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Everything posted by the_foul_fowl

  1. I like the Pixie's a lot too! Still don't know how they fit into the Q-Raus though, looks very unconfortable! I just hope Pixie squadron/flight(?) doesn't go the way of the Shrikes in Victory Gundam.
  2. I found the buildup of tension and the intercutting between the SMS fleet and Shery's concert pretty well done actually. Probably the highlight of the whole ep The sensor pods the RVF-171s launched... long range comms with the Frontier fleet perhaps? After this ep, can't help but feel Alto and Sheryl seem more suited to each other than Ranka and Alto.
  3. Actually, that scene in the OP left me wanting for more. I always thought that we'd have a full on 4-on-3 matchup in the series, but it didn't happen, did it? I pretty much only remember the scene where Exia and Virtue got into a battle with 1 or 2 of the thrones, but nothing more than that... i think!
  4. Those are the K&M Macross figures released a few years back. Sorta 'transformable', but lots of parts removal. The pic is interesting cos it shows figs from both series 1 and 2 together. May be a possible re-release, can we get the source of the pic to verify?
  5. Aye, also the two pointy ends on the head seemed to be joined via a thin arc-like structure, via the website pics. Could be some sorta enhanced antenna thingamajig.
  6. I am eagerly awaiting dialogue from the bunnies, cos of their seiyuus. Monica is by Tanaka Rie and Mina's voiced by Hirano Aya (of Haruhi/Konata.LuckyStar) fame!!!
  7. Given that (manga spoiler) wouldn't it be an ultimate homage if, say in the penultimate battle scene, valks from across Macross history appear in a desperate last ditch battle? Just imagine, VF-1s, VF-4s, VF-11s, VF-19s, VF-22s and everything else, flying in formation in a final assault! Ah, I can dream, can't it?
  8. Yes! That would round up the Gurren stuff nicely, though I could wish for a Kamina as well!
  9. More pics here: http://ga.sbcr.jp/mgangu/009713/ So full of win, love the inclusion of the pin point barrier pieces. Last para on link, if I read it correctly, it's saying that "as a bonus, a part of the Gurren Wings will be included in the Razangan. By collecting the two wings which will be included in a later (undisclosed) set, you'll be able to form the flight version of Gurren Lagann". The article doesn't say with which fig or set the 2 wings will be packaged with.
  10. You know, I've been wondering on that too... perhaps he'll be the 'dying leader'?
  11. I agree, if there's anything, it's too obvious that cally's getting airlocked that most likely she won't! (er, if that makes any sense) Remember the full dress scene in the previous ep? There was ample speculation that Starbuck shot Roslyn and that was her funeral ceremony... But I'm pretty sure we're gonna see a few characters dying. Roslyn's almost a given. At this point in time, I'm really curious to see if she's the dying leader. Would be a major mindfrack for her if she really doesn't turn out to be the one!
  12. What. no Bobby Margot? It'll be a twist to the whole competition! Bobby as the new Miss Macross!
  13. thanks to OP for bringing this show to my attention. Just watched the first 2 eps and I'm liking it already. It's got an 'old world, feel good' atmosphere so far. It does a feel a lot like Last Exile but at a slower pace. Reminds me a lot of Indiana Jones too, somehow. Music is great as well. I guess the best thing that can be said about it is that's it's a refreshing change from typical mecha/supernatural/superhero anime that I'm following. I'll be following this one.
  14. Hmm, I'm at a quandary. I still don't have a VF-1S. Should I wait for the 1/60 one, or get a 1/48 one? Currently my puny VF-1 collection consists of 1x Fast Pack, 1x Low Vis 2 , 1x Super/Strike Stealth, basically a 1A and a 1J. Roy's VF-1S would round up my collection and go with my FAST packs, but the 1/60 one looks good too. Would you guys still go ahead and get a 1/48 Roy if you didn't have one now?
  15. Possible. I seen some discussion on other forums that the cockpits of GN drive equipped MS are in the crotch area rather than the chest area. And that lingering shot of the lower half of the GN-X floating away could be a hint...
  16. wow...i really love how good the armored vf-25 looks in all 3 modes! Excellent!
  17. Aye... I've been itching to get a PS3, and a PS3 version of AC6 could be the final nudge...
  18. More pics from Wonderfest. Think these haven't been seen before? http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/009376/ Undercarriage sure looks sexy... that didn't turn out too right!
  19. The Alter one... this one yeah? http://www.tmpanime.com/index.php?main_pag...roducts_id=1831 I think it's got the best motoko head sculpt out of everything else that's been released. If only the upcoming RAH was based on this figure... S/w for Tachikoma, not sure but prob in Japanese?
  20. Did anyone pick this up? review: http://www.onesixthwarriors.com/forum/showthread.php?t=78174 hlj: http://www.hlj.com/cgi-perl/tanoue/freedom...?Code=BAN950847 The Bandai tachikoma chogokin. From the review, it seems to be mainly die-cast, though a bit small. Electronic functions are so-so too. Approx 13000 yen. Still, strangely tempted by this... looks like a fun, if expensive, desktop item. Will prob irritate the hell out of your co-workers!
  21. I kinda think the question would be how well Kaiyodo can translate non-anime characters into revy format. Everything they've done so far has been anime/game-based or non-human characters i think, so would be interesting to see how Apone or Hicks looks like anime-ized.
  22. color doesn't look that bad actually... cept for the ninja turtle-colored pilot
  23. price is... 12k yen? Not too bad, for it's size about 14cm, should compare well wit the 1/100 Gundam GFF, the mixed metal/abs whose series I can't rem right now :doh:
  24. Perhaps more than 3x MSRP, cos the way I see it, most likely it'll be 3x3 of the regular ones, and 1 mode of the secret per box of 10. To really complete a set of 12, you'd need... 3 boxes thereabouts. Would be fun to play around on the desk at work though...
  25. Aliens in the Revy line... Predators too? Can you imagine all the Revy vs Alien, Dante vs Alien, Saber vs Alien poses once the Alien Revys are out? :thumbs:
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