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Everything posted by fulcy

  1. Here's the newest update for this project - put alot of work into the arm armor, and it's looking really really good. Click the pics!
  2. fulcy

    1/48th scale hands

    Uhm, I am going to go out on a limb here, and postulate that he's not going to sell the 1D head by itself... Oh, and there is no order list here. wait for the official thread in the for sale forum before posting requests and quanitities...
  3. Ah, did a google search for the title - Exkizer (you can read it off the DVD spine) - turned up some stuff, but nothing that informative...
  4. Uhm, it might be a little easier if you gave us some more info...
  5. fulcy

    1/48th scale hands

    That's not a 1A head... I know which one it is though
  6. Ok, let's run some quick numbers: F-14 - Real life length x wingspan - 752" x 770" F-15 - Real life length x wingspan - 765" x 513" F-16 - Real life length x wingspan - 591" x 394" F-14 - Scale length x wingspan - 10.4" x 10.7" F-15 - Scale length x wingspan - 10.6" x 7.1" F-16 - Scale length x wingspan - 8.2" x 5.5" Now, I would be the first to jump at 1/48 jets - but that's just alot of money, and they'd be huge - the sizes above prove they'd be more in scale with the existing Alternators/Binaltechs if they were 1/72nd scale, not 1/48...
  7. If they are looking to keep these in the same price range as the current Binaltechs/Alternators, they have to go with 1/72nd scale - if they go up to 1/48th scale, they are going to increase in price probably three fold, at least...
  8. Don't get discouraged - and make sure you recast it! And if you need any help, feel free to ask...
  9. The only successful adaptation? How about Spider-Man? I thought that was fairly well done. Don't forget Hellboy...
  10. fulcy

    MW Con 5

    OMG, could it be? I'm sure someone here in LA would handle it for you. Me, Solscud, KidK, Exo, & the list goes on. Just finish it! Yeah, but do I trust any of you with it?
  11. fulcy

    MW Con 5

    Might have the AG armor done by then - just need to find someone I could ship it to...
  12. I guess my dreams for a HGUC Neue Ziel will never come true...
  13. doubtful, but if you buy the deepstriker and a normal EX-S Gundam you can combine them into one, that is what i am planning doing. chris That's how I have mine displayed now - I actually love the red S-Gundam, and thought it a shame to have it displayed with all the DS armor on it, so I did the switch - the only problem was that the left arm on the red S-Gundam is slightly different than the left arm on the blue S-Gundam, in order to hold that sensor or whatever it is. I got mine to fit, but it's a little loose...
  14. Surprised no one's posted this by now... http://www.artstorm.co.jp/black_getter.htm
  15. Kinda sorta... I don't know about missing special effects or incomplete - I've seen this version, and though some of the scenes are rough, it doesn't detract from the overall film...
  16. Exclusives? What kind of crap is that... Grrr....
  17. I think, that all this speculation and concern is unfounded - let Capt work his magic, and if he's spent some time on it, and then comes back to us and says 'Guys, it can't be done this way - but we can do it this way instead' - at that time do we concern ourselves with the intricacies. Let the man work, for gosh sakes!
  18. fulcy


    I believe the magnets kanata is talking about are the same ones that I am going to use on the Armored Gerwalk, to hold the leg armors together, and the forearm armor on the arms - little tiny rare earth magnets, about 3/16" diameter, and about a 1/16" thick. Might need to see if I can buy these in bulk from McMaster Carr...
  19. Well, my latest round of progress - includes the CAD files for the back armor, and a rebuilt forearm armor - still needs some work, but it's getting there! Check out http://www.mechaskunk.com/ag.htm for previous updates, and more info (I'm long winded on my own website! ).
  20. fulcy

    Low Viz 1S Heads

    It was either you or me - I sent him the Low Vis head, so he could match the color (and get me a set of fat hands to match too) Yay!
  21. Driving? To pittsburgh? Hah! You california boys wouldn't last 10 minutes here - with our cold, and snow, and slush - wait, why do I live here again? Then again, I never did give an update on the project once I got the leg armor back from being made - maybe I should give you guys an update. After all, you've been berry berry good to me.
  22. im guessing anywhere from 8" to 12" long with a 6" to 8" wingspan. opps almost forgot it should be like twice its length and width. Actually, it's probably closer to 8" to 10" long, and about 10 to 12" wingspan...
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