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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. That’s funny breakdown for me came from Amazon. I guess he was technically the last of the set originally scheduled for March I think. I don’t get to go out much and the closest target here is awful at releases, or they get snagged super fast I’m it sure which. Even the two Walmarts in town are terrible. But I also had caught Covid right at the end of the year, so I’m not well enough yet to venture outwards. mid toydojo had dead end I’d probably order it for pickup, alas he’s not even listed on their site.
  2. I just got in my Legacy Breakdown. Little surprised he only came with a singular blaster, WHICH btw a little disappointed that it stores under the chassis where as you can't do that with the other figures. I mean I get it, he's got the rear spoiler so the port doesn't exist like Wildrider. You can keep it stowed away while in combiner mode, so I guess I'll just take the win on that. So all that's missing is Deadend which he's pretty elusive right now being the final part of the combiner set. BBTS and TFSource have him sold out, Toydojo isn't even listing him, Amazon is jacked up to 60 dollars and Ebay isn't really any different. I'm still waiting for the DNA Design to release their upgrade kit for Menasore but kinda tempted to just cancel it. I'm finding some 3D Printable options to help in certain areas like the sword most of all.
  3. Christina Vee and I had worked on a cover together back in the old days. We did 3 different releases of which all seem to of gone poof...she had 2 of them and I had the other. But Youtube forced them out despite the fact they were covers. The 1st version we used the Flashback 2012 music video of DYRL with my english audio to make it perfect. The 2nd version was using the same song during the final battle of the film with all the english audio we had worked on. The final version was the Frontier Ranka edition sung in the original pilot special. Sadly as her career took off she had to remove all that content and I got nailed as well despite them being covers. Go figure on that. Wish I could bring them back.
  4. 2 episodes out, much darker toned than Season 7 of CW or the 1st season of Bad Batch. Maybe it's just me as well but I've been noticing every season in particular getting better in terms of quality and style since the early days of the CW. I'm hoping for a really good dramatic and thrilling Season 2.
  5. My Haslab Victory Saber arrived after getting pushed back from UPS. I was a bit worried cause it had updated yesterday with a Monday arrival when it was originally slated for Friday. Luckily it changed again to Saturday delivery but needed a signature....so I had to stay home all day to wait. I think the box is beautiful, and I'm totally going to hold onto that. The instruction manual ripped when I tried to unfold it..that bummed me out....When I opened the box poor Stakeout already had a popped off leg lol. Did have a very light amount of paint defect, none on the gold which was awesome. Most of it was on Star Saber's body around yellow regions and a little black paint mark on some white of his forearms. Victory Leo has a little black mark on the left side of his chest in the mustard yellow. Other than that I didn't find much else. Transformations were super easy to figure out, Victory Leo's forearms flipping to his beast form were insanely tight....I might look at that at some point when I got more time. Star Saber himself I fiddled with and it all seems to be really nice, not to tight not to loose. I will say I'm disappointed like many others over Victory Leo having that little missing paint application on his wings. I don't know if I'll apply them either as I'm sure they'll wear out in time. Since it's a gloss red I might just carefully mask the area off and paint it. I have the entire combined setup sitting on a my bench right now as I try to figure out where I'm going to put Victory Saber...that'll be a tough one. Combined form I think he's gonna be maybe a bit too big without compressing those cannons. Guess just wait and see! I'm just gonna admire it for now and go from there. Now to wait a year for Deathsaurus.
  6. So interesting thing, and I'm sort of beating myself up after finding out as well. TFSource.com's doing pre-orders for not only haslab Victory Saber with a due out in February, but they're also taking orders for Deathsaurus. Now mind you the prices are higher than the reservations on either from Haslab directly. BUT with that order stack function they got, you don't gotta pay for them until they're released. So with that in mind you could actually get your Deathsaurus figure. But now I'm kicking myself cause I could of ordered Victory Saber for half the cost I just paid on Ebay.
  7. I was looking over the latest listings leaks and there's some stuff I'm excited for, while others I'm sort of scratching my head at wondering what they are.... Sandstorm, Brawn, Bombshell, Frenzy, Tigerhawk and BW Silverbolt got me going "WOO!" I mean I like my old Generations Sandstorm, so it'll be one of those things where if it doesn't strike that G1 look in some way, I'll pass. I missed out on POTP Brawn years back, of course with Frenzy coming out it means I need to get me Rumble now, Bombshell I'm excited for but they're a little behind not having already released Sharpnel....it's been quite some time since Kickback was released. The stuff scratching my head though, Thundertron....I mean...what? I remember he was a heavy redeco of that super old Cybertron character, can't remember his name. But Leo Prime also used that same mold, that makes me wonder if Thundertron will be the same? Devcon, okay, weird, kinda I guess. I think he'll probably be a retool of Scourge, wouldn't surprise me. But what's this Capsule thing? I seemed to of missed what this is, god hoping it's not some sorta blind pack cause there's a listing for G2 Grimlock. Personally would love to see some G2 redcos of what's been released even if it's a Selects exclusive of some kind.
  8. It looks like PrimeVSPrime has a review up of Victory Saber. Saber himself looks great, maybe better than his MP variation...but man Victory Leo that's just a bummer for his ship mode, paintchipping and out of alignment pelvis area. If I had backed it last year like I should have versus paying the 400 bucks I just did last week...I don't think I would feel quite so bad. But in truth, this is either gonna get displayed in bot modes or combined mode, I really don't know. Did watch however the Haslab look of Deathsaurus and I was sort of into the overall color prototype and what they're doing. They're going to use Vac-metal for the chrome parts to give him a lot more pop and as a nod to the original toy. I dunno though if I'm gonna back it...I probably should.
  9. I very much regret not being able to order Starsaber during initial pre-orders but the timing just wasn't ever there back then. The same is kind of holding pattern with Deathsaurus as well. I wanna get it, but man a $180 price tag is rough without having to bust out a credit card. I've looked at ebay for Saber, and. his pricing is averaging at 400 but it's also including Victory Leo...so not sure to me if that's balancing out alright or not. I mean 2 figures roughly at 200 a pop, probably not. And I've looked at the third party options and I'm just not impressed with Kadmos with a weak mini bot after thought of a figure and the overall headsculpt.
  10. I had a question....with the Haslab Starsaber coming out soon, and missing out on the chance to order it due to timing, is there any third party equivalent to get? I know there's the Iron-trans version but that's an MP scale figure. So the only other one I know of that'll go with generations is Kadmos but he's more along the IDW design of the character and I'm not a big fan of the overall look.
  11. I just got my copy of Pointblank and Peacemaker. I dunno why I ordered this really....the character barely had any appearance in Rebirth though I think he was a little more seen in the JP series. Still, he's not bad or anything like that. The transformation is pretty simple, the sculpt work is good, I just had a couple of things to nitpick like his forearms providing the most ridiculous lack of articulation in a modern figure, and still targetmasters have zero articulation when they so could! But, he's just gonna go into my S4 area of characters I've collected over the years....so meh.
  12. Dude lives out in the Texas area, don't think very far from me judging by his activity. Been meaning to poke him about some stuff since he had brought up some 501st things and wanted to give him a hand on helping with his storage needs on his suit. Overall it's a pretty good setup for what he's done, and he's obviously getting a lot of good use out of it.
  13. I do own the entire Japanese line that came from Shout Factory back in the day, though to be honest the subtitles have a tendency to going sub....par. Though I do wish they had took the time to go and change character names and terminology to fit the American aesthetics versus staying with the Japanese version. I went out for the first time in over a month in my new car and drove to Austin, paid a visit to Toydojo and scored the only Motormaster they had on the shelf. But man it took me 3 hours just to get home due to an accident and all I could think of was cracking that box open. Do gotta say I really really like this figure, the engineering I think is very well done, and he cleans up very nice from truck to robot, and the combiner transformation is really neat even if it's heavy parts forming by his trailer. I couldn't help but turn him into Menasor and slapping Dragstrip and Wildrider on to get a good look at his form and how massive he is. I'm thinking my old Fansproject M3 is gonna get taken apart into bot modes or just put away in favor of this guy.
  14. Bandais Siegfried kits weren’t bad, a definite step up from the floppy VF-25 kits. But I was sorely disappointed in dropping the VF-1 after 1 kit.
  15. It’s gonna be a heavy parts former from what I’ve been seeing. However I ordered 2! I hope we get more than just this, considering bandais track history hasn’t exactly been great for Macross kits.
  16. Was just thinking that, and now Meryl’s profession seems to had changed? I dunno, I don’t feel like this needs to exist.
  17. This’ll be the first movie not having Stallone’s Rocky other than by name it seems. So the question is can this series succeed without him?
  18. Yeah it does have huge stargazer vibes but the Yuri on it isn't as strong as what you would think after Episode 2's release last night. But we do get a masked character which is kind of the first in a while, and I'm not counting all the Build Fighter related content as that's more "Cosplay" than purpose. Still though, I'm curious to see how this series is gonna progress.
  19. I think I'd probably pass on the Zeta Ver Ka....this is what now the third iteration of the MG styling? I was pretty happy with the 2.0 and unless I see some really outstanding changes in the engineering then it's a pass. Now the new GM's, I'm gonna get. That was a suit that really needed an upgrade everywhere and been passed over for so so so long.
  20. That was probably the only thing that made me giddy. I like the Odyssey class, makes me hopeful we'll get an official model kit or a playmates set someday.
  21. I had Needlenose when I was a kid, gotta tell ya for it to be almost identical to his G1 figure just with way more articulation is sorta disappointing but yet familiar. This scraphook junkion, easy pass. Don't like the idea of making an original junkion character like him , just doesn't feel right. Breakdown.....wondering why they pushed away from him being a Lambo? It looks almost nothing like one now. And the amount of back kibble is just sad to me on him and WIldrider. I think the only things I'm remotely interested in getting would be the Hero Born 2 pack and Lio Convoy.
  22. After watching it, I felt pretty let down truthfully. You get this big tease to solve a mystery only to let it fizzle out.
  23. Agreed, there’s no real need for a reboot. Surprised anyone would touch it after The author got busted for kiddy porn.
  24. Alright so I finished my VF-25F,I'm gonna be totally honest with you guys, it's neat in concept and if you can airbrush it'll look pretty cool. But these stickers totally ruined it for me in a lot of ways. They maybe will hold better on bare plastic but so far being an entirely painted kit, they continue to bubble and pull away no matter what I try to do to get them to stay on, and it's super annoying. They're also so damn large and kept to a basic shape so they eat up a lot of space and don't fit very well where they should. It's not a 50 dollar kit though, I probably wouldn't pay more than 35 for this thing at all. It still lacks a ton of detail that could of been nice, there should of been more parts separation and color breakdowns so you wouldn't have to use stickers. I also would of loved it more if it came with a pilot.
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