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Everything posted by no3Ljm

  1. Guys, how long again NY's Registered SAL before they reach US shores? Last tracking I have still says 'Dispatch from outward office of exchange' dated 11/25. Hoping it will arrive end of this week. I'm so excited to put Alto's Armor on him. Thanks again davidwhangchoi for the heads up months ago.
  2. Jenius, you don't like the Gerwalk mode? I only like Gerwalk and Orgroid mode for Orguss.
  3. Congrats to everyone who received their Ozma valks. I'm still waiting from NY shipping. Last update it was still in Japan. Hopefully it will arrive this week since I just used their Registered SAL option. Also, I got an order cancellation reply as well from Play-Asia on my back-up Ozma order. I used my credit card directly instead of paypal. So far, I haven't seen any Play-Asia trancsaction on my credit card activity. But I still need to double check tomorrow since our internet is not doing ok tonight. Keeps on lagging. Hope everyone will get their paypal fee back from PA. @Keiichi I think they just charged your credit card when the item is in stock.
  4. That's what I thought too. Just by basing it on online reviews and photos. You can see that Ley's garment quality is different from Stick's. Btw, jenius, any idea where can I check on customizing the figure? I already seen Yaco's blog site, and there was no mentioning on how he removed the screws. Anyways, if you have ideas, do let me know. Thanks in advance.
  5. Was able to purchase a Beagle Stick Ride Armor last week. And I know from reviews that Stick doesn't have the cloth material used like Ley's. Can anyone tell me or show me a link or/on how to change the cloth on the Beagle toys? If so, what's the best durable cloth to use? Was thinking somehow of those leather type cloths used on a 1/6 scale figures. But not too sure what's the proper name for it. Thanks in advance.
  6. I checked Play-Asia since I didn't receive any emails from them yet. And when Play-Asia says they're 'preparing order' as the status, can I still cancel it? Thanks.
  7. They should have included Mei's VF-27 Custom.
  8. Got mine last week. I also got some corner dents on the box but not too severe. I'm loving the figure. It's too cute to be ignored.
  9. Liking it so far. Will probably get one next year to display beside YF-29. Assuming I get a new gig by next year.
  10. Got an email from NY. Shipped. First OZMA, here we go.
  11. Present! I remember the first time Robotech was shown in the Philippines. And all my cousins were surprised when I shouted that's not Robotech, that's called Macross. They forgot that I've already watched it during our stay in Tokyo, years prior. But I can't remember that Minmay were called Maria. Hehehe.
  12. 3 Man 7800 Yen??? That's crazy. Here I am wishing for a long time for an ulitmate Orguss figure which is still not somehow anime-accurate based on the prototype and yet have a price tag that high? Yamato/Arcadia's plain VF-1 Valks is taller and transformable too and it just cost less than $200. Wait, is this limited or made to order?
  13. Woot! A new YF-19... oh wait... VF-19 Advance! Sorry for being late to the news. I'm excited to see the Fighter and Gerwalk mode first. I hope this will be available mid-next year since I'm still broke. Hehehe.
  14. no3Ljm

    3P SD VF-1S

    This one looks nice. I agree with most of you that the wing is kinda long in Battroid mode. Looks like a cape. Hope it's not that tall so that it can be displayed together with the SDf-1 Makuros.
  15. Wait erikos0311. The first NY PO lasted for a couple of minutes? How come I didn't get the chance for the first 5 seconds? The moment I click Add to Cart, it just went to Sold Out. Hehehe. Lucky you. Anyways, will wait for my NY confirmation email since I still didn't get any.
  16. Wow! It's already available at NY? Have to check my email now. Btw, I thought the release date on the shops is on the 22nd? And while waiting for VF-25S... this happened... Fixed with small screw. Didn't realize that the groove for the ball joint were so tight.
  17. Cool. That's good to know. But does it come glued already or we have to glue it ourselves? Thanks in advance.
  18. I assumed until they run out of money? Those people doesn't have imagination. Just limited to 'robotech'. Keep on clinging to something that doesn't materialize under their umbrella. Even starting a kickstarter for it. I'm not really against them but somehow their view on Macross property is so 80's for me. They can't move on nor they can't let go.
  19. Love to have all. But for now, it's either Regult or Glaugg for me. Wait. Just valks for you guys? No beers even?
  20. Congrats on the YF-30 and Iron Man. Btw, the 'new' G mode doesn't look that bad. It's not ugly at all in my opinion. Esp if you're not gonna use the swivel waist joint and just pose it as a regular traditional Gerwalk. You don't need the bracket for this one.
  21. I only wish that someone should back-up Mr. Yeti so that price will go down somehow and have each of our valks their own YetiStands. How about going to Shark Tank? Or Kickstarter again? I'll make sure I'm not going to miss this upcoming batch order.
  22. Love it, Yeti! I'm imagining now my YF-19 and YF-21 would look cool on that stand. I do have a question though. How strong the connector from the flat base and the connector where you put the first arm when you put 2-3 valks? Are they glued or fixed somehow? Sorry for asking since I don't have the first version. Thanks.
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