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Everything posted by Valkyrie

  1. If you really want to make up with Nanashi, then just shut the hell up. Just drop the whole thing now. I think Shawn has just settled this matter, anyway. And if you really MUST have those pics on your page in some form, then ask Nanashi permission permission to link to his VS-XS page (not the pics) from your VS-XS page. I'm willing to bet he'd agree to that compromise.
  2. Couldn't agree more, Nanashi. But I must admit, I got a good laugh out of reading Rico's posts. I couldn't help but wonder... who was he trying to convince, Nanashi or himself?
  3. There's also many referances to some of Gainax's other works. Especially Gunbuster.
  4. Hell yea! Bring it on! And I'm still dying to see some of my VF-4 recasts built!!
  5. Translations are available here http://plaza.harmonix.ne.jp/~onizuka/literal/ The extra science lessons are at the beginning of volume 3. The science lessons are one of my favorite parts about Gunbuster. I love how they integrated real physics with all kinds of other physics principles that they made up. And to the layman, it'd be impossible to distinguish fact from fiction! A good example, from the first science lesson: Noriko: Space is not a vacuum, it's an ether field. And the temperature is not absolute zero, but three degrees kelvin due to black body radiation. (or something like that... I'm writing from memory, LOL. And USR completely screwed up the translations, of course) Now, that 3 degrees kelvin bit, that's true. It's been proven. The ether space theory, on the other hand, is crap. It's based on an old theory from the early 1900's. Back then, scientists figured that for light to travel from the sun to the earth, it must have a medium to propogate through. Just like sound needs an atmosphere in order to travel. So they figured space can't be a vacuum. There must be something in it. They didn't know what it was though. So they gave it an arbitrary name, ether. This was disproven decades ago. Light can indeed propgate through a vacuum. And so, I thought it was pretty funny that they took a century old disproven theory, declared it to be true, and based most of Gunbuster's physics around it
  6. There's a few good shots of the missiles in episode 3 you could use for referance.
  7. A fansub of episode 1 was released last night http://www.whzzz28.net/aozora/
  8. Nope... The image name, though generated by Yahoo, does not contain the item number. And even if it did, an auction from february would have been purged from the system months ago Here's a pic from a more recent auction I saw, dated 6/30/03. And, much to my amazement, I found the URL!! http://page5.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/e28138972 (you'll need a valid login to see it) starting bid: Y1 number of bids: 8 ending price: Y49000
  9. Silent Line seems really light on parts at first (unless you're bringing over a lof of parts from an AC3 save file), but there's actaully TONS of parts in that game! After you've played through a few levels (I want to say it's 6 or 7), you get a mail saying some ban has been lifted or something, and there's more parts available. And all of a sudden there's 5 times more parts to buy in the shop! Plus there's TONS of secret parts to get by playing the levels. All those parts are new for Silent Line. But a lot of them are really hard to get...
  10. There's been several. And they're also on that FTP, actaully. Have at em.
  11. Well, after 36 hours and much cursing, I managed to snag a raw japanese copy of Yukikaze episode 3 from WinMX (It's like Kazaa, only crappier, and japanese people use it). But it was worth it. It kicks much ass. No real dogfights in this episode, but some major story progression. And I think we'll all agree, it's something Yukikaze has needed badly Anyway, I threw it up on my FTP for some of you all to download it if you're half as impatient as I was. Only catch is that it can only have one user on at a time. So if you can't log in, try again later. Please don't slam me with retries. And like I said, it's raw. No subtitles. That having been said, here's the info. IP: login: yukikaze password: yousei I'll still be watching for fansubs like a hawk (dialog comprehension is always a good thing), and I'll post updates here if I find anything. Enjoy!
  12. You won't find those transformable Hasegawa models for sale there or anywhere else. Those are one-of-a-kind kit-bashes done by some very talented modelers in japan. The one exception is a garage kit by IHP, which can be used to make a VF-1 fighter transformable. But it's rare, expenseive, and rather hard to build.
  13. I've definitely gotta try that Alclad stuff. It looks like that's the primer I've been looking for! But what do you use to thin it? And does it go on pretty thin? Also, I've always had problems painting white over dark colors -- even gray primer. It always takes a ton of coats to get it to cover up all the color. I've been using Tamiya acrylics, and I've suspected that's part of my problem. It's like there just isn't enough pigment in it or something. Any advice would be much apreciated
  14. Looking good! I agree that the transition between the two gray colors is too subtle, but aside from that, it looks great. Very clean. I just hope I can do half as good a job on the Platz kit! BTW, episode 3 presents a rather interesting color variation of the Mave... I'd like to see you pull that one off
  15. The Club-M 1/72 YF-19 (which I own) comes with a fold booster. I've been wanting to recast it and adapt it for the haseawa and yamato valks for a while now, but the clear resin parts that attatch to it REALLY suck. The don't fit for crap. I want to fix them (or more likely, scratch-build replacements for them), but I haven't had the time or the will to do them yet
  16. I have yet to see a bad fansub of Yukikaze. And I think I've downloaded all of them, LOL! The DVDs at valk exchange and everywhere else are bootlegs. And from what I've heard, they all have piss-poor subs. Don't waste your money. Download the fansubs. BTW, being the impatient Yukikaze fanboy that I am, I've resorted to trying to download a raw japanese encode of episode 3 to tide me over til the fansubs are out. People have it on WinMX, but downloading anything on winmx is an enormous pain in the ass...
  17. The stars indicate decals that have to be applied at that step. For example, you have to apply the decal on top of the pilot's seat in step one, because you won't be able to do so after you put the canopy on, which you do in step two.
  18. The horizontal scrolling thing has been the one thing I don't like about the new forums. I find it incredibly annoying. Is there any way to fix it by only resizing the frame of the post the pic is in, like it was on the previous forums? A maximum pic size would work too... but that'd have to be implemented for both attatched and linked images. And I have no idea if either are possible to limit by image size.
  19. Hmm, now that I think about it, I'm only REALLY a completist of the Yukikaze resin kits! Though I've also been trying to collect all of the Gunbuster mecha and ship resin kits from General Products (and I'm doing pretty good, considering how rare they are ) As far as Macross stuff goes, I pretty much just buy the stuff that interest me (and even of those, I'll often have to pass on the ones I can't afford). I've got a pretty good collection of resin kits going, but they're mostly just bits and pieces of the various companies' series of kits. I guess you could say I have a very diverse collection And hell, I never even bothered to keep up a complete collection of Hasegawa valks! I probably have about half of them.
  20. I'm fairly certain it will be digisubbed. Hell, no less than three groups have subbed and released Gundam Seed ep 45, even under threat of legal action by Bandai. Take a look at the new bittorrent releases on anime.mircx.com (which lists liscensed titles), and compare it to the releases at animesuki.com (which doesn't), and you'll see just how much liscensed stuff is being released... Now, I'm not saying I support the fansubbing of liscensed titles... I'm just saying it's happening. And in the case of Yukikaze, I shall set my morals aside for a bit, cause I'm dying to see the next episode
  21. It was announced months ago that Bandai holds the US rights, but as far as I know, no release dates have been set. But whenever they come out, I'll be first in line to buy em! Cause as much big a Yukikaze fan as I am, I can't afford the R2 DVDs By the way, episode 3 should be being released in japan right about now!! I can't wait for someone to put out a digisub!
  22. No, this is a new Minmay Guard design. It first appeared in the august issue of model graphix.
  23. < yawn > ho-hum . . . . Seriously though, that's some good information. Even the most advanced of techniques are just variations of what Fulcy's got there.
  24. I'm in the market for a YS 1/100 VF-11 battroid. I wanna adapt the IHP armor for it
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