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Everything posted by fulcy

  1. On the AG note - keep an eye on the toy section the next couple of days. I should have an update there soon - dunno if it'll be considered a significant one or not, but the AG is still alive and kicking!
  2. Can't wait to see 'em. In the meantime, here's the GFF Maniax spread: http://f52.aaa.livedoor.jp/~gffm/lineup/3006.html 3006b - Like the color of this one. Sets it apart from the 'usual' Gundam colors. 3006a - Who says size doesn't matter.....look at that big-a$$ sidearm!?!? "Hey, Johnny! How's your recoil?" Dayamn - I'm really going to have to get one of Johnny's - especially since I just sold my MG Gelgoog...
  3. 75! Now I just need to find that gun shop...
  4. Meh, it's ok - but the two things that bother me are more logistics based - based on how the crane arm is grabbing the booster - how the heck is it going to get mounted on the back of the valk? Is the crane arm just going to disappear? Second - and this is more the safety standpoint - you would never have someone standing ON the crane arm, while it is lifting something that heavy.
  5. I didn't think the tail fins between the normal VF-1 were any different from the Elint/Ostrich - there was just the difference between the transformations - the VF-1 folded up it's tail, and the Elint/Ostrich didn't...
  6. Jeez - are you going to live inside the Prometheus once you're done? oh, Godzilla's next conversion is going to be his house!
  7. Why are you, of all people, worried about the availability of 1/48 valks???
  8. Uhm, $1500? try at least $6500 - 65 valks at $100 a pop...
  9. LOL! Spiderman's Enermy! And dayamn, that's a good price!
  10. OMG. Would they just stop showing off prototypes, and release these bad boys already!!!
  11. I should have kept my preorder for it - I think it was $90 through Action-HQ...
  12. This is going to go great next to Maz, Devil Wing, Shin Getter, and Neo Getter! Can't wait for mine!
  13. Ah, I was going to ask about that. I sat for a good half hour scratching my head, trying to figure out how parts go together! The only thing that I found weird with the kit, is that there are no location marks under the main body for the leg mounts? Is this intentional?
  14. adding to what rdenham said - maybe paint the patches in the wing a different shade of the brown of the wing, to simulate an area that was hastily painted, and did not exactly match the rest of the wing...
  15. Well, I can't really give you an opinion on this guy, since your pics are so huge I have to scroll side to side. Please resize your images next time, to something around 640x480.
  16. Also, insurance is a must - as far as insurance goes, you don't really need to find a company that will insure macross items. You just need insurance. I have renters insurance right now, and I am making sure every time I buy something I have a record of what I bought - either receipts, or printing out the pages of the items from HLJ, so that I have a record of how much the item is worth (even though I may not be able to get a rare item again, at least it won't be a total loss, and I'll be reimbursed for part of it's value). Also a photo record of your collection - to prove that you owned the items in the printouts.
  17. When I get a house, I am going to set up my own little room for my collection - with a solid door and lock on it, and possibly it's own security alarm to scare the bejezus out of anyone who opens it when it's armed. Also, my entire house will have a security system, so they won't be able to get in without setting off the alarm. Locking display cabinets would also be nice. Good thing they didn't get anything too valuable from you, and you weren't there, and weren't harmed...
  18. Love how the Fox news one says 'you have the perfect understang...' Understang? Is that when a woman is 'under a mustang'?
  19. Wow, looks great man! Question though - why is the 1S head only present on the battroid shots, and the 1A head is on in the fighter mode shots?
  20. as soon as I get mine, I'm going to figure out if indeed they'd work, and what size would be sufficient. Stay tuned!
  21. Wow, the desert one looks awesome, as Paul has it mocked up! Can't wait to see what the cockpit one would look like, given the same treatment!
  22. God, i love being able to download a 70 meg file in 7 minutes...
  23. Have you ever tried the acrylic ball joints? They are much tighter than the standard PVC ball joint - you can check out my review of them here: http://mechaskunkworks.home.comcast.net/balljoints.htm
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