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Everything posted by Phyrox

  1. eh, I'm not convinced...your job aside. I never shouted for an end to the F-22, but now that someone has proposed it...I won't shed any tears if it goes away. It still seems like an ineffective use of valuable (and quite limited) financial resourses. Is it a good idea? Sure. Is it the best use of those resources? I think not.
  2. I think calling it desperately needed is a bit of an overstatement. And I think the reason some people here don't seem to think losing the F-22 program would be that bad is that they are planning on fighting the next war, which they thing will not be against Syria, N.Korea or China. This "war of terror" thing seems far from over to me (or anyone in the Pentagon), and funds should go to making the waging of THAT war easier for our troops. The F-22 probably isn't the best use of funds in that case. With unlimited money, and an army with plenty of force reserves we things might be different. As it is, I (and several others here) think that the best plan for fighting the next war just doesn't need an F-22. The U.S. military could use those funds more effectively elsewere.
  3. ah, one of my favorite movie moments of all time. I can see the reasoning for continued F/A-22 development, I just don't think it is more powerful than the counterarguments. I think a more pressing need is a replacement or upgrade for the A-10s...an effective, survivable all-weather/night CAS aircraft.
  4. I just want my Zetaplus and Gerbera Tetra in HGUC...that's all I want.
  5. If you get that pissed that people don't like things that you happen to like...then you're going to have a shitty life. So what if everyone here things TFs suck, why should that get to you? Is your enjoyment of them in any way lessened by that? I should hope not.
  6. From my limited understanding it was a planned Kawamori project, which never took off. I have heard that it sort of evolved into Escaflowne (hence the presence of swords carried by some of the mecha). As to what the idea for this project was to be, I do not know. All I know is I like some of the designs.
  7. Someone has to spread the gospel...and warn others. But back to M0...I watched the first two episodes and just wasn't excited enough to download the third. I don't really find any of the characters compelling The story looks like it is getting to mystical for me (and I am one of those that seperates my mystical entertainment from my mecha entertainment [unless it's Evangelion, which was pretty up front about its unearthly elements]). The mecha really do nothing for me (especially the SV-51, looks like a valkyrie addicted to heroin). The action is nice occasionally, but it's almost too busy and quick. The F-14/Mig-29 fight in ep1 seemed particularly unbelievable. It's fine to have make-believe stuff do the outrageous, but when you use planes we actually have now, keep it realistic. And, uh...well that's pretty much why it hasn't got its claws into me.
  8. Nice job. WDC remains my favorite regular MW artist.
  9. Like the title says: Is there any chance that we'll see further development of any of these? I know at least one was used for the VB-3, and I think a few others might have been revived...but is that it? I imagine so, but it's a shame. For those who are unfamiliar with the name: http://www.mahq.net/mecha/macross/aircavalry/index.htm I have always loved the AF-49/VA-X-3 I think it is the best variable aircraft kawamori has done (aesthetically speaking only, I don't know how well thought out it is). Seriously, I love the unconventional look. (it's a shame the only ones to have been revived are the ugliest of the bunch) edit: for a curious lack of question marks and good grammer
  10. Am I the only one who thinks this is in poor taste? oh, I am...OK then carry on I suppose...
  11. Ya, I gotta say I am not all that unhappy (or suprised) at this. In a time when the U.S. has a real problem with troop readiness/deployment it just makes sense to restructure priorities and funding. I am an aviation enthusiast of the highest (ok, maybe not the highest) order, but this (if it does indeed happen) seems to be a good move.
  12. If I remember correctly, it is only flat black which is poor for night flying. Gloss (i.e. shiny) black is supposed to work pretty well, assumiong no clouds. But then again I don't read much about aviation past 1945, so this could have been a naive WWII notion. Although I have heard that greyish-pinks or just general grey are better than either flat or gloss black.
  13. San Diego and Temecula, California. but now i'm in exile in Texas. and man does it suck.
  14. yup, well I got nothin' much to do tonight (rare exception), so I've been lurking around...biding my time 'till it is right to strike, WITH AN APPROPRIATE IMAGE! HAHA!
  15. The thick black lines are quite different, as are the feet, and the narrowness of the leg. As shown in these helpful illustrations.
  16. You'd need to do more than that I think. The antenna thingy is different, as are the arms, legs and feet if I remember. The differences on these last three parts are subtle, but present.
  17. ...but these (rather ugly) animation shots could be of some limited help:
  18. This is all I've got (never seen a line-art top or front view)
  19. The Concord was once prohibited from overflying the U.S.? It was my understanding that it has always been prohibited from doing so...which is why it only did London/Paris-New York And what's this about the SR-71 showing that it wasn't immune to SAMs? I suppose I can buy that in theory, but you implied it was somehow demonstrably revealed. How so?
  20. Well, I aim to please. That's exactly how I felt when someone first scanned them for me...
  21. of course, the top view has been photoshopped (by a MW-worlder) into its "complete" form. I have the original version (w/o one arm and overhead cannons) if needed.
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