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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. Master Dex

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm all for this, regardless of the color. I just want to own a VF-4 in any size and I missed out on the Yamacadias plus couldn't afford them (getting 3 different Delta VFs doesn't help, I know that is small numbers for people here but I am not that rich, lol). I actually like the VF-4G colors more but I have no issue with the Skull coloring.
  2. Master Dex

    Hi-Metal R

    I've never been able to afford a VF-4 toy. I'd prefer the VF-4G but anything will do! I'll aim to get this to finally have one. Not been following HMR releases like the DX, will this go through normal sites like HLJ and so forth?
  3. I think it's actually quite a distance away in fact. Remember everything is on the way when you have a space fighter. I do recall always thinking it was a ghost city though some distance away. A rarity of buildings that wasn't vaporized decades back, but radiation likely made it a tough place to stay.. or it was built later but then people didn't stick around for some reason. It's never fully explained, but the area looked a bit sparse for Macross City, which is often seen in post-SDFM material to be quite dense. As others have already stated, Basara is an unusually good pilot. It's likely Ray taught him the basics, but Basara seems to have a natural affinity for it (and seriously, being praised by Max himself is nothing to scoff at). This goes so far that in Dynamite 7 he flies an old VT-1 by manipulating the classical controls by pushing them with his acoustic guitar. Basara can handle the VF-19's gimmicky nature (also who knows how the guitar control system altered the flight avionics and control systems anyway).
  4. The top pilot spots are all Jenius family members, followed by other honorable mentions... Except maybe Mirage. I love her but she did not get the gene. Makes you wonder about her father, lol.
  5. There is some details about him, but Seto knows more than I do (I think it was only short blurbs of information really, likely from the blu-ray liner notes). Essentially he got chained to a desk by the UNS/NUNS over time because of course they did that so he got out eventually and SMS offered him the flying career he always wanted. I think he was involved in YF-25 testing perhaps but don't quote me (There was never a physical YF-24.. except maybe for a Federal Forces test model). I also know he got the VF-19E/F made basically to match the flight difficulty of the YF-19/VF-19A but with modern improvements despite being built on a 'Colony grade' platform.
  6. Mix of both canons as it often is with SK's "Canon is an abstract concept" philosophy. Alto can reasonably be believed to have returned though. As for their time after the show up till Delta.. well yeah Sheryl and Ranka are galactically famous. Freyja knew of them and she is from a culture that ignored outside culture for 7 odd years (their music was likely pretty available there before the war). Freyja even has a rendition of Ranka's Seikan Hikou she sang as a child. Alto staying in SMS is a decent bet. It's likely he got more serious with Sheryl. TV canon left that ambiguous but the movies blatantly stated Sheryl won the triangle (and in the TV series they were technically even more close... especially physically, heh). I'm sure though all three are still good friends. Ranka will grow up and get over it eventually after all. The real question is, is Michael alive or not? Maybe we mix both the show and the movies and say they recovered his corpse from space and made him a zombie, lol.
  7. But there is a lot of growing between ages 14 in 2045 and age 36 in 2067 when Delta happens. She could be a very different person.
  8. I wasn't sure if any would be using IR sensing, but I suppose it would make sense with those engines being a pretty distinct heat source. That's interesting info! If overtechnology makes it easier to combine more than one sensor type in a micro missile and still make it economical, then I can see them doing just for the hell of it if anything else (it fits with their rather liberal use of reaction engines in space.. they have the power, lol).
  9. I don't have the exact answer in canon for this.... But where I work handles stuff for systems like this so I have insight. It could easily be all of the above with overtechnology... That said simplicity is key and micro missiles are a bit of a low risk weapon (for the user). This is clear in that they're fired in swarms to maximize likelihood of a hit. I'd suspect the VF handles the targeting since they are also low to mid range missiles and the AI translates the eye tracking data we often see and tells the missiles to follow their arcs. For larger non cluster missiles they might use a blend of this with active missile guidance such as on board radar. This is all my best guess though. LED searchlights for yours. As for GCPD, Wayne Enterprises probably holds contracts there..
  10. I have a theory but I know the facts guy will get to it soon enough heh. *lights the signal*
  11. Well, heh. I guess I stand corrected. I guess I just didn't want to make too many assumptions about the power rating of the purported VF-24 (which sounds like it might be over 9000 after all, heheh).
  12. I wouldn't say the YF/VF-24 was meant to make all fighters obsolete. They'll still run others for specific need. Federal special forces apparently use modified VF-1s to great effect against unsuspecting foes, lol.
  13. Not a single one no... and not a main fleet. A single Federal Forces VF-24 with a short distance fold booster could cut the head off of a branch fleet's main ship with some reaction weapons dumped inside the ship as it folds in and out of there.. which supposedly was one of the selling points Shinsei had for the YF-24 initially. It would not take out an entire branch fleet without a squadron of buddies though.. and even then, it's mostly just trying to disorganize them by taking out the lead. Main Fleet though... frankly New Macross class ships in combo are best hope if there is no refurbished Grand Cannons anymore. This is all super speculative of course, since no actual stats of the VF-24 exist.. but Master File apparently implies it is a beast of a thing.
  14. Mirage is criminally underused... but not sure she should be an ace. It was a refreshing idea in the first half of the show that she was a Jenius who wasn't automatically exceptional and her character arc would be how she dealt with that and overcame her limitations... but she didn't have a character arc at all in the end.
  15. I don't have the specifics Seto usually comes in later with, but I think in Frontier's case a lot of smaller ships rode in Island-1's fold envelope (which might have been shared energy from the entire cluster). In Macross 7 is looks like ships individually fold though, so it probably depends on size. Island 1 is a lot larger than City 7.
  16. If listed individually yes. Though Fleet of the Strongest women combined all of that wonderfully, lol.
  17. At least until Basara finishes the song Holy Lonely Light, lol.
  18. We all thought he was a woman at some point early on. I think it might have been a bit intentional even.
  19. Most emigrant fleets were largely set on their course via the Kirk method, pointing out the window and saying "Over there... thataway." I think the fleet that colonized Eden knew it was going there, but I don't know if they knew a habitable planet was there. Frontier and Galaxy seemed to have, at least in secret, both known they were heading toward where the Vajra were known to be though, but it might have not been their plan from the start (especially Galaxy, as it had been around a bit longer if I recall). I don't know anything about Phantom Sword, but I'd imagine it is for return folds.. a lot of the early fold boosters from the 2040s were single use disposables. I think reusable ones weren't developed until the time of Frontier. We don't know they were good for more than 2 even... actually come to think of it Alto doesn't even use the same booster to return to Frontier from Galia 4, he uses the super booster Michael brought, while Michael and Sheryl stowed away with the Vajra. The Super booster can clearly refold, but the normal ones might not be able to at all.
  20. Except I don't care about any of them anymore.. I don't keep track and watch them. None of them excite me or catch my attention. The last Gundam that did that was Gundam Wing.. and really that's only because I was young when that aired on Toonami in America and it was cool for me. Sure some of them probably are quite decent but... I'm not going to sit through all of them to find out, especially not these days. I don't have to worry about that with Macross. No one should have to wade through a lot of crap to find the gems. And yes I know a lot of people already consider certain Macross shows to be bad, but with only 4 actual series and a handful of OVAs and movies.. even if you really believe more than one of them is really bad... that's not that hard to parse. Gundam is like... potentially watching 10 series I won't like to find a good one that isn't just a repeat of an old story. I just have so much better things to do, and better shows to watch. It's definitely a personal preference.. but if Macross scarcity keeps it from being diluted, I'll be happier for that.
  21. The OTEC reactors can fuse almost anything if I recall actually, so fuel is a pretty liberal concept. The cryogenic hydrogen tends to get the most use because it's easy to get at, and in space they need a lot of fuel because of how liberally they run the engines to get high thrust plasma. They can run the reactors less hard in atmosphere since there is a free medium to use for propellant like JB0 said (super heated air). Honestly, hydrogen, even cryogenically doesn't pack as well as other things so if the engines can fuse other things one has to wonder if it is the simplicity or abundance of that fuel that drives its usage. I don't know if there is an in universe answer for it, but either way the refueling we see in the shows is usually in the case of space action where they use it up a lot more quickly than when flying in atmospheres.
  22. It's a fine line. Some of us prefer Macross stay this rare gem that gets a chance to be something different in each form, but a lot of fans, especially here, would like to see a return to some older styles it seems. Gundam caters to nostalgia quite a bit, but I'd argue that Macross doing that may make some fans happy, but it would cheapen the overall product. Yeah some will never get into the experimental stuff like 7 and Delta (regardless of if they well made or not), but I love that the franchise takes that kind of creative leap. I'm biased though, I can find something to love in every series, even ones with objective flaws like Delta. So yeah, I really hope it never becomes a bland repeat product like Gundam has.
  23. I wouldn't go that route for a slayer Valkyrie honestly, a weapon pack like that is a compensation for lacking the means to attack a larger target.. maybe anti-ship... but really you shouldn't be attacking a ship with a VF-31 anyway. I think we have to accept this pack is a cobbled together add on to boost effectiveness for a fighter that is essentially just 'good enough' in the hands of Xaos' pilots.. which... aren't the best really.
  24. I'd believe it, which is a bit disconcerting as it means the quality of each instance if more happens could go down a lot.. and may have something to do with why Delta suffered.. considering something is following it so quickly too... it makes one worry... but I have to hope. I also wonder if part of it may be a gear up for the expected end of the HG rights thing in the coming years.. maybe they are aiming to be able to spread a lot out west? That of course is a bit of a long shot in itself and highly speculative of me to imply.
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