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Everything posted by Phyrox

  1. For the record, it is Thunder Hammer, not Hummer. It was a poor translation. If you look at the Katakana it says, phonetically: "San-daa-ha-maa-su," which would roughly be: Sunda hamas, which is engrish for: thunder hammers I am more inclined to go with the original katakana and commen sense then the mis-traslated text. Although if they had wanted to use the word hummer, I guess they would have had to use the same characters...so take from that what you will. oh yah, I voted for the DYRL Nous-Ger. I still want one in 1/144, but 1/72 would be pretty cool too I suppose. Leaps and bounds cooler than a Regult or Glaug (both of which are already available in what I imagine are comperable prices).
  2. hmmm, that could be why. I know that I certainly don't subscribe to the "squeeky wheel gets the oil" philosophy, and it's quite possible that some in Toynami's returns dept. don't either.
  3. Actually, there is a scene where we are shown the Ikazuchi's lower guns...I'll try to find it. edit - hmm, seems the scene I was remembering shows turrets on the vertical sides of the hull, not the underside of the hull. I don't remember seeing these in any animation sheets, so there could also be turrets under the hull I suppose. And simply because there is no evidence to contradict it, doesn't go very far to convince me that it is a lander...
  4. My eyes! My eyes! Ahhhggg! Whew...that is ugly, and not in a "so ugly it's cool" way. According to the line art you posted, looks like it does indeed carry missles.
  5. why on earth would you go to macrossworld to ask a question about beer calories?! Is this place the only source of information on the outside world for some people?
  6. The government WILL give you loan offers if you fill out a FAFSA. You will probably have to live frugally, but it can be done.
  7. What? are you kidding me Chris?? Asian chicks are HOT ! All chicks are hot
  8. The panzerfront webpage used to have a nice collection of CG and lineart representations of the handful of fictional tanks designed for Panzer Front Bis. That page is gone, and I am wondering if anyone around these parts has any saved to their harddrives. Much appreciated.
  9. If by stealth you mean designed to remain undetectable (or at least dificult to detect) for extended periods, then the early aircraft-carrying submarines would be the first stealth "carriers." I would say that you have to wait until the IJN I-400 class to have AC-carrying subs intented to act like their larger cousins (and not as simple raiders/scouts) however. If you mean traditional surface carriers with low radar and visual cross-sections, I believe the concept has been around longer than Macross.
  10. DAMN! what a lame ass newbie mistake edit - on my part, of course
  11. Would anyone happen to have chapters 11 and 12? That board seems to have prologue through 10, and then 13 and 14. post, email, or message me. Thanks.
  12. For the reecord, my Alpha is just fine. There is one spot where the paint is spotty, but nothing to distract from the toy. Still not worth $80, but as it is the only game it town, I'm quite happy with it. On the scale issue, I would figure that out using the Battloid dimensions, as that is clearly the starting point for the Toynami MPC. I imagine that the fact that the legs cannot collapse to the degree shown on the screen distorts the fighter's dimensions.
  13. Mine is fine. I don't think it is worth $80, but I am still satisfied. If the others are of the same quality I might pick them all up.
  14. I've been away for a few months, but I need to post a message to warn any old-school Aliens fans about this movie. If you are of the opinion that there are only 2 aliens movies, do yourself a favor and don't watch this horrible movie. Not even out of curiosity...seriously. I need a mindwipe.
  15. Sounds like you are better off using a reliable bidding service. If you don't understand Japanese it could take awhile to navigate Y!Japan, and even then, many sellers there will not ship outside their country. For now (until M-Nugget gets back into it), I would use Celga.com.
  16. I thought it was a bit childish, but I couldn't even get through an entire episode, so maybe it got better.
  17. "rump-rangers"? Pretty low-class don't you think?
  18. When X-Wing Alliance came out, Lucas Arts said that it would be the last simulator based on the original trilogy.
  19. oooh... this is looking really nice.
  20. Apparently an Invid (bit) outside its armour? It had better not be, the show and the line art make it clear that Invid are human sized and rather unassuming in appearence. It looks like it could be taking place in a "genesis pit," so I would assume it is some genetic experiment.
  21. Why do I see a nose, mouth, and more pronounced visor if it's only blood? Gotta go with Nanashi on this one.
  22. The Gamo/Pincer has always been one of my favorite mecha, I am glad to see this game do it justice. I just hope the gameplay is good (not just a ground-based reskinned Battlecry).
  23. I don't know the yield per missile, but they launch about a half dozen of them...and they are, well quite big. The forward grey portion is the actual warhead, and that is a cruiser atatched to the missile, not in the background.
  24. All I can say is that if this is the absolute worst thing that has ever happened to you, you have led a very charmed life. Very.
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