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Everything posted by Valkyrie

  1. The one you mention is the reason I said that the subs USUALLY don't suck. The initial AJ release of episode 2 has been the one exception, LOL. There's a good reason why they managed to pump out that release the day after the DVD came out In my experience, i've found that most fansub groups (again, AJ being the big exception) put out very good digisubs with excelent translations. I can understand if your PC sucks, or if you're on dial-up... and yea, it's nice to be able to watch them on TV (though that's possible too, either by making an SVCD or with a video card with a s-video output). DVDs of course, are an option too. I'm sure the video is a straight rip of the R2 disc, so the video has gotta be good. But of course the subs are gonna suck on the bootlegs. I mean... they're bootlegs!
  2. Ummm... Sure. If you say so. <_< Doesn't answer my question though. If the subs suck, then why do you keep buying them? And by the way, don't go hot-linking images from other sites.
  3. I don't get it... why are you all so dependant on bootleg DVDs? Just download the digisubs. They're free, good quality, and the subs (usually) don't suck.
  4. The FA-2 Fand II is the freaky-lookin' blue fighter from episode 2. Took me a while to figure that one out. I thought the official romanization was 'Fern'.
  5. Still no news on the fansub front.... And it's been almost a month since the DVD came out But on the bright side, HLJ has listed a bunch of new 1/144 pre-painted planes, due out in december http://www.hlj.com/cgi-perl/hljlist.cgi?Se...ry=SciOth&Dis=2
  6. Hey, Giant Robo was really good!! But my recomendations would be Gunbuster, Perfect Blue, or anything by Studio Ghibli.
  7. If you have the means, snadblasting would be the best way to go. And the next best would probably be a wire brush. And I don't know for certain which, if any paints would cause oxidation. But to be sure, you could always just use Rustoleum as your primer
  8. Not as far as I know. I've never seen the instruction sheet from that kit.
  9. Well, first of all, know that the original Bandai kit is of the Nexx VF-2SS custom. It's a bit different than the normal VF-2SS w/ SAP. He's got a custom gunpod that is stowed in the right leg's fast pack. So that leg pack is also custom. It's got that big cutout to hold the gunpod, but because of that, it's missing a few missile clusters. Got all that? Good. Now, from what I can tell, the second B-Club upgrade set serves two purposes. The first is a detail-up. It comes with better hands, and a better Nexx-type gunpod. Second is parts to build it as a normal VF-2SS. So it also comes with the standard gunpod, and the leg fast pack without the cutout. And finally, it comes with one 'Squire' attack pod (called an 'Automatic Shooting Bit on the box). But it doesn't make much sense for them to have included only one, because in the anime, each VF-2 controlled like 8 of em. They followed them around kinda like the options in Gradius
  10. Ack... you mean MIM has taken payment for thier VF-4 orders and hasn't shipped them?? That really sucks! If they were still showing up as pre-orders on thier web site, it might be a little different... but that's unacceptable!
  11. Patience, young jedi For what it's worth, it's at the top of my recast priority list
  12. Those pics make it look like a whole 'nother game! Very impressive! Does it look anywhere near that good when you play it on a PS2?
  13. The various materials all have thier pros and cons. Injection kits are usually relatively cheap. The steel molds used to make them are very expensive to produce, but the kits are mass produced, so they're usually easy to find and fairly cheap when they're still in production. Levels of detail and accuracy vary greatly. Anywhere from crappy (Arii) to magnificent (Hasegawa). Resin, on the other hand, is completely different. First and foremost, the big advantage is variety. There's resin kits out there of MANY Macross subjects that have never been done in plastic (for example, I can think of 7 different VF-4 resin kits off the top of my head. There's never been a VF-4 plastic kit.) Detail levels vary greatly here as well, as can accuracy. But I've seen very few Macross resin kits that are noticably inaccurate. Also, resin kits are almost always cast solid, unlike most injection kits. So they can be very solid and hefty, unlike hollow, flimsy injection kits. The prices are considerably higher, but that's often because they're limited run kits. And the time and money (in mold material and casting resin) that go into them necessitate the high pricetags. In both cases, sizes can vary greatly. Both resin and injection kits can be very small or very large (though large resin kits are VERY expensive) But like I mentioned earlier, the biggest advantage of resin kits is variety. If there's never been a model of some mecha, and you want to make one, then you, yourself can make and sell a resin kit of it. You just need a bit of sculpting talent, and some resin casting skilz
  14. Short answer: no. Except the YS 1/100 GBP, Hobbyfan has a recast listed on thier site. Injection plastic kits are generally impractical to recast. The thin parts don't suit resin well, and the costs involved would make the recasts more expensive than the original kit. And I have yet to see recasts of any transformable Macross kits. There's just too many small parts. The recasts would cost as much as the originals.
  15. FYI, you can download it with bittorrent also. 'L33t Raws' has it on thier site, complete with subtitles (though you have to download the subs seperately) http://www.18more.net:6969/index.html?search=wonderful
  16. You can get an excelent raw of it here http://www.saiyaman.info/bt/ But yes, still no fansubs
  17. Cooool.... looks like they have a meeting this saturday. I'll have to try and make it. It's a bit of a trek tho. Like 30 miles from me.
  18. Wow, that's some nice work. But I think the 21 would look better if they finish wasn't so flat. And could you post some info on that modeling group? I want in on it
  19. I agree that it can be useful for legit purposes, but it pisses me off when I see people abusing it. So, is there any compromise we can reach? Like maybe enabling it only in the sale/trade forums? Limiting frequency of use allowed? Implementing some sort of punishment for blatent abuse? Anything? And just out of curiosity, is there any way for mods to revert a post back to its original, unedited form?
  20. Those are actually pretty rare Good find!
  21. What you're talking about is a milling machine, not a lathe. Lathes would be utterly useless in making molds I have a small bench lathe, and I'm hopefully going to be getting a mill sometime in the near future. But they're just tools for scratch-building. Making injection molds is still way beyond me. And I really don't need the to do injection stuff, anyway. Everything I need to do, I can do with silicone.
  22. Real sorry to hear that, man.... Best of luck in finding a new job... and I hope you won't have to resort to selling any of your collection to raise funds (that always hurts...)
  23. ewwww... for a 'cartoon-passion' recast, 1/10th that, tops. They're all over ebay, and from what I've heard, thier recasts are total crap.
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