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Everything posted by fulcy

  1. I wonder how difficult it's going to be to modify the leg joints to receive ball joints... hrmm...
  2. Mmmm... I like that one without the character triangle - it seemed too small on the top to be useful for anything, really...
  3. I believe it's Fewture, the same guys that did the Mazinger 1901 series. Haven't heard or seen release info or pricing on these guys yet, but a group buy is a must!
  4. Now that I read all of your first post, since the shelves are only going to be supported at the ends, definitely go for 3/8" glass. Though, you could look into having made or making yourself (depending how competent you are) shelf spacers out of a clear acrylic rod. Let me explain. Say you decide on the 1/4" glass - buy them, and put them in the display case. Then you measure the distance from the bottom shelf (I am assuming it's a sold piece of the display case, and not a piece of glass just floating there), to the underside of the first piece of glass - at the mid point of the glass shelf (so go out 20" along the front of the glass shelf, and measure straight down to the shelf beneath it) - say you measure 15 7/16". Get some acrylic rod (probably 3/4" diameter at least), and have two pieces cut just slightly longer than that (maybe 1/32 to 1/16 longer). Take them and wedge them under the first piece of glass - you want them a little long to take any sag out of the glass shelf. Place one at the front edge in the middle of the shelf, and one at the back edge - and now you have a support in the middle, that is clear so it won't really detract from your display. Repeat these steps for each additional shelf - but make sure to wedge each one before you measure the rod for the shelf above that, because the wedging will affect the height of the shelf above it. If you need any help with this, feel free to ask!
  5. All joking aside, it really depends on where you plan on supporting this piece of glass. Only on the two 14" edges, then you need something a little thicker. If you are supporting it along the 40" edges, you can go a little thinner. Looking at the coffee table in front of me, the glass is 3/8" thick, and the supports for it are spread 36" apart - and it can hold alot of weight (I have my feet up on it right now). If it was me, the thinnest I would go is 1/4", depending on how many supports I have along the back edge (and depending on the toys on the shelf). Shelf full of chogokin goodness? I'd probably beef it up to 3/8". So, your decision to go with a 3/8" shelf sounds like a good one.
  6. It's not the kits I have a problem with, I just don't like SEED in general, and that carries over to the kits since they are related...
  7. It IS a big deal. First MG Rx-78-2: Okawaran version. 1995 technology. Enough said. Second MG Rx-78-2: Gundam ver. 1.5. Fancy new PG style legs with 1995 technology arms. Cool legs, but everything else is WRONG. Third MG Rx-78-2: Perfect [sic] Gundam. Once again, enough said. Fourth MG Rx-78-2: Project Pegasus. New arms, new legs, new mobility. 21st century technology. It took Bandai ten years to make the right Rx-78-2. It IS a big deal. Ugly Zeta and CCA mechs can wait. PS: If they can't get the Rx-78-2 right, there's no way in hell they would get the MG GM Sniper II or anything else right. Look at the MG GM Kai. It isn't a big deal. It's not even based on the original, it's based on a video game. YAWN. Wake me when they start making MG's that aren't the RX-78-2, or SEED related...
  8. I would say you'd want at least 1" thick glass, and make sure to specify bullet proof. If you say bullet resistant, any multiple shots from a gun will take it down. This ensures that any violent tendencies your toys may have towards each will only damage the toys, and not the surrouding display case.
  9. Sounds like a project maybe you should try sculpting, and then having someone recast...
  10. Yes I looked at the picture carefully, and I stand by what I said before. It looks like a slightly new sculpt, and, woo boy, they redid the shoulders. Big flippin deal - give me some CCA and Zeta suits dammit, before redoing that bitch ass RX-78-2 yet ANOTHER time!
  11. Is that the newest MG? Why, oh why, do they need to release yet ANOTHER variation on the RX-78-2?
  12. You know I actually went out and picked one up for a member here. It was at an incredibly low price. At the same time I was purchasing it, I noticed a Yellow Sub Min-May. I notified a different member that went to pick it up the week after. Yes, and I am eternally thankful Exo! I also go for the Jin Roh/Kerberos figs (waiting for the female one to come out)...
  13. Jesus Christmas - that's alot of options to choose from! If I had to choose, here's my top three: 21 18 10 Though, 16 does have an understated simplicity that seems to be drawing me in, and number 4 is just really frickin cool...
  14. Uhm, it has an Ostrich head... And the Ostrich is the VT-1, not VE-1... Great work MechaEd!
  15. Alright, haven't gotten any responses to PMs from Daysleeper, Postman Pat, or Rick Randy. Unless I hear from you guys in the next week, I am canceling your orders.
  16. So we need to teach you the difference between left and right now, eh?
  17. Agreed, having a little bit of time right when you spawn that you are invulnerable would be good. Also, a suggestion on key layout - if i remember correctly, the down arrow on the old game was linked to turning 180 degrees - and there was a seperate key for the power-up fire. Might make it a little easier to stop once you get going...
  18. I think I'm first on the list regardless!
  19. I can see it being useful for people who aren't computer savy, and just really need a computer for pictures, music, and checking email - and possibly word processing or some such. Unfortunately, that doesn't include most of the members here - especially since it's a pretty cool little machine...
  20. Hey, I was joking! Besides, it took me two weeks to upload the scans that Alpha HX sent me of the YF-19 and 21 lineart. And I had em right on my HDD! So were the pics ever uploaded?
  21. Those look like the Power Puff Girls cross bread with Popeye - as if Olive Oil were the original PPG, and were their mother!
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