American males.... but that is an ENTIRELY different subject that isn't relevant here (and I'm already kinda unfairly generalizing as it is).
  7. Basara would never be in a boyband... that would require him to spread the attention...
  8. Perhaps it is not entirely based on Delta's own homeland popularity but also the fact another show is in pre-production already and likely taking up a share of studio resources as well. When Frontier movies were happening, it was years before Delta was even a proposal and therefor was able to get all of the attention.
  9. And he still burns hotter than the sun in the middle of July, lol.
  10. Quite so. I have a VF-31F and a 31A on pre-order. It's a very beautiful bird.
  11. Hah, nice.. but that and Qapla! are the only Klingon words I bother to remember. I know a handful of Rihannsu (Romulan) though.... Since we're on this subject, I had a language based question that Macross always makes me wonder about. I am thinking of Max in Macross 7 mostly, as I often do, but this is true for all the main Captains. I clearly hear other characters referring to them as Kanchou which gets translated to Captain... but I know that is not necessarily a word for Captain (though there are several words for it considering what you are meaning) and looking up Japanese naval or JDSF ranks, the word for Captain is decidedly different. I just wondered if there is any reasoning behind why they say Kanchou or if it is entirely dependent on the situation? Right... well now I know that.... I'll look through it eventually. Like I said, a lot of my plate, lol. I guess I just have to keep at it then. Eventually.
  12. And take time away from my busy schedule of online Star Trek roleplay, general TV & Anime watching and now losing hours to Breath of the Wild? Lol... I don't have enough hours in my days... This does look like one I tried out but I had trouble I think equating some of it to action. I think the one I looked at was an unfinished version though, so this might be better. It's been a bit honestly since I tried though. A part of me would like a visual translation for menus. I thought I found something like that once but can't seem to find it again. Finding something of that nature would go a loooong way to solving my biggest issues in the game. I find that a bit saddening you are stuck in the entry level VFs so long. I mean they're great and all.. but part of me wants to get to fun stuff.. but like you said, disc one nukes are best left for replays, heh. I think the only reason I'd want to just get on with it is because without being able to enjoy the story (due to language barrier as previously stated) the game loses a lot of the charm that would normally quell my annoyance with that advancement. I'm sure normally.. it really isn't that bad. Sure, why not, lol. Technically that is accurate. Still I've seen English wording within the Macross series that was clearly a translation mishap (Mission Clitical comes to mind...). That being said, it is the whole 'Spell my name with an S' thing. If we question this we have to question Ranka over Lanka (I remember early on that was unclear, and since the name is more unique than Reon/Leon it can go either way) and Roid over Loid. Those two besides clearly being shown to be the R versions as correct though just work better that way obviously. Still, I won't argue, Reon is certainly not the strangest name in Macross. I'll give that a look, thanks for the tip. That sounds about as on par for a Macross story as anything else, lol. Ah, so those are the same thing.... as you were then, heh... Right, Gubaba, I remember him from here. I heard he was removed from here some time ago, but I won't ask why. Surely not the time nor place for that. I've seen his blog once or twice. I'll give that a look through again when I feel up to such things.
  13. I figure for those of us living in the States that we'll have to wait for the home video release to either see it with official subs (I assume it will get it since the show did..) or fansubs of the same BD/DVD. Is that how it worked for the Frontier movies? I was active on these forums during the airing of Frontier's series but moved on before the movies and only came back here just before Delta started. Thus I didn't even see the Frontier movies until well after both were available to see online with fansubs.
  14. Add that to the fact that I am being something of a lazy person in studying any of it, lol. Oh I have looked at a few, including one that in general explained stuff, though it wasn't quite as comprehensive as I'd have liked, plus all the menu translations were elsewhere and going back and forth even in tabs was a hassle just to get through anything with a menu (like a store in game or whatever for example). Maybe there is a better one I didn't see, or maybe I'm just a bit helpless, lol. The end point was it was becoming more of a hassle or chore than it was being fun to play.. which is nuts cause it offers the chance to play with all the VFs and I want that more than anything. I still bought it so I should find the time to get through it eventually though somehow. It probably doesn't help that I was having so much trouble I wasn't able to advance any farther than having a VF-0S (I got Roy's version though) and naturally that's like your pitiful free sample of deliciousness, lol. To quote Sasaki, it's better than a Destroid at least, lol. (Btw.. I notice more and more people are writing his name as Reon instead of the more obvious Leon. Now I'm no stranger to the R/L thing in Japanese... but why the switch lately?) Certainly worth looking into, I know that can't be shared here of course. I'll have to go on a hunt sometime. I'd especially like to be able to read any of Black Wing since as you've said it actually puts some color into the otherwise pointless Aerial Knights of Windermere. I barely even know the basic story of Trash beyond that it involves some future sporting event? A translation of First would be awesome, but as I understand it takes forever to release new chapters as it is so hard to see that being any easier. Fan translations of anything are the only hope of course. That's one think I like about some other properties. Full Metal Panic for instance only had the first few novels get officially translated but some fans later did do a rather bang up job releasing translations of the remaining series. I haven't read them all but I checked samples from each and it looks pretty well done. Dedication like that to some of the novels as well as manga for Macross would be amazing even if it would be very tough work. I especially would like to read Macross the Ride (I think I'm thinking of the right one, I get that and Macross R confused... there are a lot of these side stories I'm not entirely familiar with after all).
  15. Nah this is a new age, it'll be Victorion, lol.
  16. I actually like MGS, but I am fully aware of it's problems and won't go out of my way to defend it (especially MGS4 after a lot of hindsight and realizations over the years). It certainly is not undeserving of that spiel though, heh. Enough of that topic though, it is not meant for this forum or thread. I merely meant to joke at the suprisingly complexity that arises in Macross lore when you factor in the non-show material, a good portion of which I sadly cannot enjoy due to not speaking or understanding full Japanese as of yet (I have taken steps to begin learning it but I can tell I will not reach anywhere near the ability to enjoy something of this nature without subtitles or translations for a long long time.. even if I keep up on my learning). I do own Macross 30 but have played a pathetically small amount of it because even with guides online I have the most difficult time figuring out what I'm supposed to do to actually enjoy the game, much less that since I can't understand the dialogue I'm missing the story no matter what. I actually did play VF-X2 on an emulator some time ago and was able to even beat it... but I never once knew what was going on.1 I'd love to enjoy the manga and novels but since no localization will ever likely exist for them (for the usual reasons when it comes to Macross), kinda SOL there. To this end it is very fortunate we have as much as we do in people like Sketchley and yourself Seto who can at least give us these cliff notes versions of certain things I'd otherwise never know. Especially the last few posts with dossiers on these VF-X2 characters. I'd heard bits and pieces before in various threads but I still feel like I don't know everything. I'd do to get a full on run down of the VF-X and VF-X2 games some day but I would never ask you to put yourself through that of course. I also know the gist of what happens in Macross 30 as well but only due to the bits I've scavenged reading stuff here in the same way. 1. I also played the PS2 Macross game that follows both the TV and movie events of the story up till the Love Drifts Away/Do You Remember Love? final battles. I didn't have the ability to follow the dialogue there either but the game was easy to play and since I have watched the show and movie with full subtitles before.. obviously I wasn't at all lost on that one, heh. As such I got the most enjoyment out of that game compared to any other Macross game I've tried.
  17. Reading descriptions like that makes me realize that if you only watch the shows Macross is largely standard fare. If you follow all extended lore materials it is quickly clear Macross is about a complex as Metal Gear Solid at times, lol.
  18. Pretty much everything seen that is not existing in our world today is because of overtechnology developed based on what was found in the ASS-1 wreckage. And it is a lot. A lot. I'm sure others here can give a better listing of it all, but it goes really deep.
  19. No, VF-31 Siegfried customs have just fold wave, not the Fold Dimensional Resonance system, that is only on the YF-30. The Sv-262 has a fold reheat system, like a poor man's Fold Wave system and only affects engine output instead of all systems. The VF-31A Kairos has none of these. The VF-31A at least is mass produceable. The VF-31 Siegfrieds are custom made and probably a bit on the expensive side honestly, you wouldn't mass produce them. Fold Wave systems are expensive. The tech on the YF-30 is largely proprietary SMS tech and was never intended to be made for production (despite the legal cheating SMS did naming it a YF to avoid disclosing tech data when the craft is actually a tech demonstrator). Base YF-30 specs were eventually made public, likely due to NUNS slapping SMS on the wrist for their shenanigans. That is how Surya Aerospace was able to design a YF-31 and eventually the VF. To answer your question though, the YF-30 is not designed to support idols (though arguably it did do this in Macross 30 as the singing of every main series idol pre-Delta as well as Mina Forte enabled the Fold Dimensional Resonance system to break through the fold faults and defeat Havamal). It isn't made to do what the Siegfrieds do in any case.
  20. Certainly so, but my statement was not meant to condemn the looks of the YF-30, I love it in fact. I have both a YF-30 DX and a VF-31F DX on my shelf because I like the style of both. I have a VF-31A on order as well. Clearly I'm not taking sides there, lol.
  21. He has compared them, and largely the YF-30 far outperforms either version of the VF-31. The VF-31A Kairos is pretty stock model despite being the most beautiful version, and the Seigfried customs are basically overtuned versions of the Kairos modified for Walkure assistance and the addition of Fold Wave systems. The YF-30 on the other hand has better engines, even more missiles than the Kairos (the Siegfried doesn't have many or any due to it's drone system), a more powerful beam gunpod, and the Fold Dimensional Resonance system which is a proprietary SMS upgrade to the Fold Wave system. The main thing the VF-31 has over the YF-30 is it looks even prettier and it is more mass produce-able. Seto can give you the numbers to back that up though... well as much as he can since the VF-31 doesn't have a lot of hard data as it is...
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