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Everything posted by Phyrox

  1. I am just wondering if there is any significant difference in the availability of the HiCompact Joke-Machines. I know they came in: Hikaru -A Max -1A Max -1J Millia -1J Focker -1S But are any of these easier/harder to find today? (I'm sort of in the market for a cheap [unboxed?] Joke-Machine, and am hoping that the Max -1A isn't so rare as to make it unattainable)
  2. These toys look really well done, its a shame the overall concept is so...well I don't want to rain on everyone's parade.
  3. I have to disagree, everytime I see that trailer it hurts. Maybe it's just me, but it seems to be trying to hard to look like an old comic book and not enough like a movie. Despite my life long love of aviation (or maybe because of it) I'll be skipping this one. Plus, I just don't seem to like Jude Law. Don't know why, just don't.
  4. Found on http://aeug.blogspot.com/ The use of the word compilation leads me to the conclusion that this will indeed be a compilation movie.
  5. I think the sculpts are just enlarged minis actually. I'd think about it if they had some unique poses, but as it is I've never wanted to spend that much on one. I have seen them in person, and they do look nice though.
  6. How seriously do they have to take it? It's a compilation movie... Just some editing to be done.
  7. "If its a hoax"? Sure looks like one to me. But I think it is all meant to be tongue in cheek, I don't think you are supposed to really think some retired engineer built a huge free-standing, fully articulate robot. It's nice CG, but you can tell its CG.
  8. They should quit all this Seed and G-Saviour crap, and animate Gundam Sentinel. They finally have the CG technology to do those mobile suits justice. Amen Brother!
  9. Actually some of the "invisible suit" scenes used the old suit. Most of the "cloaked" shots early in the movie are not of the good Predator, but the earlier one.
  10. Well, YOU might not be needed anymore...but I know my lady can't live without me. Maybe you should take lessons. (i can't believe I just used an emoticon...the end is near)
  11. This is a compliation I will certainly get...as long as it is edited well.
  12. I find it hard to believe that scratchbuilding the model will be more economical (in both time and money) than just getting one shipped from Japan. Unless you prefer to build from scratch...
  13. Is it going to have proper variable-geometry wings? I've always thought the VF-11 looked best with the wings back.
  14. Hahahahaha... you are joking right? I'm not saying the show was total crap (i was a bit too young to consider quality), but to say it was the show over the toys? You really must be kidding. edit- forgot a word, hehe
  15. I sure hope so. I was pretty jazzed about his Sentinels CG work. It was top-notch, and there wasn't a VF-1 (for once). I'm crossing my fingers and hoping he resumes posting (and that whatever project had limited his time for this has since been completed).
  16. Ah, that is just the sort of stuff we have been hoping to find. Alas there just isn't much out there. Thanks for the anecdote.
  17. well, if you're fishin' for 'em: I didn't think it was too funny. But I have never found "wacky-dubbing" to be entertaining anyhow...
  18. You are giving M7 more thought than it deserves. Just ignore it and hope it goes away.
  19. Instead of relying on memory, just look back through the thread: so...not an E46 edit: crap, beat by StealthLurker
  20. I'll bet that pickup left some awfully suprised streetracers in the dust
  21. the expression is: The proof of the pudding is in the tasting It is often mis-stated, but there it is. Plus, "the proof is in the pudding" doesn't make any sense
  22. Now THAT is a sleeper. but, since when have engines been called "pudding?" I must be getting old. Plus, I thought KingNor drove a Chevelle, not the ultra-rare Honda edition Tiberon...I guess I guy can have two cars, but THOSE two cars?
  23. I don't think early P-51s are called "razorbacks." I do quite a lot of reading in this area, and I have never come across it. P-47s get that nickname because the top edge of the canopy (and the trailing spine) come to a fine point... I believe the traditional adjective to describe early model P-51 canopies is "birdcage," which is also used with ealy F4Us. Just a tidbit of aviation history/terminology...take it or leave it.
  24. I belive modern warplanes collect their own spent casings, but older aircraft (WWII and post-war) just let them fall. Not too much of a danger it seems. As a side note, one of my fellow grad-students and I have been musing about doing a paper on the effects of spent casings and rounds in WWII, but have found no reliable sources for this. With the huge aerial battles over populated areas in Europe there surely were damage and deaths caused by these "by-products," but very little of it seems to have been documented. Too bad for us.
  25. I am not that well versed in trans-atmospheric travel, but this is how I understand it: Re-entry isn't at the same speed that it (or much else) travels is the atmosphere. During lauch, the shuttle accelerates gradually, not reaching its highest speed until it has already passed beyond the atmosphere. In re-entry, although not travelling as fast as normal orbit, the shuttle is moving at around 15,000 mph...which is faster than it moves in the atmosphere during launch. I haven't read up on this but like I said, this is how I have always understood it.
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