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Everything posted by no3Ljm

  1. @happy_spike I think he's looking for version 2 Valks. The one on the eBay link is version 1. @davidwhangchoi Rainbow canopy here as well.
  2. It's Noel. You're welcome.
  3. Congrats! Imagine if that were sold in Starbucks. Instead of the Skull logo in the heat shield it will have the Starbucks logo. Congrats Saburo!
  4. Thanks McFly! Hahaha! Lucky Me! Yup, already tried that one and it was so tasty. Hehehe. Tipid-tipid. Yup, Plasti-Dip. So that I will not ruin the original color of the valk just in case I want to return it to the original color. Reason why is I love Hikaru's color scheme. And most of the hero valks I have has that scheme. VF-1A/S, YF-19, VF-25F, VF-171Ex. I bought Ozma's 25S, hoping that I could replace the yellow stripes with red. And the quickest way to do it for now is use plasti-dip. But I haven't tried it yet so maybe one of these days. Same thing with the upcoming VF-0S if ever.
  5. It is actually. Got it from Buyee. It's the cheapest one out there as far as I can tell. Everywhere sells it from $400 and up. Have to bite the bullet on this one though. Since I rarely seen one posted below $300. Oh well... time to take out those Cup Noodles once again. Hahaha!
  6. Thanks b! It's just that sometimes the completist in me takes over. Hehehe. I think I'm all set without the Ghost as well. Instead of using the extra money for the Ghost, I used it to buy VF-11C. I'm happy and content. Though it means, that I'll pass for the VF-1J/GBP for now.
  7. I vote for Arcadia's as well. Anyways, have fun collecting Valkyrie Driver. I might say that this hobby of ours is a killer. Most of our wallets here needs defibrillators.
  8. @Valkyrie Driver You can cast your vote to Kurisama's Upgrades and Add-ons thread at: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=37124 And so far, the APS-11 is leading.
  9. @Ryoma Found this online since I don't own a Yamato one. Arcadia left. Yamato right. Hope that helps.
  10. Great purchases everyone! My only contribution for now since I don't have the item yet is the 1/60 VF-11C. Finally. Now it's time to buy red plasti-dip for this one and the VF-25S.
  11. It's already the 25th in Asia. Any invoices?
  12. I'm planning on doing the same since I didn't have any Ghosts from before and this is the first time I'm going to purchase MacZero's valks (not to mention VF-0D). It would really be nice if they just include it as a set. The only thing that's stopping me from buying it is the price. Whenever I calculate the price, if I add a few more bucks, then I could just get the VF-1J/GBP bundle. Would VF-0S will not be complete if it didn't have the Ghost Booster? I guess, it's like asking yourself if VF-1's complete without the Super/Strike packs, right? Hahaha!
  13. Wow. Next week, right? Hope yen stays the same as this week. If it's going to drop more next week, the better. Just to save more bucks. And hopefully AmiAmi will deliver good this time again. Can't wait for another Guld-colored Valk once again. (Since most of the comments here were referencing it to Max, I will reference it this time to Guld. ) Make mine Arcadia! Hahaha!
  14. Love the color scheme of this one. Undecided though if I'm going to get it. For sure it would look nice together with a white Lucifer. Assuming that Bandai would release Mei's custom valk as well. For all we know, they might release Leon's 'minty fresh' Prophecy down the line just for kicks.
  15. @Mommar True. I'm also looking forward to see if the DX is more superior than the Arcadia coming this May. Actually, I'm thinking if I'm going to sell my extra one to fund my other PO's... but I DO REALLY LOVE Arcadia's YF-19.
  16. This one looks nice! Love the color. Though I still wish that it has a different head unit. @ChaoticYeti Not sure if it's game accurate. I don't remember seeing the Perceval with the bayonet. @chyll2 Are you referring to the first Perceval promo pics? I browsed some photos and some shots looks glossy and some kind of semi-gloss. Would be nice if it has the same finish as Chronos.
  17. I was so excited to learn about this coz I don't have any Legioss from before (MPC, CM's, Gakken). But good thing, I've read everyone's post here. Think I will pass since it's going to be the same mold as before.
  18. I see. So that's the final blue color. And lots of pointy edge as well. I might wear some gloves for handling this one then. Scratch my fingers before handling the YF-19's tailfins. Hehehe. So basically, what they're trying to say is there's going to be a lot of paint scratches going to happen if you transform this more than once or twice. I like to transform my Valks more than once or twice. But in fairness... this one looks sexy!
  19. Wow! That's a good news. But not sure which one to pick based on the price... stand alone Ghost Booster or VF-1J/GBP??? The dilemma... Hahaha!
  20. You're welcome. Like Valkyrie addict said, browse Mandarake or Yahoo Japan once in awhile for those. They pop up over there once in awhile. True. For sure, lots will sell it if they see that the Bandai one is more superior than the Arcadia one.
  21. @Ryoma Yeah, most of the online shop still sells it after the first release, assuming there's enough stock or stocks that was cancelled during the preorders. But be prepared that prices might go up after the initial release. Hope that helps.
  22. This looks cool. Any idea how big this is? Thanks.
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