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Everything posted by sqidd

  1. Yeah, getting into the RT market is a big risk. It's just not that big. You have Bandai which is the powerhouse. Arcadia which is a teeny tint little company that can barely hang on and Kitz Concepts which is one step bigger than a "garage" operation. There is not much room (if any) in the market. Throwing a ton of money in R&D at Macross/RT seems like an awful big risk. Bigger than Voltron. They have had pretty good success with Transformers and Evangelion. But those are HUGE franchises compared to RT/Macross.
  2. Upon reading your post I realized I was being pre-mature and probably a little bias. I now think it will be a very good fight between the ThreeZero and the SOC. That said, I still stand behind my not understanding ThreeZero choosing to go head to head with the SOC which has been out forever and had what? Three runs? That particular segment has got to be pretty close to saturation. I have the Titan Power to play around with. It's a riot, the sculpt is cool and effectively indestructible.
  3. sqidd

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    Darn it! I flubbed the O!
  4. There isn't a "vaccine" (put in quotes because it doesn't meet the classic definition of a vaccine) for Omicron. It doesn't matter when their vax program started. There is actually significant evidence that the "vaccine" makes you more prone to get Omicron within 2-3 weeks after injection than if you have no vaccine at all. Follow the science.
  5. Considering that there is zero evidence that the restrictions keep infection/death numbers down (there is actually new evidence out of I think its Stanford the restrictions cause more deaths) what is going on in Japan is politics. Not science.
  6. sqidd

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    I'm going full 12yr old on this.... Bogger Fart
  7. Head laser plasma compression chamber.
  8. Fixed I don't think there has been a release I wanted less.
  9. I'd be surprised if it's sold outside of Japan. It's a TWE item. The AX Supers that went on sale recently are TWE. I don't think they showed up on BBTS.
  10. 32870Y It's either a brave or stupid move by ThreeZero to bring this out in this size and at this price point. The SOC is damn near perfect and easy to get at retail still. Same size. Or, the Blitzway is super Gucci, 50% larger and twice the money. Seems like an over-served market to me.
  11. sqidd

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    And most likely done by a sub contractor.
  12. That would be one of those things where an alternate head would be a welcome extra. Yeah, it would be parts forming. But, it would save the OCD from a terrible fate.
  13. I don't remember that from the show. I thought it was on her dads space yacht monstrosity when they came in contact the first time. Was it different in the books? It's been sop long since I read those first few books I can't remember.
  14. Yeah, I think "Cigarette Boat" (Cigarette being a brand name though) would probably be more accurate. Cue Miami Vice soundtrack.....
  15. Man, I hope @Kuma Style gets his soon so I can watch a review that I understand and trust.
  16. Like Dobber said, not a combat ship. A racing yacht. It factors in the show and is around quite a bit in the show though. And part of one of the best "space battles" of the series. I also think it looks cool.
  17. I think I was half way through the first episode before I figured out who it was. She transformed pretty good for the role. What's funny is my wife HATES her in Ozark. So annoyed she won't watch the show. No issue as Anna though.
  18. Did you miss the part where I said I can't read on a Kindle? That would suggest that I have tried.
  19. The Razorback from The Expanse is up on Eaglemoss. https://shop.eaglemoss.com/us/hero-collector/the-expanse-the-official-ship-collection/the-expanse-razorback-ship?gclid=CjwKCAiA6seQBhAfEiwAvPqu129-J-qF3upVC7tLWQIa053UQKVcukcZiGCRzO2CGrD3GRMwJgzbfxoC7_MQAvD_BwE
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