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Everything posted by bigkid24

  1. Are you talking about the AT-AT? That's a sweet set fromt he looks of it. Back on topic....I don't really need to save up for it either but I'm not entirely sure I'm getting one either. I'm definitely intrigued but it defies all logic for me to pay so much for a toy that will sit there and gather a LOT of dust, but then again, I'm a collector and I've done a bunch of illogical things.
  2. Nice work. I like the color scheme. I think if you had some decals to add it would look pretty sweet.
  3. Hmm, I can't remember but in one of the show your collection threads a member has a bunch of Voltrons including the Stealth and other Trendmasters versions.
  4. Hey Vostok What games are you looking for? I may have some I need to get rid of. An old co-worker gave me a bunch of games.
  5. I like the color scheme but please tell me that you're going to paint the heatshield too.
  6. I don't know but when/if Yamato makes a SDF-1 it better have it on there!!!
  7. I think a lot of people were cannabalizing the MG Sazabi kits. At least I think that's what they were. I'm neither a modeler nor a gundam fan so I could be way off the mark but my memory is pretty good.
  8. Hmmm...I think I'm going to vote SNES. I never owned one but I always played whenever I could at my friend's house. The variety of games and sequels of NES favorites made me a happy camper. Plus, having Street Fighter 2 and Samurai Showdown in the comfort of my friend's home was great. Sure they weren't perfect but they were damn good. The NES/SNES era was my golden age of gaming. I miss 2D graphics. Either I got too old or too busy but I don't play with my PS or PS2 much but they are great systems too.
  9. I've never seen a Lionbot out of the package before but the Trendmasters re-issue is okay. I paid $30 when it first hit TRU and I'm extremely happy with my purchase. Drifand is right in that it doesn't stay together too well. My blue lion keeps coming loose while the yellow lion refuses to come off. Aside from that I'm happy. There's plenty of diecast. The red and green lion heads fire, and it comes with a bunch of accessories.
  10. Hmm...it's been a long time since I've seen the ending of the series and the movie but I used to think that the events that occured in the series were what Shinji was experiencing inside of Unit 01 while the movie was what a third party observer would see. I didn't really interpret them as two different endings.
  11. That thing looks more like something out of the Fredrick's of Hollywood catalog. Halle Berry as Catwoman has to be one of the worst casting decisions ever. If you're going to borrow from the comics be somewhat faithful to them. If you're going to totally change the character then at least give her a new name. Blah.
  12. My first Valkyrie was the 1990 VF-1S re-issue that I bought for $70 shipped in about 1995 or so. I loved that thing. I put on all the armor and transformed it a couple of times then left it for display. My next valk was the red, white, and blue Joons that I bought for $50 shipped. I figured I did alright when I saw it go for $100 on ebay. After that I bought pretty much everything that came out. It's only recently that I've slowed down.
  13. So did they post that Valkyrie to give it that knock knee look of Minmay? I've seen the decals for the Minmay guard they look pretty good on a Yamato if you don't go too crazy.
  14. Apparently, I need to check this forum more often. That's a sweet looking canopy.
  15. An army to me is a TON of CF type guys. i.e. an army of stormtroopers, CFs, clone troopers, battle pods
  16. I thought that Cover Girl was a redhead too. The way that Tera Patrick looks I think that she should play the Barroness.
  17. I remember it but didn't watch. Too bad. It sounds like a pretty good show. I think Defenders of the Earth(?) left a bad taste in my mouth. I think it had the Phantom and Mandrake and some other people. Given the crappiness of that show I just assumed that it would suck too.
  18. The only time I actually saw the Gerwalk in the store I passed on it because it didn't really do anything for me. Now I'm regretting passing it up but I still like my Eva 02/Great Mazinger set I picked up.
  19. Dude, he was in Newsies too. Anyway, as long as Schumacher has nothing to do with the film I'll be happy. I remember he once said that he wanted to focus on the comic in comic book. I just kept thinking that it was painfully obvious that he had not picked up a Batman book in decades.
  20. I think the Liger boosters fit in best with the overall look but if you want to make it more spawn like use the Spawn cape. I think it's from a Spawn two since they are plastic and holey. I think Spawn three had a cloth cape that extended.
  21. So are they subtitled in English? That's what I'm worried about.
  22. What do you think it's worth? Here's a pic of the two you get in one pack.
  23. Well, I'm going to gamble with the Gameshark 2 for my PS2 first since I found a place that sells it for $20. I figure even if it doesn't play stuff very well then at least I can get some use out of it. Otherwise I'm looking at a Malata DVP-520 that's progressive scan and has X-Y tracking among some other features. How common is it for R2 anime DVDs to have english subtitles? I know Macross Zero doesn't but what about Macross Plus? JRock - Are there other Hong Kong flicks you recommend? Like I said, I have Hero and I've heard that Battle Royal is pretty good too.
  24. For the longest time I've been debating the purchase of a multi-region DVD player, but for the life of me I couldn't figure out why since a lot of good titles are available domestically or otherwise. Now I have a copy of Hero for region 5 and I'd like to be able to watch the DVDs my sister picked up from the UK so, at the suggestion of another MWer, I'm going to pick up a gameshark 2 for my PS2. So now I'm wondering, what other titles are worth getting? So for those of you with a multi-region player what titles made you want to get one? Or what's out there that's worth getting that we can't get in the States?
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