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Everything posted by Lolicon

  1. I'll happily give away my old legs to whoever needs them. If I ever get around to actually swapping them out.
  2. Yep. Here's what it really looks like in person. Pic taken by me last year.
  3. I love superheroes but I mostly stopped reading comic books many years ago. Mainly because most of the stories were dumb and I hated the "See issue 227 of this series to find out WTF this character is talking about" shenanigans they used to always do. As a kid I did not have the money and transportation needed to just go out and buy an entire library at a whim. And there's the decades of backstory and baggage Sanity mentioned. Also, movie Iron Man is way more interesting than comic book Iron Man. Thanks RDJ!
  4. I've had bits of the giant UN SPACY flake off on all my 1Js, and some of the warning labels on the chestplate of one. I've been super careful after that. Bandai's tampo is quantity over quality, I guess.
  5. Bandai's GBP set will have removable missiles and firing effects. Sold separately, of course.
  6. LMAO Yeah they stumbled towards the end there, but still so much better than Voyager.
  7. Never had any issues with tampo printing from Yamato or Arcadia. Bandai is another story. Sv-262 wings anyone? The only panel washed item from Arcadia that I've gotten is the PF SDF-1, which is topcoated, so smearing anything has not been an issue. Not trying to give you a hard time @Chronocidal. Just don't want anyone unfamiliar with such things to think that a panel washed VF-4 is going to smear all over the place if they touch it.
  8. Hear hear! It was a humbling and illuminating moment that the pompous ass Picard of that period really needed. Gene's vision and his writing are not separate and distinct parts that exist in a vacuum independent of each other. His writing sucked because his vision sucked. His vision was sterile and boring and stood in the way of good storytelling. Fortunately, we had many talented folks come in and dispense with his BS. Nick Meyer: F*** Gene's vision. Starfleet is a military organization. Ira Steven Behr: F*** Gene's vision. Sisko is a soldier. Ronald Moore: F*** Gene's vision. Also, f*** you Rick Berman and Brannon Braga! I'll write my own sci-fi series about humans lost in space trying to find their way to Earth! And it's going to be dark and gritty and way more hard hitting than your sanitized Voyager crap!
  9. Smearing panel lines? WTF are you blubbering about? You know they dry the panel wash BEFORE shipping out the toy, right? If you don't like the way it looks, that's fine. But don't make up non-complaints to justify your position. There's no need to justify anything. If you don't like it, you don't like it. The DX feels pretty cheap to me when the tampo printing starts rubbing off with only light handling.
  10. TNG season 2 had Q Who and The Measure of a Man, both are which are amazing episodes and some of the best of TNG. However, the season as a whole still is pretty crappy. The episode immediately after Q Who is the one where Geordi gets kidnapped by the slow aliens of the short yellow starship. What makes season 1 TNG so much worse than season 1 DS9 isn't just the bad stories, it's also the sanctimonious "holier-than-thou" attitude of the humans. "We're so evolved and perfect we don't even get headaches anymore! All you less evolved species must listen to us for we are always right!" Short version: Gene's vision sucks.
  11. Only because the other Trek series fell flat on their faces at the start. I wouldn't characterize season 1 DS9 as "good" so much as "less sh***y" than the first seasons of the other shows.
  12. @SuperHobo also assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand and started World War I.
  13. Unopened 1S for 28k https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1130018408&ref=list&keyword=マクロス
  14. Just product info. The important thing is one is PF and the other is not. Having both means the PF won't be a general release. That means no cheap Amazon pricing and shipping like the PF VE-1.
  15. Opened 1S 23k https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/DetailPage/item?itemCode=1129976262&ref=list&keyword=マクロス&lang=en
  16. Another one https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1125044023&ref=list&keyword=マクロス
  17. How many Arcadia valks have you found in the bargain bin?
  18. Yep. These are luxury items. No one needs them. If you're complaining that you can't afford a completely unnecessary luxury item, no one will shed any tears for you.
  19. Lolicon

    Macross figures

    I thought the name was hilarious, in a marketing-fail kind of way. The figures themselves are your usual cutesy big-headed SD-ish figures. Nothing particularly creepy or sexualized about them. That Mirage doesn't look bad, but I'd rather have more Frontier characters in that line.
  20. Unopened 1S for 25k. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1124889180&ref=list&keyword=マクロス
  21. Yes, insult the fanbase. That'll make you feel better. Hey, aren't you the guy who was whining about spoilers for Delta many months after the show finished airing? Expecting the entire internet to tiptoe around spoilers for a long-finished show just for your sake is what I would call "gullible."
  22. Nuts to the non-PF release. I'll spring for the PF and spare myself the hassle of finding and applying decals. Though I'll probably still add more decals anyway, because why the hell not?
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